‹ Prequel: Just Say Anything

Keep Me Guessing


When I woke up the next morning, I was wearing a smile on my face; my dream had been good. Quickly, I showered and changed, before allowing Jack entrance to the bathroom, then back in my room, I switched shirts, claiming the other one didn't feel right. I skipped downstairs and found a bowl of cereal at my place, with my aunt Michelle sitting down as well. She turned to smile at me as she ate her own bowl of grape nuts.

"Morning aunt Michelle!" I chirped. "Thanks for the cereal."

"Someone's happy this morning." She mused. "What's the occasion?"

"I just feel well rested and had a good dream."

"Really now," she took a sip of coffee. "What was it about?"

"I was back in Tacoma and it was pouring, I was sitting at this little park I used to go to and was just sitting down, letting the rain fall on me. I remember I was feeling sad, and Zack came out of nowhere and brought me back here and I met Fall Out Boy."

"That sounds like a great dream sweetie." She smiled. "I better get going, tell Jack and Cheyenne I said goodbye, will you?"

"Will do. Bye auntie!"

I had finished my cereal before Cheyenne came out of her room, dressed and looking tired. She mumbled a sleepy "hello", and poured a bowl of lucky charms, finishing half of it before Jack came down and inhaled apple jacks. I laughed at the two of them; Cheyenne for being so tired and not realizing she had poured orange juice into her cereal, and Jack for being so giddy. Both of them swatted me half heartedly, but knew I was only messing with them. For the second time that week, we drove past Brie's house, not bothering to stop to let her in the car, she had asked me to tell Jack not to come by. I saw how he grimaced and his eyes grew dull as the car kept going, but he tried to hide it.

"It'll be okay Jack attack." I whispered.

"I hope so."

We were the last ones to arrive to the school, except, Brie and Kara weren't standing with Alex, Zack, and Rian when we got there. Rian whispered low in my ear that they had went off for awhile, Brie didn't want to face Jack. I sighed and leaned up against Zack, his arm snaked it's way around me, holding on tight at my waist. A smile wormed it's way onto my face, I stood on my tiptoes slightly to kiss his cheek, but he turned before I could, attaching his lips to mine. I pulled away, playfully shoving him back.

"Zack, who said I wanted to kiss you like that?"

"Nobody, but I figured it would be better than you just getting my cheek."

"I guess it was." I giggled.

Bell rang and I pranced to class with Jack, Alex, and Cheyenne, trailing a few steps behind me, pretending they didn't know me. I took my designated seat next to Cheyenne and placed my notebook on the desk. Mrs. Grant began to drone on about the proper techniques of writing an essay, since she had gotten a few less than perfect ones from the last time. For once in my life, I was contemplating putting my head on my desk and falling asleep, but decided against it when I thought that Mrs. Grant would probably hurt me. My assumption on the first day had been right: Mrs. Grant did not get along with Cheyenne nor I. She also wasn't pleased with Jack and Alex's conduct or there lack of skills in their work. It was a long period, consisting of note passing between the four of us, outburst from the four of us, and detentions for the four of us.

Spanish class came next and I realized that today was going to be far more torturous than normal. Sarah was talking to her friend Jaime fiercely when I walked in, casting looks at Zack once in awhile, giving me the usual disgusted looks they had.I sat down, giving them a spiteful look back before I kissed Zack.

"I am starting to wonder if you kiss me in this class just because you love me or if you do it to show Sarah what she can't have." He laughed.

"A little of both." I smirked. "Now pay attention, class is starting."


"But I'm your geek."

Doña was talking in rapid Spanish, I listened intently in an attempt to catch up and all that she had been saying. I caught the gist of what she had said before and realized that we were going to do book work today. I was bilingual in Spanish, I could speak, write, and read it fluently, so this was as easy as a businessman is cheap. Zack wasn't exactly fluent in Spanish, so he struggled at times, but still he was great to work with.

As much fun as Spanish class is, with Sarah talking too loud, and draping herself over Zack, and me, getting her to back off, I was relieved when the bell rang, dismissing me to math. Ten minutes into the class, the bell rang, dismissing us to lunch, I was sure that this would be the time that Jack would get her back together, just another flaw in the plan; there was no way he could have done it late in the night. Instead of bringing his electric guitar to music, he brought his acoustic. Even I didn't know what he was going to play for her.

