Car Crash Lovers

It Makes Me Feel So Fine.

Frank's Point Of View


She's so adorable, always hugging me. I'm glad I opted for the crayons and markers.

"Mess you made, you give me new?"

AND HER VOCABULARY! It improves so quickly.

"Yes. Do you like them?"

Another hug. She's always so caring.

"Love. You too."

"I love you too, Sadester."

I wish she could be living this normally. I feel like she's a toddler, I'm always looking out for her.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Mikey's Point Of View

Diary, this whole thing is a little weird. I mean... Yeah it's great and all, but really, I have no idea why they didn't just call her parents. I mean, they aren't dead. Didn't her mom just pop out a kid a few years ago? ...Or maybe that was when we were little. I can't remember. But she's still young. I mean, well, Sadie's what? My age? 25? I don't know... but her mom is only like 45 if that's it. Or 44... what month is it? I can't remember...





So It's January. Her mom's 44... If I'm right. God, I hope no one sees this. Maybe I should ask Ray about her parents...

Bob's Point Of View.

Man, this is messed up. The only thing I can teach is DRUMS, not math. Mikey should have to, but NOOO. BOB YOU DO IT BECAUSE MIKEY DOES THE WORDS AND STUFF. Thanks a whole lot guys. Thanks a lot.


"Yeah Sadie?"

"Um... Hard. My head hurt."

"Do you need aspirin?"

"No. Stop?"

"Oh sure."

We got to stop for the day, I put away the papers marked with less numbers than eraser marks. That poor girl.


I wasn't good at math. We should have gotten her a tutor.

Frank's Point Of View.

We should get her a notebook for her art stuff... She's writing on lined paper, she needs more space.

I can tell she gets frustrated with the lack of mental space.


That's what I'll get her for her birthday!

Good job, FRANKIE!
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm trying to give each character his own personality...
Frank's parts will be entirely in thought, that's why his tense will be present not past. Sorry to confuse people. Ray will have this angst about him. Gerard's will be poetic, and descriptive of things. He's detailed. Mikey's will hold this air of confusion like he doesn't exactly know what's going on himself. And sometimes our sweet little Mikey will do diary entries, with lots of 'I mean' s like today. And Bob... Well I don't have a personality for Bob yet. Maybe he'll be the calm one that holds them all together. :]
Ownership to all my usual loves. :-D