The End.

Chapter Thirteen: Give Me Hell!

Chapter Thirteen: Give Me Hell!

xXMikey’s POVXx

I got out of the hospital two days later, just like they said. Good. I was starting to feel nauseous from the small of sick people. I hate that smell. Every time I went into the hallway to get coffee, I felt like I was gonna throw up. It’ll be nice to not feel that way whenI get out of here.

I packed my dirty Anthrax t-shirt into my black duffel bag and threw it over my shoulder. I heard a knock at the door and then a creak. I looked up. It was my brother. Gerard.

“You, um, ready to go?” he asked. He seemed nervous.

“Yea,” I spat at him. He nodded and leaded me to the car waiting outside. I slid into the back seat, not wanting to talk to Gerard. After the fight from the other night, I never wanted to talk to him again. We’d never fought before. Not even as kids. But he treated me like I was a drug addict or something. I’m not!

“You don’t want to sit up here?” he asked me. I glared at him. Maybe he’ll get the big picture. Isn’t it obvious I’m mad at him? He looked into the review mirror at me. He sighed and pulled out of the hospital parking lot.

The car ride was quiet. I’m glad. I was expecting him to pound me with questions, but I guess that’s not the case. I feel bad though. The fact that I’m not talking to him may be hurting him. I looked over at him curiously. A smile was lightly spread across his face. How could he fucking smile at a time like this? What’s he hiding?

The car pulled into the rental car lot, where the bus was waiting. I got out and walked a few paces ahead of Gerard. I needed sleep. I didn’t get a wink at the hospital. Sleeping pills is all that could help me.

I dropped my duffel bag by the door and went into the bathroom. I heard Gerard’s keys jingle as the fell onto the countertop in the kitchen area. I opened the mirrored cabinet, not bothering to look at my reflexon like I usually did. I looked inside. My jaw dropped. It was empty.

I stomped into the main room and glared at Gerard, “Where are they?” I asked. I was furious. I was ready to break something. Or someone.

“Where are what?” he asked. He smirked. That bastard!

“You know damn well what!” I screamed. He sighed and took off his sunglasses. He placed them on the cunter next to his keys. He raised a brow at me. His smirk got bigger. Damn him! “My pills!”

“Oh those?” he said. He paused. Say something asshole! “I threw them out.”

“What?!” I screamed, “What the fucks your problem?!”

“I don’t have a problem Mikey. You do!”

“What are you talking about? I don’t have a problem?”

“Yea Mikey, you do,” Frank replied. When did he come in?

“Stay out of this Frank!” I screeched. Who were they to talk?

“Don’t yell at him! He wants to help Mikey! We all do!” Gerard screamed. Ray and Bob came in through the door. They didn’t looked shocked, like they knew this was gonna happen. Did they plan this?

“This is an intervention Mikey,” Ray told me, “Come on. We just want to help you. We don’t want you to have to take meds everyday like Gerard does.” Gerard nodded. Who was he to talk?

I looked at them all. I was still fuming. “Fuck all of you,” I told them.

I grabbed the keys and glasses and ran...