Car Crash Lovers

Everything Felt Right.

Sadie's Point Of View

Holy crap.

Did that just...No. No. No. No. No.

That's not what I saw...


"Frank, I don't wanna hear it!"

"But sadie, you have to listen!"

He chases after me with a towel around his waist.

"Frank, please don't tell me you and Mikey were... Well, you know..."

"What? Having sex?"


I turned red and looked at my feet, completely embarassed.

"Well Sadie, it would be a lie if he told you that."

Mikey stepped out of his room and looked at me with serious eyes. He wrapped his arms around Frankie and I held my breath.

"Mikey... Frankie... What about the other guys? What if it had been one of them who had found you and not me?!"

"Gee already knows. He did walk in on us."


"No, Sadie, we were just kissing when Gee found us. It wasn't anything like what you saw..."

"Oh Frank! My father would die if he knew my friends were gay... How long has this been going on?"

"Not long. We just realized it ourselves a few weeks ago."



"Oh no, Mikey... What about Bob?"

"What about Bob?"

"Isn't Bob going to detest this? Don't you think?"


"Ray? What will Ray think?"

"Whatever he wants. Sadie, I love Frank and he loves me."

"You can't stop love." Frank chimed in and took Mikey's hand.

I walked away from them, still embarassed, and went to find Gerard.


He was sweating over a book he was reading. It was long and complex, I think he was doing it to look smarter.

"Yeah Sadie?"

"I just walked in on Frank and Mikey in their room..."

"Yeah? So?"

"They were having sex."

His facial expression changed immediately. "Oh."

"Gee, why didn't you tell me?"

He relaxed a bit at the sound of -or lack there of- anger in my voice. There was absolutely none.

"I figured it was something they should tell you, not me."

"Well Gee, I think that's very noble of you."

"I love those guys. I just want them to be happy. If that means I have to be noble and not devious as I usually am, that's what I have to do."

I laughed and kissed him.


"Yeah Sadie?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And then something in my mind clicked. A memory.
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So... liking?