Tom Kaulitz...Would You Like To Dance?

Sticky Popcorn Covered Scrubs

I had the day off from practice so I sat home alone catching up on all of my shows I’d never had time to watch. I kept thinking I should have been running over the routine in my head, but hell, I could do it in my sleep. No joke, I had dreamed of it every night for the past week. It was kind of annoying and somewhat predictable, except something was different every night. In one my mom was there which was awkward considering she’d died two years previous. In one it wasn’t me dancing but it was, I just looked completely different. The one two days ago had a bunch of administrators from Julliard and they were watching me. But last night…last night was my favorite. Tom was sitting front row watching every move I’d made, and at the end he presented a bouquet of red roses to me. It was utterly perfect! I was a bit nervous about him coming on Saturday, but I’d have to shake that and focus on the task at hand…well, more like foot!

I was pulled from my thoughts by a very familiar song I knew as Tom’s ring tone, Wo Sind Eure Hande, every one else knew it as a bunch of gibberish with a catchy beat to back it up.


“He, wie geht es Ihnen?” he asked.

“Good, just sitting here watching some of my shows, ones I’ve missed lately!”

“Oh yea? Like what?”

“The Hills…Lost…Scrubs--” I was cut off by Tom gasping rather loudly into the phone.

“Ich liebe jene Schau! Es ist mein Liebling!”

“Really? It’s so funny.” I laughed.

“What episode is it?” he questioned.

“Umm I actually don’t know yet. I paused it as you called and it hasn’t started yet.” I said.

“Oh, so you have DVR?!”

“Yea, if you’re not busy you’re welcome to join me! Tasha’s at her mom’s and I’m actually getting bored being alone.” I offered and explained.

“Yea, sure, ok! Give me 10 minutes!” he said excitedly.

“Ok hurry! I’ll make popcorn!” I giggled.

“Groß, werde ich Sie bald sehen!”

I hung up and ran to the bathroom to make sure I looked ok. Not too put together because I had been home all day! I went to make some popcorn and grabbed a few drinks and set them out on the counter. I sat on a stool at the island in the kitchen swinging my feet impatiently like a twelve year old.

It had been 11 minutes and 23 seconds…not that I was counting or anything, but he wasn’t here yet! What could he be doing?! Maybe he got lost…no, that’s stupid! Maybe he changed his mind, but wouldn’t he have called to say so?! Jeeze, stop worrying, he’ll be here…or would he?! What if--

Knock, knock, knock

I jumped off of the stool and went to the front door. I opened it up smiling at Tom.

“I stopped and got supplies!” he grinned. Oh…so that’s what took so long! Not that he even took that long…

“Wie was?” I asked as he came in and joined me on the couch.

“Sugar, sugar, sugar, oh and did I forget to mention sugar?!” he joked.

“Specifically.” I mock glared.

“Gummy worms, Gummy bears, Gummy sharks, Gummy spiders…”

“So just about gummy animal you could find?!” I laughed.

“Pretty much!” he smirked.

We sat down and began watching Scrubs in complete silence…for about two minutes. Like anyone could watch that show and be quiet. Tom asked me for some popcorn and instead of being a mature 18 year old, I grabbed a handful and threw it at him. His eyes went right wide as he looked at me and before long I was pelted with little gummy creatures. This meant war!

We were up running around the room throwing candy at each other for a good half hour. After we finally ran out of things to throw we both collapsed in front of the couch out of breath. Tom and I looked at each other and he had that look in his eyes. I leaned forward to kiss him, and then he started to laugh uncontrollably!

“What?! What is it?!” I questioned feeling a little hurt.

“You have a Gummy bear in your hair!” he laughed. He reached forward and carefully pulled the sticky creature out of my hair. He slowly leaned in and I never once pulled my eyes from his. He placed his hands on either side of my face and…

“Oh! Sorry!”……Tasha!
♠ ♠ ♠
So soory it took FOREVER!!
I've been really sick lately and haven't felt like writing!
But i'm better so...
Enjoy the cliffhanger XD

He, wie geht es Ihnen? - Hey how are you?
Ich liebe jene Schau! Es ist mein Liebling! - I love that show! It's my favorite!
Groß, werde ich Sie bald sehen! - Great, see you soon!
Wie was? - Like what?

Thanks to all my readers and to Xsecond_heartbeatX, blueeyedisaster, I.Would.Die.For.You, XBurningxFlamesX, i-love-mark-kanemura, StArZz, DarkWingedAngel, and Scream My Name for the comments! Im pleased you all want me to continue! :]