Tom Kaulitz...Would You Like To Dance?

Early Risers and Sweet Goodbyes

I had pretty much cried my self to sleep last night. Call me pathetic or whatever you want, but I was going to miss Tom like crazy! I had finally fallen asleep around one o’clock in the morning and tossed and turned most of the night.

I felt my bed shift a little and frowned in confusion; Tasha slept on the couch in the living room. I was only half asleep so it wasn’t hard to figure out that someone other than her was in my room.

I felt them scoot up closer to my backside and snuggle into me. Now I was really confused. I cracked my eyes open and first saw the bright red numbers of my alarm clock saying that it was 6:45am. I then turned slowly to face the person in my bed. It was too dark to see any actual features, but as soon as their lips lightly grazed mine I knew it was Tom.

“Morning.” he whispered.

“Morning…what are you doing here so early?” I asked still slightly confused.

“I wanted to spend as much time with you as I could before I had to leave.” he said in an almost shy manner that made me grin.

“Good idea.” I smiled as I cuddled into his side and he wrapped me up in his arms.

I lay my head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat and steady breathing. I never wanted this moment to end. But I knew that at 12:30 it would all be over.

As I wiped away all of those saddening thought I began to fall asleep again. Only this time I didn’t stir, I had all I needed to be content.


Hours later I was woken up by a pair of soft lips moving against my neck. I opened my eyes and Tom moved up to where I could see him. I faintly smiled and traced his cheek bone with my index finger. He closed the already small gap between us and forcefully, heatedly and passionately smashed his lips against mine.

My stomach was all in knots. This was not going to make him leaving any easier, but I wasn’t protesting. I continued to fully kiss him and our hands began to wonder.

His lips found their way back to my neck and as I turned my head to the side I noted the time and concluded that what we both wanted to happen would not happen in the allotted time.

After a few more minutes I got up and got dressed in a simple pair of blue jeans and a plain black t-shirt. On the way out to meet Tasha and Bill I grabbed a jacket and slipped it one as we left for the elevator.

Once we got downstairs and outside in the car, we pretty much sat as we had last night; both of us girls cuddled into the sides of the boys. No one said much of anything; if we had, the cracks in our speech would have given away our pain.

It took an hour to get to the airport, and once inside we went straight to the boys’ gate and separated to say our good byes in private.

“I’ll miss you so much.” I said into Tom’s chest as he held me close.

“I know…I’ll miss you too.” he whispered into my hair.

“God,” I huffed pulling away and looking into his eyes, “why does it have to end like this?” tears brimmed my eyes and I fought hard to keep them from spilling.

“It’s only the end if that’s what we choose it to be.” he said, catching a falling tear with his thumb and brushing it away.

“What do you want…?” I asked a bit hesitant to know the answer.

“Honestly,” he stared, “I wish you were leaving with me today.”

That made me smile a bit, then another tear fell from my red eyes. I looked down trying to hide my disheveled expression. Tom placed a hand on my cheek and pulled my face up to meet his gaze. He again wiped away the tears before speaking.

“Louise…” he said as he stared into my eyes. He seemed to be searching for something, but what I wasn’t sure. I stared back at him intently, waiting for him to continue.

“Louise, I…I…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhh lol this is the secong to the last chapter!!
and you, yes you, my fellow readers determine whether or not I post the last chapter tongiht!
If i can get 10 comments by 8pm CST i will post tonight.
If not, you'll all have to wait until tomorrow night! :]

Thanks to all my readers and to murder.muse., Renjilover13, StubbornChloeSmiles and Cascadex Riddles for commenting my last chapter.

Remeber, its up to YOU!!!
If you're a faithful reader, put in you two cents and get mentioned in my final chapter :]

EDIT: I have only gotten 8 so far. I will post the last chapter at midnight CST.....IF.....i get 2 more comments!
other wise i wont post til tomorrow night!