The End.

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Looking Up

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Looking Up

xXGerard’s POVXx

“Mikey, please don’t jump!” I screamed at my little brother up on the rooftop. He leaned over the edge and looked straight down at me, which he’d been doing before.

“No!!!” he screamed back. He then proceeded to get up on the small brick wall on the edge of the roof. I didn’t take my eyes of off him. He stared down at me, and out eyes locked. We focused only on each other for about five minutes until tire screeching broke the silence. I turned and there Alicia was, panting with exhaustion and eyes full of fear.

“Where is he?!” she asked me anxiously. I looked up and pointed to the top of the roof. “Oh god...” she mumbled, holding back a sob. “Oh god...”

“We should call the fire department,” Frank suggested, “Or an ambulance. Or something.”

“I’ll go for help,” Ray volunteered. He took about three steps.

“No,” I told him. Everything and everyone stopped, and turned to face me.

“Gerard, your brother’s on the fucking roof!” Frank exclaimed, “Don’t you think we should do something to get him down?”

“Yes,” I replied.


“I think we should get him to calm down ourselves before we call anyone.” No one spoke. “Calling anyone would just make him freak out more. You know he hates to be fussed over.”

Silence fell over us. “You’re right,” Alicia broke. We all turned to her. “We’ll have to do it ourselves.”

We all nodded in agreement, and began to conjure up a plan. Frank went into the back of the rental car and searched the trunk. In the back was a megaphone, which we’d used for the last show before this all happened. Before the fight, the drugs, everything.

“Okay,” I said, “Let’s do this shit.” And with that, I turned the megaphone on. I raised the cone shaped projection tool to my mouth, thinking only one thing to myself:

Please don’t fall....