Car Crash Lovers

Ohh Ohh Ohh OHH.

Ray's Point Of View

And of course there was the matter of the sleeping arrangements. I couldn't just let her sleep on the floor...

So I gave her my bed.

That was the reason my back started feeling like there were a billion needles in my spine. I could barely move, my guitar skills were limited to a few chords here and there. So you have to understand why we had no songs getting done at the time. Without the whole band, no one could make music.

"We need to do something about her." I grumbled, painfully reaching back to massage my muscles.

"What about her? I think it's cute."

"She's not a cat, Bob!" I had finally snapped... Well I snapped a lot those days.

"Sorry man."

He picked up his bowl of cereal and made his way to the messy living room. He really did treat her like a cat, always... patting her head. It was annoying.


Her voice was like even more needles to me. I felt like the whole thing was my fault. I loved her, but this was too much.

"What, love?"

LOVE. That hurt the most, to hear him call my fiance love. But she wasn't exactly my fiance... and I wasn't sure she'd even remember we were engaged. The doctor told me memories would come back in sudden burts, but some wouldn't come back at all.

"I'm tired."

She yawned as she said it and I watched as he went to help her up. She was always tired, I'd found.

I knew he'd be singin her to sleep in a few minutes. I could see the loving glances in the back of my mind, I had their whole routine memorized.

I sat staring at the wall for a few minutes, and he came out of what used to be my room and said, "She was out in a few seconds." He had a smirk slathered across his lips and I wondered if he knew about the mess on his face.


That was Mikey. His bass was sitting in the darkest corner of the room gaterhing dust like it hadn't seen light in a year.

"So um, what's for dinner?"

Mikey again, trying to make things less awkward. There was always this odd tension in the air when Gerard walked in. I couldn't tell where it came from.

"ASIAN FOOD!" Frank chimed in, finally noticing his surrouundings.

"No, we had that last night." Mikay and Frank in one of their disputes.

"So? I like Asian food."

"Yeah, you also like Cajun food as well." Mikey laughed, it was over. Frank was served. For the first time in days I laughed.

"Well... I..." Frank crossed his arms and stomped his foot.

"You... ou... What? Act like a two year old? Yes, I know."

The room brightened up and frank changed the topic.

"AHHH! You guys, let's make macaroni and cheese!"

"Okay, sounds good."

Frank's Point Of View

They're evil. I dispise them alllllll. BUHAHAHA!

No, that's not right. They're my friends. Take a deep breath, make a suggestion about something else. Act carefree.

I'm going to make them watch the Science Channel tonight for torture. BUAHAHAHAHAHA AGAIN!

...But yeah. I wish Ray would get over himself. He needs to stop looking so depressed all the time. It makes Sadie sad... She's so sweet. She always worries about everyone but herself.

God Ray. I hope you can somehow hear my thoughts.

That'd be really cool.

You know what I hate the most? How They say I have ADD.


Maybe I should buy Sadie some new crayons. I melted hers in the microwave and now I feel bad. Maybe I should. I don't know.

I think I will. And some markers too. She'd like that.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha, I like this one!

Updates are slow now, I know. I'm sorry.

I love you guys.
