The End.

Chapter Eleven: Overprotective...

Chapter Eleven: Overprotective...

xXMikey’s POVXx

I woke up in pain and shock. Where am I? I thought back for a moment. The memory of crashing to the tiled floor came crashing back to me. It gave me a headache. My arm hurts too. I looked down.

An IV was stuck in my arm, and I started freaking out. What the fuck was that in my arm. I looked up at the medicine baggy on the silver rod. It was blurry. Wait. Blurry? Where are my glasses? I looked over to the night stand. They were sitting on the top and were, miraculously, not broken. I picked them up and slid them on.

I looked over to the clear bag again. I still couldn’t read it. My eyes were too shot. Probably from the headache. I slouched into the bed and closed my eyes for two minutes. No sleep came. The door creaked. My eyes shot open and I sat up to see who was there.

“Mikey?” Gerard said, “You awake?”

“Yea,” I shot at him coldly. I glanced at him from behind my messy bangs. He gave me a concerned look. Why’s he worried? I’ll be fine.

“Can we talk?” he asked. He sat down at the end of the hard bed.

“I guess,” I replied. I still didn’t look into his eyes. I stared at my dry hands as I fiddled with them.

“Mikey, something’s bugging you,” he started, “What is it?”

“Nothing’s bugging-”

“Shut up Mikey! You know there is! Please. Just tell me!”

“Gerard, I’m fine.”

“No! You’re not fine! If you were fine, would you be in the FUCKING HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW?! WOULD YOU?!

“Gee, calm down,” I told him. Why’s he suddenly blowing a fuse?

“No! I won’t calm the fuck down! Not until you tell me what’s bugging you right now,” he scolded. He was breathing heavily and had an angry look to him. Gerard never really gets this angry. What’s he talking about that’s making him upset?

“Gerard, for the final time,” I leaned closer to him, “I’m fine.”

“Mikey, they told me. You don’t have to lie.” Wait. What?

“Told you what?” I asked. I was quite curious.

Gerard sighed, “They didn’t tell you, did they?”

“Tell me what Gerard?”

“Mikey, you have depression.” He looked me square in the face when he said it. No. No. He’s lying. I’m not depressed. What’s to be depressed about?

I laughed. Gerard looked at me like I was crazy. I looked at him, still chuckling. It’s all a joke. Just a big, fat joke. Nothing more than that.

“Mikey, I’m serious.” he told me.

“Yea, very funny Gerard,” I replied. I slouched back into the hard pillows.

“No Mikey. I’m not joking.

“Uh huh.”

“Mikey!” he screamed at me. I sat up. His eyes were brimming with tears. Oh god. He’s serious?

“I can’t be depressed,” I said, “There’s no reason to be. I’m perfectly fine and happy.”

“It’s what the doctor told me,” Gerard replied, “I’m sorry. Mikey, I want to help you, I really do. Just let me, okay?”

I was fuming now. He’s too overprotective of me because I’m just the little brother. The sidekick. He doesn’t mean those words! Alicia said them too and didn’t mean them, so why would Gerard mean them?

“No!” I shouted. His eyes widened, “You don’t care. All you want is to feel better about yourself for helping your little brother out of a jam! Well you know what? I’m fucking sick of it! Get out of my face!”

Gerard looked down at the floor, trying not to cry. “Fine.” He said, looking at me. The tears made his now gray eyes glow. “You don’t want help? Fine. But I want you to know, I’m always there for you. Don’t forget that.”

“Whatever,” I spat at him. He looked away and a tear fell untouched down his white cheeks. He opened the door and walked out. I could almost hear him sob.

He’ll get over it...