‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing

Treinta y Cuatro

My eighteenth birthday had finally come, and I woke up in my bed, in my house, where I was living with my parents and little sister for the first time in a long while. Cheyenne, was still staying over at Jack's house house for the time being. I walked downstairs after getting dressed and was greeted by the smell of waffles and my dad, smiling at me. He kissed the side of my head, cheerfully saying happy birthday. I smiled at him and said thank you before helping myself to waffles, fruit, syrup, and whipped cream.

"What are your plans for today Addison Sophia?" he asked me, setting his plate down on the table across from me.

"Hang out with the girls and guys, hopefully not too much. I told them I didn't want to have a huge party."

"Well, I'm sure they won't have a huge party if you told them you didn’t want to. But go and have fun, okay sweetie?"

"I will daddy." I grinned. "So, where are my presents?"

"You'll have to wait to get them Addie." He smiled at me. "You'll get them when your mom and sister are up and after they have eaten breakfast."

"No fun." I laughed. "I'll be up in my room then, call me when I get presents!"

Upstairs in my room, I took out my phone and messed around with it before turning on my new laptop and began to typ furiously into my story, the same one with Remy, I was really proud that I hadn't finished it yet. I had gotten at least ten pages written by the time my family knocked on my door, telling me I could open my presents now. My smile broadened as I followed them downstairs where I saw a small stack of presents from them.

Slowly, I opened Faye's first, thanking her for the new Sims game. Then I got new Nikes from my parents and also a new CD. Then my mom handed me a small, square box, that I opened carefully. I lifted out a delicate silver necklace that my mom had worn everyday that I could remember. I looked at her quizzically.

"This necklace has been in the family for generations Addison." She smiled. "It goes to the first born girl in the family on their eighteenth birthday."

"I love it." I said. "I always have."

I gave my parents another hug and then another one to Faye as well. The doorbell rang right after my mom latched the necklace onto me; Faye ran to answer it, returning moments later in the arms of Jack and Alex, trying to get down from them. I laughed and ran to get them to put her down.

"Jack, Alex, put Faye down or I'll kick your asses."

"Like you could hurt me." Alex scoffed

My dad gave me a look, which I returned with an innocent smile; when he turned away, I kneed him in his area, causing him to groan and drop my sisters legs, which I quickly caught and helped her stand up before she slapped Jack, then Alex. I grinned at her, giving her a high five. Jack and Alex both groaned and muttered about me warping her mind. I smiled at them before answering the door for the Zack, Brie, Rian, Kara, and Cheyenne. They all smirked at me before hugging me tightly, to the point of bruising me.

"Hey, guys, can you let go of me now?" I gasped out.

"Nope." Brie said, her voice just as muffled as mine had been.

"Y'all suck." I laughed. I pushed themm all off of me and stalked into the living room, but they followed me. "So you didn't plan a huge party for me, did you?"

"No, Zack said, kissing my cheek. "You didn't want one. So you're coming over to my house for awhile and then we're coming back here. We're having a pizza party, sleepover for you eighteenth birthday."

"Sounds like my eighth birthday." I smiled. "And my tenth, and twelfth."

"Well, you've never had one like this one." Brie laughed. "Trust me…we had one for my birthday last year."

"I am a little scared for this now. I cannot fathom what it is that you could even possibly think of doing at simple pizza party, sleepover. Unless you're a bunch of twelve year old girls like my sister."

"I'm thirteen!" Faye called from the kitchen. "You missed my birthday."

"I did nothing of the sort. I sent you a present and a card; I even called you that evening."

"Yeah, but you weren't there, Addie. I was in Washington whereas you were here, in Maryland."

"I can't believe I missed your thirteenth like that." I sighed.

"It's cool, well, I'm going upstairs to be an angsty teenager and complain about not knowing anyone."

"Don't be such a drama queen, Faye. Tomorrow we'll find you some friends."

During this time, everybody but Zack had disbanded from my house and he was tugging,ever so gently, on my hand and towards the door. My eyes focused in on his and watched as his face contorted into sheer, eagerness. I felt the corners of my lips strain upwards as I fought to keep them down, having him thinking he wouldn't be having legal sex with me for the first time in awhile. I followed him out to the car, keeping my laughter myself and letting him think still that there would be no sex, until halfway to his house. He had drove over, and when I put my hand on his inner thigh, he wasn't appreciative, instead he told me to move it- which I did: up and over to the left, directly onto where his penis would be.

