Tom Kaulitz...Would You Like To Dance?

Tender Candlelight Moments

Tasha and I were now in my apartment getting ready for our farewell dinner with Tom and Bill. Tom said that they’d be here to get us at six o’clock which was now only two hours away.

We had both just finished our showers and were sitting on my living room couch talking about the boys and how much we’d miss different things about them. I didn’t want to let go of what I had with Tom. It would so hard.

After about an hour our hair had dried and we went to get dressed and then to the bathroom to finish.

Once ready, we had just enough time to do a once over before the boys arrived and escorted us down stares to a limo. The ride was fairly short considering I lived in the middle of the city; 15 minutes from everywhere.

We pulled up outside the restaurant and were lead inside by the boys, attached to there arms like the little charms they claimed us to be.

We sat at a circular table in a tucked away corner of the room for more privacy. After we had our wine and the appetizer had been place conveniently in the middles of the table we all began an idle chatter.

“So what time are you guys leaving in the morning?” Tasha asked.

“Well, it’s more like the afternoon.” Bill stated.

“Our flight leaves at 12:30pm.” Tom finished.

“That’s so soon.” Tasha mumbled. Bill leaned over a placed a small kiss on her cheek. I couldn’t help but let a smile form in the corner of my lips. Tom reached across the table and took my hand in his, grazing the back of it with his thumb. His eyes held a sort of hunger in them, not the lusting type, but something I’d never seen before.

A waiter walked up and my attention was averted toward him as he took our orders. As soon as he left I look back over at Tom. Who was smiling down at his lap, then back up at me. He looked so deep in thought, like he was about to say something but then decided against it.

When our food arrived he reluctantly let go of my hand and we all began to eat. Not many words were exchanged during that time, just a few stares on occasion.

About a half hour later, we were ready to leave. The boys paid for everything and then lead us back out where the limo was waiting for us.

Once inside, a sat very close to Tom and he placed an arm around me holding me in place. Tasha and Bill, while hidden in the shadows of the confined space, were all too silent. One could only guess at what they were doing.

I turned to Tom who had been staring at me quiet intently, probably having the same thoughts as his twin. I smirked up at him, though he barely caught a glimpse in the lights that flashed across my face with every passing street light.

He pulled my face into his with his rough hand on the side of my face. I kissed him very passionately; I knew we’d not have many more of these before he left. Better make good with what I’ve got, right?

In as little time as it took to start the evening it all came to an end as the limo pulled up to my apartment complex. Bill and Tasha stepped out first and Tom and I followed suit. We walked hand in hand all the way up to my front door. Bill and Tasha stopped a few yards before my door to have a little privacy.

“So…I guess this is goodnight.” Tom said a little sad.

“I guess so…” I trailed off. We both looked down at our intertwined hands.

“I’ll see you in the morning, right?” he asked, looking up into my eyes as if searching for an answer.

“Yea, Tasha and I are going to see the both of you off. When are you coming over?” I asked meekly.

“Umm, around ten I guess. I wish I didn’t have to go back and pack tonight.” Tom sighed and pulled me into a hug.

“You and me both.” I whispered into his chest.

We stood like that, whispering to each other for another 5 minutes or so. Then, unwillingly, he let me go and Tasha and I went inside my apartment.

After slipping off our shoes we went over to the couch and sat down without a word. One look at each other and we both bust into tears. I scooted closer to her and we held onto each other as the steady streams of tears ran down our cheeks. This was all so unfair.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe, so sad :[
Two chapters left!!!

Thanks to all my readers and to StubbornChloeSmiles, x6GothicxGirl9x and murder.muse. for commenting my last chapter!! you guys rock!!