Fork and Knife

Well It Feels Pretty Soft To Me

"Ryan?" I was lightly nodding in the comfort of Hannah's arms. We were both lying in each others arms back at her house on her couch. After the incident Hannah had called a cab and brought me back to her place. I didn't care if my band was a leaving for a new state tomorrow, they could leave without me for all I care, being in Hannah's arms for just one night, I wouldn't have it another way. "Mmm?" I lazily replied while not moving my body at all. "Do you think, that sometimes, not everything will go right, I know people say everything will work out in the end, but sometimes, ddo you ever think that maybe it won't?" It was about 2 o'clock in the morning and I didn't really have the energy or patience to launch into a deep and heartfelt conversation.

"I don't know, I just hope that it does all turn out well" okay not so smooth. We were silent for a few moments longer, with Hannah running her fingers through my hair, and falling back to sleep, nearly. "Sing me something Ryan" no matter how tired I was my eyes shot open at her request "uhm, what?" I asked startled by her request. "Sing me something, please. Anything. I just need to know that everything is going to be okay" I wanted her to feel safe, and I wanted her to feel that everything was going to be okay, but sing? I couldn't do that! Brendon's our singer, he's my voice. "Please Ryan, for me." I cleared my voice and moved our bodies so that we were lying on our sides facing each other. She buried her face into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her small body.

'When you're close to tears, remember. Some day it'll all be over.. One day we're gonna get so high. And though it's darker than December, what's ahead is a different color
One day we're gonna get so high.
And at the end of the day, remember the days when we were close to the edge, and we'll wonder how we made it through the night. The end of the day, remember the way We stayed so close till the end, we'll remember it was me and you.
'Cause we are gonna be, forever you and me, you will always keep me flying high in the sky of.. love
Don't you think it's time you started, doing what we always wanted? One day we're gonna get so high.. cause even the impossible is easy when we got each other. One day we're gonna get so high
And at the end of the day, remember the days when we were close to the edge, and we'll wonder how we made it through the night. The end of the day, remember the way We stayed so close till the end we'll remember it was me and you.
Cause we are gonna be, forever you and me you will always keep me flying high in the sky of.. love. Cause we are gonna be forever you and me you will always keep me flying high in the sky of.. love" As we went to sleep and she cried in my arms.

Only I didn't know if anything would ever be okay

I woke up nearly face to face with Hannah's ceiling. I swear it had descended and rotted away since last night. I closed my eyes and then reopened them, adjusting to the light, there weren't any curtains so there was nearly light coming in at all angles. I looked around taking in my surroundings, when I noticed that I was lying on my back on Hannah's couch and she was lying straight on top of me with her hands by her side, and my hands around the small of her back. Chills shot through my body.

I felt Hannah stir underneath my arms and I slowly lifted them up so she could move. She moved up closer to my face burying her head into my neck and I started to sweat wrapping my arms around her tighter and holding close. I just loved being able to hold her. I was just starring at her face, examining every inch of her before her eyes slowly opened and we were starring back at each other face to face. "What's your name?" I asked quietly "Danhiel." She said. It was pronounce funny, like Dan-yell. But I liked it.

Our faces where inches apart and she was smiling at me while I was freaking out and starting to sweat, was it like a balmy 297534 degrees in here? She looks from my eyes to my mouth and back to my eyes, and I couldn't take in any longer before I leaned down slightly to press my lips against hers. I quickly pulled back, like I was in the seventh grade again. She started giggling at me, was this bad? Did I do it wrong? Was it too fast, to hard, not to quick? Does she hate me? She started full on laughing at my horrified face before she took my face in her hands and slowly kissed me, like I was being kissed by an Angel.
Ryan grab a hold of yourself, thats like the fucking corniest thing you have ever said.

Harden the fuck up and take charge. I pressed my lips harder against hers as she smiled into the kiss. Danhiel leaned up so our faces where more even as she pushed her tongue into my mouth and ran her hands through my hair, tugging slightly until I let out a drawn out moan into her mouth. She smiled into the kiss and pulled away to start kissing down my jaw line and neck, sucking on parts of my neck as I moaned out to her. She was driving me mad, I had to have her lips on mine. Oh God I hope I wasn't still dreaming and that it really was Danhiel kissing me.

I rolled us over so she was beneath me and went straight to her lips as my right hand went to her face to hold her where she was, as though she could never leave me. Her arms went around my neck and then down my back. The make out session was getting extremely heated up as we were rolling everywhere before I rolled over again holding onto her and we both rolled off of the couch which was just about a inch off the ground anyway. I had landed straight on top of her and was worried I might have hurt her but I was immediately reassured as she burst out laughing scrunching up her nose. Her laugh was contagious and I found myself laughing along with her just as loud until I crashed my lips back onto hers and we were back into it.

Thats is, until that one thing that ruins the moment, because theres always got to be something. I felt a vibrating sensation in my pocket and I groaned as I rolled off of Danhiel to answer the fucking annoying sound.

"Brendon" flashed across the screen. I pressed the green button and thrust it up to my ear in a pissed off manner "what?" I hissed into the phone. "Dude, what the fuck?? Where the fuck have you been we were supposed to leave last night but you never came back man we all fucking freaking out, we're sending a bus out to get you know, where are you?" Brendon gushed frustrated in one whole sentence. I rolled my eyes and just a short and blunt reply letting him know I would be back soon