Tom Kaulitz...Would You Like To Dance?

Private Dissapearing Acts

Once we arrived at the hotel in which the guys were staying while here, we all got into the elevator and went up 11 floors to Tom’s suite. As you can probably guess, I was a little nervous. Sure, he and I had been alone in my apartment and I hadn’t felt much. But this was a hotel room and that alone brought on strange feelings. Good thing Tasha and Bill would be there with us.

We all got in and made our selves comfortable in the living room area of the suite. Yes, it was one of those hotels…huge! Tom and I sat together on the sofa and Tasha sat half on top of Bill in the arm chair. We had just started to watch Wicker Park.

Wicker Park is a very twisted love story, but one of my favorites. The main character is in love with a beautiful blonde that ends up having to leave him. She is depending on her roommate to explain everything to him. What the blonde doesn’t know is that her roommate is really a psycho stalker out to steal her boyfriend. She pretends to date the guy’s best friend in order to get closer to him. Her plain fails and everything is set right after much craziness when the blonde finally returns home.

Through out the whole movie I’d noticed Tasha and Bill, the most talkative of the group, were completely quiet. Well really, how much can you say when someone’s tongue is down your throat? Apparently not a lot.

I also saw Tom staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I tried to ignore my surroundings and just watch the movie but that failed helplessly when Tom decided to reposition himself. He pulled me onto his lap as he swung his feet up onto the sofa where I’d been sitting. He pulled me against him and the arm of the couch and placed his left hand on my thigh oh-so-casually.

No I was nervous.

We stayed just like that though until the movie as over. Then I stood to stretch.

“So, how’d you like the movie Tasha?” I asked with a smirk in my voice.

“It was great. Very romantic.” she winked at Bill who smiled in return.

“Mhmm, what was your favorite part?” I asked in a quizzical manner.

“The end.” she stated plainly.

“What, when she came back?”

“No. The end.” she laughed.

Bill stood at that time and grabbed a hold of Tasha’s hand. “Would you guys please excuse us? We’re gonna head back to my room.” With that they both turned and left for the door.

I stood there dumb struck as I finally under stood her play on words. It wasn’t the end that she liked so much as the fact that the movie was over. The little hussy.

I sat back down next to Tom and he pulled me in close to him and rested his head on mine.

“Well I guess it’s just you and me. What d’you wanna do now?”

You mean besides you?
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, I know
but i'll make sure and make the next one a bit longer x]

thanks to all my readers and to murder.muse. for the comment on my last chapter!
You rock Drug Lord!!