The End.

Chapter Ten: Hospital

Chapter Ten: Hospital

xXGerard’s POVXx

I ran. I don’t know how long I was running for or where I was going. I just ran to wherever my feet took me.

I can’t fucking believe this. My brother, my own flesh in blood, was passed out in the bathroom and had a weak pulse. He could I won’t say it. I can’t think of stuff like that. It’ll just hurt me more.

I ended up speed walking through the hospital lobby, searching for a reception desk. “Gerard!” I heard someone yell after me. I didn’t stop. “Don’t worry. Mikey’ll be fine.” It was Frank. I don’t know what happened next. I just blew a fuse.

“No! It’s not gonna be o-fucking-kay! My brother just passed out and is in THE HOSPITAL! Do I need to spell it out?! Mikey could be dead for all we know, and I-” I choked down a sob. “I wasn’t there to help him. I couldn’t save him...” I fell to the floor and cried. “He’s gone. Mikey’s gone...” I felt a hand rubbing my back.

“You don’t know that,” Frankie told me. “Don’t worry yourself over things that haven’t happened yet.”

“I know, it’s just,” I hiccuped, “I don’t want to lose another loved one. I don’t want to lose someone I care about with saying goodbye.” My breathing calmed a bit and wasn’t as harsh. I wiped away the last tear on my face. And got up off of the linoleum floor. The two of us speed-walked to the reception area.

I walked up to the counter, where a woman in a pink hospital uniform was sitting on the phone. “Um, excuse me?” I started. She looked over to me and said something to the person and the phone and hung up.

“Yes?” she asked.

“Um, I’m looking for Mikey Way,” I told her.

“Oh, he’s in the middle of an examination right now, but I can let the doctor know you’re here if you wait in one of the chairs.” she told me.

“Okay, thank you,” I replied. Frankie and I then went and sat in the cold, plastic chairs in silence.

The hospital was fairly large, but I still felt claustrophobic. The smell of illness and blood closing me in and suffocating me with images of people with various tubes and needles coming out of them. It just freaked me out.

“Um, Mr. Way?” I heard someone ask. I looked up. A middle-aged man in a white coat stood in front of me. I guess he’s the doctor.

“Oh, yes?” I replied.

“Hi, I’m Dr. Cullen.”

“Oh hi.” I stood up and shook his extended hand. “’s Mikey?”

“Mikey will be fine. His already damaged liver was hit pretty badly, but he’ll be okay. We’re just going to keep him overnight for observation.”

I thought for a moment. “Um, okay.” Thank God he’s okay...

“But do you mind me asking something?”

“Yea, that’s fine. What is it?”

“Um...does depression happen to run in the family?”

I thought for a minute. I think I remember dad telling me that he was at risk because my great grandfather fell into depression during the Great Depression and World War II. I was the only one who really needed the antidepressants, because I was the only one impacted by it.

“Um yea I think so. Why?” I asked. What’s going on?

“Well, you see, Mikey came in and it was said by someone who was with him that he had been holding a bottle of strong sleeping pills, and was found on the floor. And I have reason to believe that perhaps this was elf inflicted.” Please don’t use that word to describe my brother...

“And what does this mean exactly?” I asked. I’m curious now.

“Mr. Way.”


“Okay then. Gerard, I’m sorry to tell you this because it’s something no older sibling wants to hear.”

“What is it?”

“Gerard, Mikey’s been diagnosed with depression.” My eyes widened. Depression. Depression. That’s not the word I wanted to hear. “I’m sorry.” And with that, he walked down the hallway to another patient’s room. I stood there, letting those hated words sink in.

I hate hospitals...