The End.

Chapter Nine: Sirens

Chapter Nine: Sirens

xXMikey’s POVXx

Darkness is all I saw. But I heard everything around me. Ray screaming on the phone and some crying. Was that Ray crying? I don’t think there was anyone else in the bus.

After what seemed like hours, I was pulled onto a gurney and pulled away. I couldn’t feel it if they touched me to check my pulse at all. All I could here was a loud siren.

I hate the sound of sirens. They’re so loud and pointless. I mean, I’m alive! Why are they in such a rush? I could wait five minutes to be wheeled into a room full of ill-ridden people. I could put that off for a while.

The sirens seemed louder after a while and didn’t stop. I so much wanted to put my hands over my ears and make the whirring go away. But I was paralyzed. I couldn’t feel. I couldn’t move. I could barely even think. All I could do was listen to the sobs of those around me.

And after a while, nothing was heard at all....