"Addie," He ran up to me, out of breath and looking scared. "I need you to distract anyone that will be around Brie. You help her Ri, she has to be alone when I do this."

"No problem Jack." I told him. "We'll do the distracting."

"Thanks!" He said, rushing off to our normal place.

I exchanged looks with Rian and we dashed off to the English classes, lucky to see Brie walking with Kara. Rian nodded and took Kara aside, nothing unusual, but now it was my time to get Brie to get to the place.

"Hey, Brie, I got to go talk to my English teacher, go on without me, kay?"

"Okay, that's fine."

Rian and Kara had already disappeared and I saw them walking down the hall with Alex, Cheyenne, and Zack, looking accomplished. I ran towards them and we snuck around, able to see Jack and Brie clearly from where we stood, and to put it lightly Brie looked pissed. Jack began to strum something on the guitar, and opened his mouth to sing. She had turned to walk away but stopped dead in her tracks and turned back to look at him. It looked like she was holding back a smile, and when he finished the song, neither said anything right after. Jack's lips were moving again and Brie nodded her head, hugging him. He smiled and kissed her.

"Am I good, or am I good?" I laughed.

"The "or" sounds pretty good." Alex teased.

"Shut up Alex, nobody asked you."

"You did, you asked anyone."

"Shut up!"

"Make me."

"Cheyenne, kiss him to make him be quiet."

He smirked as Cheyenne pressed her lips gently to his; Zack, Rian, Kara, and I looked away pointedly. Zack sat down on a table, pulling me onto his lip, tickling me, making me giggle. My giggle was what broke Cheyenne and Alex away from each other, boh giving me odd looks due to how high the giggle I emitted was. My cheeks turned a rosy color and I buried my head in my hands, getting a laugh from everyone. Jack and Brie made no effort to try and find us, we didn't go out to them either, figuring they needed more alone time. The bell rang and I walked back to math with Rian.

"I can't wait for Halloween Ri!" I said excitedly.

"Why is that Addie?" he asked me, scribbling answers on his paper.

"I get to dress up!"

"You do know we're going to a Halloween party, right?"

"Are you saying it's not a costume party?"

"No it is." He laughed. "What are you going to be?"

"That m'dear, is a surprise."

He laughed and I joined in, getting a look from Mr. Watkins. Quickly I began to do the math, knowing he would come over soon to check on how much I had gotten done. I had finished my work before he did that and started on the homework, not finishing it before the bell rang, dismissing me to creative writing. Alex was already sitting there, his feet propped up on my desk, when I walked into the class.

"Feet off, Al." I muttered. "We're still on for Saturday, right?"

"Yep, how could we not be? I get to spend a whole part of the day with the cool Barakat."

"And I get to spend it with my best friend." I grinned. "So when's band practice?"

"Today after school and sometime next week."

"Addison, Alex, if you will stop talking, I can teach the class."

"Sorry Mrs. Klein." We said in unison.

I was dreading going to science next for two reasons: 1, there was a test, and 2, Brie could probably hurt me if something went wrong earlier, without getting noticed. Gently my leg bounced up and down, going unnoticed by me until Alex pointed it out. I whispered back to him that I was just nervous and that was a nervous habit. He patted my knee and told me that it would be fine, there was no way I could fail.

When the bell rang again, indicating it was time to go to the last class of the day, I walked there slowly with Alex, almost being late. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Brie sitting in her normal place in science, knowing that they were back together now, there was no denying it. She looked at me as I walked in, but made no sound, the bell rang and Ms. Frasier was talking. However she looked at me and mouthed out "I'll deal with you later." I smirked and shook my head.

Zack was sitting next to me, tapping his pencil on the table rhythmically, something you would normally catch Rian doing. I grasped onto my pencil and began a different beat than his, laughing slightly when he gave me a look. I should probably have been studying for the last few minutes I could before the test was handed back, but I couldn't bring myself to, it wouldn't help me any.

"Zack, Addie stop tapping those pencils." Ms. Frasier said agitatedly.


"Everybody, begin the test as soon as I give it to you."
♠ ♠ ♠
See Goldfish?
I couldn't keep you and Jack a part for long!
Drama and scandal is going to ensue this chapter.
It starts in the next chapter!!
