Tom Kaulitz...Would You Like To Dance?

Devilish Tantrums

I was completely shocked when I realized just how serious he was being. Tom Kaulitz wanted my number. I had no idea why but if I didn't hurry up and take his phone from him he might change his mind.

"Yea, sure. Do you just want my cell number?' I asked still a little out of it.

"Sure. Whatever works for you!" He smiled as I began punching the digits into his phone, which happened to be very nice by the way.

"Here you go!" I smiled politely as I handed his phone back to him, still a bit of confusion resting on my face. I wasn't entirely sure what he wanted to call me about.


"Sie sind willkomen!" I replied, and he cocked his eyebrow at me, unaware that i knew a bit of German.

"I am a fan you know?!" I joked as he let a smile form on his face.

"Ja! Well, thanks again for your number, but I have to be on my way. I'll be sure to call you soon!" He reassured me as he put his hand out for me to shake.

"Auf Wedersehen Louise!" A smile playing on his lips.

"Auf Wedersehen Tom." As he let go of my hand and turned to leave, i couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Thank Gott I didn't pass out!

I turned to go back to the changing room when I was stopped by a group of the 'stick girls' all glaring at me. Well all but one, my good friend Tasha who was always happy for me, even if it meant she was left out of something. She was awesome.

One of them stepped forward with her ‘I’m better than you’ attitudes to tell me off.

“You now he’s just trying to mess with your head right? There’s no way in hell he could ever be interested in someone like you!” She said quit sure it would make me crumble where I stood. Wrong!

“Yea and that’s why you have his number!” I said smugly.

“Excuse me?”

“Joanna, just shut up because no one want to hear any of the fake shit you have to say!” She just looked at me with her jaw hanging open! Tasha walked over putting a finger to her chin and closing her mouth.

I was on an all time high and no one was about to try and tear me down. Tasha and I left the stunned Joanna to gawk with her stick friends.

We changed and left the dance hall, heading out to lunch. This was an amazing day so far and I was hoping it only be getting better.


We sat at a little café table outside and enjoyed some much needed coffee. We had already eaten and discussed everything that was said between Tom and I. Tasha didn’t really know of them as much as I did, but I was sure to fill her in!

“Holy cow Louise! So this famous rockstar just comes up to you out of all the ‘stick girls’ and asks for your number?!” She was pretty amazed, but not half as much as I was.

“I know, like I’m completely shocked! I almost thought I was dreaming it all until Joanna threw a tantrum.” I laughed a little remembering the look I put on her face.

“I know! Hun you took Tom and Joanna all in one day! How does it feel?!”

“I don’t even know! I mean it’s something I never thought I’d be able to do ever! And I just did, I didn’t even have to think twice!” I really was shocked. But not half as shocked as I was when my phone began to ring in my pocket! I t played the ringtone i had set for when an unknown caller was trying to reach me.

I pulled it out to look at the caller ID and who would you guess it was?! Well you know what they say…Speak of the Devil and he shall appear!
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so this chapter goes out to sherbetsi and Taste.The.Rainbow.90 for wanting more than just a one shot!
Sorry its a bit short, but i still thinking out the story line!
Anyway I hope you all enjoy it!

Danke - Thank you
Sie sind willkommen - Your welcome
Ja - Yes
Auf Wedersehen - Goodbye
Gott - God