Car Crash Lovers

In Which Ray Is First Met

Ray's Point Of View

"So what you're saying is... the only thing she can remember is my name?"

"That's what I'm saying Mr. Toro."

I was sweaty and tired. I wanted some of Mikey's coffee, but was too afraid of what he might do to me if I asked for some.

"Well isn't that romantic!?" Gerard said in a lovey-dovey voice.

"Shut up GEE! I want to know what's going on." I hissed at him to shut his mouth, but I couldn't control him none the less.

"You shut up Ray."

"So," the doctor said while clearing his throat, "We're assuming she has complete amnesia. She hasn't talked, except to speak your name, and we fear she won't be able to for quite some time. If it's true, she can't remember a thing. She'll be like a new-born. She'll need to be re-taught everything.

"So why call me?" I was frustrated at the short man in his white smocks. I wanted to bash his head against the wall for some color to the pale place.

"Your's was the only name she could remember, the only two words she could pronounce. I'm assuming you have...or had an important part in her life?"

"Yeah. I was... I mean I am her fiance."

"Great. We can release her to you as soon as possible."

"Release her to me now. I want to take her home."

"Alright... if you'll follow me."

We walked into her room, my hair went in first. She screamed and it startled me.

"Shh, Sadie, shh, it's okay. I'm a friend." Calming her just came naturally to me.

"Sadie?" The nurse asked.

"Yeah... you guys didn't know her name? I assumed because you let me see her that you knew..."

"Oh. I knew, the nurse didn't." The doctor said nonchalantly, like I should have assumed that instead.

"Awww! Ray and Sadie!" Mikey was like a little girl, cooing and awing like my life was a fish and I was displayed in a bowl.

"Mikey, don't scare her..."

But I was too late in telling him and she started screaming again. A chilling scream that made the fine white hairs up my back stand up and center towards my spine. "RAY!"

My name spilled from her lips, but she didn't recognize my face. I went to her side and took her hand in mine, trying my best to keep the eardrum shattering sounds in her lungs. "Shh, Sadie, I'm right here! It's me, Ray. Just stop screaming."

She yanked her hand away and looked at me with wide eyes. "Ray?"

"The one and only." Gerard stated as he walked in just as calm as a mid-summer day.

Her eyes got glossy and she said her next word. "Gee?"

"Yeah hun. It's me."

And she extended her arms for a hug.

The doctor's and nurses were amazed, I was too. She wouldn't even let me hold her hand, but she'd let Gerard hug her? It just didn't seem right to me. But then again, I was the boy who broke her heart, and he was her best friend before that went down.

Gerard took her into his arms and she sat there, breathing steadily, looking like nothing had ever happened. I wanted so badly to rip her away from him and take her into my arms, but I knew she'd never allow it. Bob burst into the room and broke the silence that had taken over all of us as we watched with this child-like wonder as they hugged.

"What did I miss?"

"Shh!" Mikey shot at him and averted his eyes back to where the girl in Gee's arms fell asleep. It was like magic.

"Is that Sadie?" Bob asked me.

"Yeah," I whispered, "She doesn't remember anything but Gee and me. Don't get in her face, she's just like a baby again. She won't know who you are and she'll scream. Just ask Mikey. He startled her and she wouldn't stop screaming until Gee hugged her."


There was nothing else to do after she was asleep but sign the papers and help them get her sleeping body into my car.

I started the engine up and signaled for Frank to hop into the seat next to me. Gerard was sitting next to Sadie in case she woke up. Mikey and Bob were using Bob's car.

We got to my apartment and Gee carried her up the stairs. I was shocked at her ability to sleep through it all. And in my kitchen we all sat and thought, btu my thoughts centered on one thing.

What am I going to do when she remembers everything about me?
♠ ♠ ♠
...This was in RAY'S POINT OF VIEW... if you didn't notice. For Girl;Anachronism because I love her. =D

hehe, and it's for all my other readers too. :]