Car Crash Lovers

Make Believe

Open Point Of View

Cigarettes and Starbucks. Cigarettes and Starbucks. Cigarettes and Starbucks.

"I can't get my mind off of him!" Sadie cried as she sat down for coffee with Bob's girlfriend Livy.

"I know, but you were Ray's first."

It had been a week since the catastrophe in the living room they all called a "greeting." Livy and Sadie hit it off immediately, becoming such close friends it was like they'd always known each other.

"Do you think I don't realize that? But I love Gee. I do. He's always been so close to me... I don't know why I didn't see it before..."

"He loves you, too, doesn't he?"

"I think so. God, I'm so confused. I don't know what I'm going to do."

Sadie sloshed the coffee around in her cup and it brought tears to her eyes. Cigarettes and Starbucks. Cigarettes and Starbucks. Cigarettes and Starbucks.

She felt the hoplessness creep into her soul as she watched the brown liquid crash onto the sides of the styrofoam cup.

"I think you should be with who you love, you know?"

"I know."

Sadie sighed and cleared her throat.

Livy reached across the table and took her new friend's hand. "You shouldn't feel so bad."

"But I do! I feel like I've stolen someone's life unintentionally."


"Because... I don't know." She sighed again. "I fail. I know I do." She pulled her long hair up into a bun and looked at Livy with a glare that was harsh and sweet all at once. "Don't say I'm not a fail."

"Fine. I won't. You are not a fail. It's different than 'I'm not a fail.'"

Then both girls laughed and Sadie smiled a huge smile. She reached down for her purse off of the floor and took out her cell phone. She handed it to Livy and said, "Will you turn it on? Type in your number, too. I want us to talk more."

Livy grinned, "Of course."

"I love Ray. I do."

"You sound like you're trying to convince yourself."

"I am. Because, despite the fact that I love Ray, I'm in love with Gerard. And the sad part is, I only regretted living in the lie for a second after the memory clicked. After it faded, I wanted Gee. So bad."

Livy giggled a little at the anguish on Sadie's face. "Wow."

"You think I'm a bad person, don't you? You can say it."

"No, I don't. Stop beating yourself up. Go for Gee. Just do it."

"Fine. Whatever. Are You sure this isn't wrong?"

"It's love. You can't fight love."

"I know."

Sadie slurped down the last of the disgusting coffe. "I don't like styrofoam. And this coffe is NOTHING like Starbucks."

Cigarettes and Starbucks
♠ ♠ ♠
THIS WHO CHAPTER WAS IN AN OPEN POINT OF VIEW! OHMYGOD! Thanks for waiting for this chapter. =D
I also realize I haven't updated this since JANUARY. It doesn't feel that long.....