Car Crash Lovers


Ray's Point Of View



She jumped into his arms like they hadn't seen each other in years. Well, they hadn't, but they had been hanging out with each other more than I had been hanging out with her.

"How are you today?"

It took him a while, but Mikey had sat down and taught her how to say a few simple words like 'drink', 'okay', 'you' and 'potty'. Plus she had also learned all of our names.

"Okay. You?"

She hadn't mastered the tones you used when asking questions, so everything she asked came out like a sentence.

"Just fine sweetie. how about we write some more today?"

Our lives went on hold for that girl, we did everything we could for her. I kind of resented her for that.


Gerard's Point Of View

Sadie put her arm in mine and we walked off to the little spare room Ray set up for us to use as a makeshift classroom.

"Okay sweetie, take out your book."

She got her notebook out of her desk and with clumsy fingers gripped her pencil.


I was amazed that she had learned the new word so quickly, it had taken her a week to master Mikey's name.

"Wow, Sadie, who taught you that?"


"Mikey's good to you, isn't he?"

I smiled at her, hoping to make her happy. She seemed a little depressed.

"Okay," she stated simply, and I knew exactly what she meant. He was a friend to her, but just not as good a friend as I was. He never liked her before the accident, so it was hard for him to adjust to her without her witty comebacks to his sarcastic remarks. They were the complete opposite of one another, and for her to rely on him was weird fro him. Hell, it was weird for all of us.

"How about we work on B's today?"

She nodded and I wrote a B and a b for her to trace and rewrite. Her shaky hands were graceful in the most awkward ways, she was so gorgeous with her hair in her eyes, frustrated with having no ability to control the muscles in her long spindly fingers.


After her third failed attempt to trace the capital B she was angry at herself and harsh tears were jagged in contrast to her smooth, pale skin. I wiped the deviant soldiers off her face with my thumb, nervous to touch her.

"Yes?" My words came out in a whisper instead of the strong voice I was hoping would come out.

"Hee... Heee..."


She nodded, a depressed sheen touching her muddy eyes. And those eyes were the kind of mud you wanted to play in as a kid, make pies with because it was just so beautiful, perfect, and over all... innocent.

I wanted to get lost in those eyes, but I knew I couldn't. She never loved me the way I loved her, she never would. I wondered what she saw in Ray, I was so jealous of him. I suspected he never loved her anyway.

But I had to keep those thoughts out of my head for both of us, Sadie and me. If Ray knew I felt that way towards her all along, I don't know what he'd do.

So I picked up a pencil and with a stenciled on smile began writing the B's to show her the way she was supposed to move her hand.

She smiled at me in reply and put her hand over mine in thanks. The action sent chills up and down my spine.
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Livy and Natz own. :]