‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing


It was Tuesday night and I was in my room, browsing around on the computer, procrastinating on my homework for once. There wasn't much, English and Science only, besides, it wasn't even that late, it was before dinner after all. A knock came on my door, distractedly I called for them to come in. I finished up what I had been reading and turned to see who had entered my room. Jack.

"Hey Jack," I sighed. "What's up?"

"I really think I may have made a mistake Addison Sophie."

"With Brie?" I questioned. "Why do you think you made a mistake?"

"I love her!" He exclaimed. "I was dumb and foolish, I broke up with her over one large fight! Seriously Ad, that was one of the dumbest things I think I have ever done. And I have done a lot of stupid things."

"You have." I said flatly. "What are you going to do?"

"That's the thing, I have no fucking clue. I want Brie back but I don't know who to get her back."

"So you come to me for help?"

"Yeah. Come on Addie you are one of her best friends, you've got to know whether or not I have a chance."

I bit my lip, that was true, I would know if he had a chance or not. Jack was looking at me anxiously, waiting for me to reply to him. His eyes were showing desperation and grief, like something in him had died. Since their break up yesterday, he had not smiled or cracked a joke. He hadn't even said a sentence starting with "Wouldn't it suck if…", to be honest, it was a little scary.

"Okay, I will help you." I told him, making him smile. "But, it's all you. I will help you figure out how to get her back, but it has to involve only you."

"Deal." He hugged me. "You are the best cousin in the world. Hands down."

"I know."

The two of us sat down on my bed and began to brainstorm ideas for Jack to get Brie back. I am positive that anything he does will get her to date him again, but he wants everything to be perfect. I thought it was sweet how much he would do for her, that's exactly how I would want my boyfriend to be; luckily, Zack is that way. Everybody has flaws, they're what make us all unique, even if most people fit into such cliché categories, look the same, like the same things, everybody is different. Imperfections can make somebody fall in love, I think that this is the case for Brie and Jack.

"So you think my imperfections are what make Brie love me?" he asked doubtfully.

"Yes, I do. Sing her song, saying you want her back, Jack."

"But I am horrible at singing!" He protested.

"Flaws Jack, imperfection!" I said agitatedly. "Just because you can't shouldn't stop you. She'll love it."

"If you're sure." He said uncertainly.

"Just trust me Jack attack, I know what I'm talking about!"

He laughed slightly and hugged me again, thanking me profusely for helping him with his Brie situation. There was no real trouble with helping him, he is my cousin after all. And she is one of my best friends. My aunt Michelle called us down for dinner just moments later, claiming if we didn't get down there soon our food would go to the dog. I pointed out as I took my seat that we didn't have a dog, causing her to laugh and say that she would feed it to the neighbors cat Boris then. My uncle, laughed at that as Cheyenne came to the table looking confused.

"What happened?"

"My mom is going to feed food to Boris."

"Who?" she asked, helping herself to the fish.

"The neighbors cat."

"Oh, gotcha."

"So how was your kids' day?" Uncle Dan asked us.




"Still don't have her back yet, Jack?"

"Not yet, pops." Jack sighed. "Soon though."

"Well don't let her get away next time son. Brie's a good looking girl, she can get picked up easily."

"Not helping dad!" Jack groaned.

"Girls, here's a lesson for you," My aunt said. "Don't make the boy jealous."

"Sweet advice auntie." I grinned. "I have no reason to make anyone jealous though."

"Neither do I." Cheyenne smiled. "I have a good guy."

My aunt and uncle joined in on the laughter that Jack and I made at the end of Cheyenne's comment. Alex was a good guy in general, a man whore, but someone there for you if you ever fell. How he and Cheyenne got along so well was beyond all of us; although they had been fighting lately. Cheyenne was promiscuous on a level higher than Alex, and she had only ever had one steady boyfriend before him. We were twelve. Alex had tried to have steady girlfriends before, but after each on hurt him intensely, he turned to one night stands; that is, until Cheyenne came into the picture. It mystified us all; including the two of them I believe.

Dinner ended not too long later and I was doing the dishes. Cheyenne had retreated to her room to do some homework she needed to catch up on and Jack was in his room trying to find the perfect song. It awed me that my aunt and uncle were going out on a Tuesday, they both had to work in the morning, but I remembered that it was for one of uncle Dan's coworkers, he was leaving I think. I turned the TV up so I could hear it in the kitchen and danced around to the music that was playing. I ran up into my room the second I was done, wanting to finish my homework quickly, I was drained.

Halfway through the science questions I was finishing, I was biting the end of my pencil and humming slightly, discouraged that I didn't know the answer. I prided myself for keeping an A-B average at school, getting B's in only math and science, so I often would get discouraged about things like this. Sighing, I sat up and picked up my notebook and textbook, pencil still in my mouth, I walked down to Cheyenne's room. She was pretty good at science. I knocked on her door and waited impatiently for her to come out, so she could help me.


"I need help."

"Science?" she laughed. "Come in."

I flopped down on her bed and showed her what I couldn’t figure out. Within minutes Cheyenne was explaining to me the answer and why it couldn't possibly be close to Neon, which is what I thought for sure the answer may be. I sighed and buried my head into her pillow sighing agitatedly.

"Seriously Addie," Cheyenne giggled. "It's not that bad to not know everything."

"I know, but this stuff should be like, really easy!"

"Well, it is, to me," she said. "But Addie, you're good at like everything else! You can't have it all."

"I wish I could." I sighed.

"There would be no fun in that though," she told me. "Without some downfalls, you can't build yourself up to be great."

"That is really deep Chey." I looked at her oddly.

"Hey now," she said. "I may not be as smart as you, but I'm not dumb."

"I know you're not Chey."

Cheyenne was quite for what seemed like hours, just sitting on her bed with her knees brought to her chest. Her eyes showed that she was elsewhere and her facial expression was contemplative. I went back to my work, knowing that if she had something to tell me, she would tell me when he was ready. It was a few minutes later when she spoke.

"I did something terrible Addie." She said quietly. "I don't even know why I did. I've been so happy but it was as if I was missing out on something."

"What did you do?" I asked. She looked away from me and didn't say anything.

"Nothing." She stated. "Never mind."

I looked at her, picking my things up and leaving the room. Before I left, I turned around. "If you need to talk, you know where I'll be."

"I know." She whispered. "I know."

Still she didn't call after me to say what was on her mind. And I didn't go back, demanding that she tell me. The friendship we had built had trust in it just like all good ones did. Jack's door was open as I walked on by, he called out to me.

"Yeah, Jack?"

"What song do you think Brie would want me to sing?"

"Whatever one that means the most from you Jack. I can't help you there."

He tried to protest but I was already in my room, closing the door with a dull, but still present thud. I heard him say something loudly and could only infer that he was saying something rude about, or towards, me. I didn't even bother going to find out was said, instead, I turned up my music and began to write a vivid story about death and a pair of hopeless romantics. The people who have been privileged enough to read my writing have called it sadistic, but sweet, enticing, captivating in such an odd manor. Sweet comments I think, that is exactly what I think of my writing.

The clock was ticking away, seemingly fast, soon enough it was eleven and I was practically falling asleep at the computer. I turned it off and climbed into bed after changing, all to aware of what would be going on tomorrow. All of the drama that would unfold due to immature antics and the saving of a relationship.
♠ ♠ ♠
So much writing!
Oh my God, I seriously like can't stop.
If I want to finish this on time at least.
Another chapter will be out later.
