The End.

Chapter Twenty: Cold...

Chapter Twenty: Cold...

xXMikey’s POVXx

I woke up freezing my ass off. Why does it have to be so cold in Jersey today of all days? It’s only my third night out here, and I’ve got nothing. No food. No water. No help. Maybe I could rent a room for the night. No. Too risky of getting caught. I’ll survive this. I know I will.

I wrapped my arms, which were wet from the afternoon rain, around my skinny form. Yes, I’d lost weight because I wasn’t eating. I wasn’t hungry. Not for food anyway. only for my precious pills. I only have a few left, and I need to spare them. It’ll be a while before I can get more.

The cold autumn air sent a chill down my spine, making my colder. I fucking hate this. Who needs cold weather? Man, if I had just waited a while longer to leave, I could have been in nice, sunny Florida right now. But I would have gone through a bunch of crap with Gerard and everyone else. I’d choose alone time over that any day.

I decided to get out of the street for a while. You know, recuperate. I went into a diner near by, where it was warm and smelled of burnt biscuits. I sat at the abandoned counter, focusing only on getting warm. As for having anything, I’ll stick with water. At least it’s free.

A woman came out with an empty pot of coffee and laid it on the metal stand in the maker, where it could be refilled. I started think of a memory. A time when I was sick and went into Seven Eleven with Gerard and he bought coffee and taunted me with it. Wait. Why am I thinking about him? Why does everything come back to one thing and one thing only. Gerard.

The waitress who had left the coffee there noticed me fuming over these thoughts and walked over. I looked up. Her name tag read ‘Jen’. “You okay?” she asked. I remained silent. “You wanna talk about what’s bothering you?” she asked. I sat there like a dumbass. “Fine.” She leaned her elbows on the counter and rested her hand in her palms. She pulled a strand of platinum hair out of her blue eyes. “I’ve got all night.”

I was debating on whether to tell her, a complete stranger, about my past. Oh well. I’ll probably never see her again. I could care less who knows and who doesn’t right now. I need to get this shit off my chest. But I couldn’t let it out.

“What’s your name?” she asked, trying to get to know me. I stared at her.

“Michael,” I finally said. forgetting the nickname my childish brother gave me. She nodded.

“Got a last name?”

“Way,” I replied, “Michael James Way.”

“Hmm,” she mulled over the thought,” Nice name. Simple, but nice.”

“I guess...” This girl is strange, isn’t she?

“An age or something would be nice.”

“Why don’t you tell me your name?” I asked. She’s a little rude too.

“Um, read the tag,” she said. I looked at her. She smiled. “Now can I have an age please?”

“Twenty-six,” I replied.

“Twenty-six huh?” she thought about it, closing her eyes, “Too young. Too young.”

What the hell was this girl talking about? She doesn’t know me! So how can she just assume like that? Maybe she has powers or something. Like the force. Wait. That shit doesn’t exist. I need to move on from childhood obscenities like that. It’ll just get in my way.

“Family?” she asked. I was silent. “A brother perhaps?”

“Sadly,” I replied. She nodded and moved towards the now full coffee pot.

“Well Mikey, I suggest you go back to him, your brother I mean,” she told me. What?

“He’s gonna need you right now, cause it’s obvious you need him too. He wants to watch over you and love you. He wants to make sure you’re safe. You get it right?”

I fumed over this. How could she talk? She doesn’t know me. No one does. I hate her, just like I hate everyone else.

I walked out of the diner at that point, not wanting to talk anymore. I was fucking pissed. I had felt nice and warm inside the diner.

But the second I left, I was cold again...