He groaned and was trying his damnedest to keep his focus on the road and not my hand hovering on his dick. Zack squirmed and I pressed down slightly on his package, getting pleasure out of seeing him squirm. Once the car was safely parked in his driveway he jumped out of the car and ran into the his own home, me following at a slower pace, laughing at his issue. When I found him in his room he was alredy stripped and had lit some candles, the light out. I grinned and slid out of my jeans and threw off my top, allowing Zack to work on getting me out of my bra and panties, just like any other time. I picked up a condom off the floor and put it on for him, slowly, running my hands over his cock teasingly.

"You're such a tease Soph!" he growled.

"Feisty tonight Zachary," I grinned. "I like it."

He grabbed me suddenly and pushed me onto the bed attaching his lips to mine and plunged into me. Biting down on his lower lip I bucked my hips and let my hands run through his soft hair.

"Oh come on Zack," I moaned. "You can do better then this."

"I'll do it ten times better than I've ever given you." He whispered in my ear before biting down on my lobe. I moaned out sultrily and pushed myself over him more and let him start to bite down on mu jugular. He shimmed his way out of me and brought his mouth to my vagina, biting around the edges, and then letting his tongue roam around inside of me.

"Zack, oh my God fuck me. Get inside me, scream my name."

"Addison Sophia!" he screamed when he reentered me.

"Oh, oh, oh." I moaned. "Faster, come on, get faster!"

Zack quickly moved in me faster, rubbing me in all the right places. My nails dug into his shoulder blades as I kissed him roughly on the lips. I ran my tounge around his lips and pulled away, taunting him as I kissed his jugular and down his chest and abdomen, finally, reaching his penis, and not even touching it, I went back to his mouth, letting him come back inside of me. I felt myself climax and I whispered in his ear that I was coming, he nodded, telling me it was fine, and moments later I felt a substance come out of my vagina, and Zack pulled out, taking off his sticky rubber, and kissed me again.

"Best, birthday present ever, Zack." I giggled through my shallow breath.

"I know," he grinned cheekily. "I mean you got to have sex with me!"

"Thinking high of yourself now." I teased, pulling on my panties. "Come on, we got to get back soon, right?"

"Sadly." He smirked. "We do need to go though. To make this the best birthday ever."

I rolled my eyes and finised getting dressed, and brushed my hair so it wouldn't look dishelmed when we got back to my house. Both of my parents were gone when we got there, Faye told me they went over to aunt Michelle and uncle Dan's. I nodded and left her alone in her room; I felt bad for her moving over here at the start of summer. Downstairs, I was greeted by not only Zack, but everybody else- I swear, they can appear out of thin air. I jumped in surprise and they all laughed, before tossing me presents.

"Gifts!" I squealed, opening them one by one.

"Thanks guys." I said, referring to the presents they had given me: an autographed Fall Out Boy album (Alex), a book (Cheyenne), a bracelet (Kara), lotions (Brie), a shirt (Jack), fish (Rian), and twelve roses and tickets to see The Academy Is… (Zack).

"It's hard to believe that you've been here for a year Addie." Alex said.

"I know." I sighed. "It's really hard to believe. But you know, I am so glad I stayed."

"So am I." Zack sighed. He pulled me in closer to him and kissed the top of my head.

"All of us are." Kara broke in. "Same with Cheyenne."

"Thanks!" Cheyenne grinned.

"After this, it's for damn sure that most everything will change." Brie added glumly.

"Hey, now gloominess today. It's a happy day, my eighteenth birthday."

Everybody laughed at my attempt to change the subject, and gradually we did. Pizza was eaten and movies were watched, a smile on our faces, and laughter ringing through the room. I seemed surreal that I had been here this long when it feels like I got here just yesterday, whereas it had been a year and three days. I hoped to make it be longer, with the exception of touring with the boys. This life keeps me guessing.
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Now would be the time to tell me who subscribed to this story so I can thank you.
The last chapter will be out today.
Who else thinks I write sex too much?
