Fork and Knife

I Asked Your Name You Asked The Time

"Well, someone has to talk to him, he's starting to freak me out. He hasn't left his bunk since like 4 days except for a show.. what if he's plotting to kill himself?" "Brendon, your an idiot. Something is obviously wrong and one of us should talk to him about it."

I carefully listened in to the muffled voices coming from the other side of the bunk room. I knew my band mates where worried about me, but I just missed Danhiel so much and I couldn't stop thinking about her. It was driving me mad.

I had been counting down the days since we would arrive in Michigan, that was where Danhiel would be, and I don't care if I had to leave my own band to find her, or if I had to hire a professional detective to fond her, I would. I guess the guys chickened out and didn't want to deal with me right now, because not too long after it was dead silent again as they all piled off the bus, off to wherever. I rolled around in my bunk, it was probably midday or whatever and I was still in my pyjama's not planning on changing until later tonight for our show.

I was rolling around trying to get comphy when something hsarp and pointy jabbed into my back and i let out a yelp. I rolled over to pull out 'Fight Club' I hadn't read this book in forver! I thought I lost it in Alabama last year. I opened it up ready for a killer story redaing time when there was a soft knock at the door. I huffed putting my book down frustrated that they won't talk to me when I have nothing better to do, but as soon as I find one of my favourite Chuck Palahniuk books, then they want to speak. I lowered my book to look over the top to see just who they had selected to come and distrub me. My expression softened and I was relieved when I saw Abbey come in with a sympathetic smile on her face.

I moved over, returning the smile as she came and sat with me at the end of the bed. Abbey had been with us for so long I can't even begin to think how long.. Her and Brendon were dating, and it was only a matter of time before before Brendon would pop the question, he was just being a dick about it and tagging Abbey along, and it wasn't fair on her. "Hey Billy" I smiled at her. All her friends knew her as Abbey but it was only us guys who were able to call her Billy. I think that nick name came about one time when we were just sitting around chilling back in highschool at Abbey would always be doing something stupid and Brendon would laugh at her and call her silly, and then someone just threw silly onto the end of Billy, and she has been known as Billy ever since.

"Hey Ry" She said sitting down and grabbing a pillow "Are you alright? You've been really distant from us all, is it lady troubles?" I smirked at Billy's attempt to cheer me up, she knew me too well and we pretty much couldn't keep something from each other if we wanted too. "i Don't know Ab's.. I mean, do you think, that sometimes, not everything will go right, I know we all say, that no matter what everything will work out in the end, but do you think that sometimes, maybe it won't?" She looked at me for a while with a confused expression, as though she was trying to crack 'the ryan code' out of what I had just said before she looked down at her hands and shrugged her shoulders as though she had just been defeated. "I don't know Ry."

I moved closer to her, worried I might have really upset her, she looked as though she was about to break down "Abs, whats wrong? What did Brendon do this time?" She sniffed and shook her head still looking down "I Don't know Ry, I don't know anything anymore. That boy is killing me, he brings me on tour to go out everynight and have girls throw themselves at him, and then is like, what is wrong with you?? I trust Brendon, and if I was so paranoid that he would actually do something with one of those sluts, then whats the point in us being in a relationship if I don;t trust him? I just can't stand it that he doesn't even get it. I'm worried that while I'm in love with him, and I want to have a family sometime, he's still a child touring the world with his band, I don't want to hold him back if we just don't want the same things.." She said sniffing everynow and then as tears where rolling down her face, and her nose turned pink.

"Billy, Brendon loves you so much, and he obviously just can't see how much this is bothering you, you need to talk to him, and if he loves you as much as I know he does, then everything will work out, and if it doesn't know, well your both still growing but you'll find your way back to each other in the future." I said as I hugged her.

We lay down together just talking about the future and things before the guys came back on tour and a very distressed Brendon came in taking one look at us before storming straight back out.