Fork and Knife

Will You Come Home And Stop This Pain Tonight

I came out to the lounge area to see Brendon sitting on the couch, frustrated starring at the T.V which wasn't even turned on Billy was asleep after crying on and on about Brendon, and while I tried my best to comfort her, I just couldn't stop thinking about Danhiel. "Bren, what's wrong?" I asked as I cautiously approached him, he looked to be in a pretty foul mood and I was worried that he was like a ticking time bomb and if I made just one more mistake he would snap. "What's wrong Ross? What the fuck is wrong? Well, I had a pretty shit day in general, and then I come home to find my girlfriend, in the arms of my best friend, so I really dont know what the fuck is wrong, maybe you can tell me!?" He yelled "Brendon, I was with you're girlfriend, because you weren't she was upset and came to me. I think you should go and talk to her and sort things the fuck out." Just then we both turned to see a very tired looking Billy coming out of the bunks rubbing her eyes. Clearly she wasnt as asleep as I thought she was.

Brendons immediately softened when he saw her, she had always had that affect on him. Whenever Billy would appear, Brendons world would just brighten and everything bad would disappear. I wish I could have that with someone Bil- Brendon started when he was stopped by Billy walking straight towards and pushing his chest back as he stumbled back a few feet "No Brendon! Don't take it out on Ryan! Im so sick of you always going out, and forgetting about me, who is stuck back here while your having girls throw themselves at you! You know I love you Brendon, and you know I trust you, but how do you think it makes me feel to see you like that and when you don't even care, you look at me completely oblivious as to how I feel." Brendon looked guilty and reached down to grab her hands

"I'm sorry Abbey. You're right, I have totally neglected your feelings and that makes me a shitty boyfriend. I'm so sorry, and I know you deserve better, and that I should say you deserve someone else, but I'm selfish and I want you all to myself." He pouted, she chuckled and looked down "I'm really sorry Billy, and if you give me another chance it wont ever happen again, now I know and I'm going to make sure you as the love of my life go before anything or anyone else."

He looked down to her face making her look back into his eyes. She gave a loud sigh and dropped her hands "I'm sorry too, but I mean those sluts are all over you! And did you see their boobs, I cant compete with that!" Brendon laughed as she rambled on and pulled her into a tight hug. She pulled her face out of his chest and looked up at him "but I mean, I understand though, if my boobs are too small for you I can get them bigger, I mean I was just thinking about it the other day, a nic-" Brendon shut her up with a kiss as I just awkwardly stood there.

Okkaayy my time to go now. Brendon pulled away and held her face in his hands "Shut up Billy. I love your boobs I don't need some tacky slut, I love you." Aww, gag me. Billy grinned up at Brendon and immediately lunged at him as they fell back onto the couch is a heated make out session. Wow, Brendon really did love those boobs. EW fuck gross time to leave.
I left the oversickingly lovebirds to go find someway else to entertain myself than sit back and get horny over my two best friends fucking when there was a lot of commotion going on in the venue. Being curious George that I was I decided to take a sticky beak. I know curiosity always got me in trouble before, but it also always got the better of me. Dan our manager was talking to a couple of other men who I had never seen before with a couple of our Roadies and guitar techs.

Dan was smiling and nodding when he suddenly recognized me and called me over "Ryan, I have some people I'd like you too meet" He said as he turned his attention to some men I had never seen before. The first guy was big and bald with an Underoath t-shirt on and a lot of tattoos up and down his arms. The other guy standing next to him and brown hair and scarily reminded me of Steven from Stevens untitled rock show, I was supposed to call him the other day for an interview, great guy. There was an older guy standing next to him, who looked the first guy and then another younger guy who pretty much just looked like Frank Iero. The other guy was holding a cigarette and looked as though if I spoke to him at all he would put me straight in hospital.

The other guy I couldn't really see very well, he was hiding behind a camera trying to fidget with all the gadgets and failing. "Ryan, this is Mike, Bill, Ben, John, Jackson and Eric." When he said the name Eric the scrawny guy from behind the camera stepped out so I could see him. No fucking way. He flashed me a smile and I nearly screamed. It was that creepy obsessive fan kid from our last show! What the fuck this it too weird, who are these people anyway?? "We decided to make a DVDCD Box set for you guys, something the fans will enjoy so they can have videos of you guys performing onstage, interviews and just some basic everyday living.

Mike will be helping Zack with security, Bill and Ben are the camera crew for the shows, John is the camera tech editor and puts it all together, Jackson will be interviewing you guys and Eric will be filming your interviews and everyday life."

Okay so now, I was officially creeped out. Eric wouldn't leave me the fuck alone! At first I thought it was just some fan craze, but he has been 5 inches behind me anywhere I went. As soon as I was introduced to the guys I immediately bolted hoping to escape Eric but then 10 minutes later he shows up jamming a camera into my face. Thank god we were going on stage in an hour. Fuck, I better get ready.