Dream Myself A Dream Come True

Last Goodbye

Stella looked into his beautiful indigo eyes one last time. "Goodbye Rowan." The sound was so quiet, her lips barely parted to allow that last farewell to escape through her lips. As soon as it was said, she instantly regretted it. Rowan took it as permission to leave her, and join his parents in the car that was taking his family to Stockholm, Sweden. He turned on his heel and stood there for a short moment. Stella felt wetness on the edge of her eyelashes, and it slowly began spilling out.

Before he began to walk slowly away from the one person he truly loved, Rowan turned back around sluggishly and said, "Bye Stell." In contrast to Stella's delicate goodbye, Rowan boomed his response as if he were proud of something. He moved to kiss Stella goodbye, she moved slightly, and he caught her beside her lips. "I'm still sorry Stell," he whispered, this time more sensitive than before. Now, tears were streaming down Stella's face. Rowan took that as his cue to leave.

Rowan sauntered down the driveway, and into the awaiting car that contained his parents and his siblings. They drove slowly toward the end of the street, and Stella watched them leave her neighborhood. As soon as they were out of site, she fell to like ground and let all of her emotions burst out at once. Meanwhile, Rowan's father peered into the rear view mirror just in time to see a tear slip down Rowan's porcelain cheek.

Stella eyes shot open, as if she had just heard a loud noise outside her window. Her face was ashen, and dotted with beads of cold sweat. She sat up in her bed, and quickly realized what a bad idea that was. She felt the throbbing in her head almost instantly.She closed her eyes and lowered her head to her pillow. She glanced at her retro, silver clock on the wall closest to her bedroom door. It read 3:47. She had little over three hours left before she had to wake up for school. Stella lay on her bed, and wondered why she had to relive the most dreadful moment of her life. She felt a rupture of sadness as she realized how much she missed Rowan.

As it always had, the though of Rowan brought tears to her once happy eyes. Her eyes flitted open and closed roughly for a few minutes before her fatigue overwhelmed her into sleep. Three hours and about fifteen minutes later, Stella's alarm summoned her like clockwork because, well, it was clockwork. She got up slowly, and got ready for school slowly but efficiently. She tromped down the stairs into her kitchen, still groggy from her dream the night before.

Stella grabbed a bagel from the bread box on the counter. "Hi Mom, hi Dad. Good morning and I'm off to school." She said to the empty breakfast nook where her parents would normally be if they were ever home. "Thanks for saying goodbye this time," Stella muttered bitterly with a hint of sarcasm in the undertone. Stella's parents both worked for an airline, so they were always traveling, leaving Stella alone for weeks on end. They never even noticed how it affected Stella. If they never came back, Stella was fairly sure she would be able to survive, and not even miss them.

Stella moved swiftly out the front door, and walked down the driveway, just as Rowan had done a year earlier. She suddenly felt heat on her cheeks, but didn't know whether it was from the early morning summer sun, or from the memory she had recently relived. Stella walked gloomily to the corner where she had last seen Rowan. Again something brought heat to her cheeks, and even wetness to her eyes. She wiped the tears away quickly when she saw the big yellow school bus coming toward her. Eventually, the bus stopped in front of her and the doors swung open, almost hitting her fragile frame.

Stella walked up the steps and into the chaos that was the bus full of rowdy high school kids. She shot straight to her seat next to a familiar face. "Hi Aubrey."

"Hey Stell. You don't look so good. Did your parents leave mysteriously in the middle of the night again?" Aubrey asked, knowing full well that it was great possiblity, seeing as how it had happened many times before.

"No. My night was far worse than that."
♠ ♠ ♠
Each chapter will be like this. They each involve a different dream, a different memory of Stella and Rowan's relationship.
Feedback fuels the imagination kids.
Commentsss? :]

P.S. I love the name Aubrey, so I use it for everything.