Fork and Knife

Give Me Something To Believe

I was quietly and quite comfortably sitting and relaxing in my bed at the hotel we were staying at with 'Fight Club.' It had been nearly two weeks since I had seen Danhiel. 1 week 6 days 12 hours and 39 minutes, but I wasn't keeping count Until Brendon suddenly ripped open my bunk curtain and jumped in next to me. What the fuck does he want now? I groaned and pushed him straight back out smiling to myself when he lost balance and actually fell out of my bunk and to the floor.

"Fuck you Ryan lets go I'm bored!" Brendon complained. I ignored him and just continued to calmly read my novel "Ryyyan!" He whined "What Brendon?" I asked pretending I didn't hear him. Now this was a familiar scene. I knew this was irritating him, and I really shouldn't but it was so much fun sometimes pushing all his buttons "fuck you. Jon and Spence are on the phone to their girlfriends and I don't even know where mine is so lets go" I rolled my eyes and didn't even tear my eyes away from my sentence "where would we go?" I asked in a bored tone "Well, I read in the PAPER today Ryan, yes I read a paper, there is a new club in Basston. We haven't been clubbing in forever! I'm so excited! Lets go Ryan, please come with" I sighed to myself weighing out my options. Stay here and continue to mope around trying to kid myself that I'm over Danhiel or go to this club show with Brendon.

"Oh my god! What if Britney Spears is there?!" Brendon gushed as we rode in the back of the Taxi on the way to this club. Yes, I caved; I'm weak fuck off. "Brendon, its a local club. Shes probably off in jail somewhere in Hollywood." Brendon sunk back down in his seat with a disappointed oh. We soon arrived at the large club with red rope and marble floor. I must admit they did a pretty good job on the place. We jumped out of the taxi feeling pretty important, being in a band and all, but looking around it looked as though absolutely no one in this place would have a clue who we were.

Wait, that girl over there looks EXACTLY like Danhiel! Snap out of it Ryan for fucks sake you'd think a dog was Danhiel you're so delusional. You need to get laid. I tried to ignore the voices in my head as I let Brendon steer us inside, he flashed our visiting cards that we got for being on tour, it pretty much let us into any club as long as the club was a promoter of the tour. We made our into the stylish and posh bar area where all the women were wearing their sluttiest outfit for all the men to check out and take them on a date and rape. Brendon headed straight to the bar before I could even blink, to 'mingle.' And so once again, here I am, George Ryan Ross on my lonesome.

I sighed at glanced around at all the kids grinding against each other to the loud pumping music until my eyes accidentally landed on a fierce pair of blue one that stared daggers right back at me. How the fuck did she get here?!? Was she following me! She marched straight over to me from one side of the club to the other. I started to panic and look for ways to escape when Brendon, who was completely clueless to the whole situation, came bundling over looking very pleased with himself until he glanced over into the direction of the two women heading straight towards us. Any sign of happiness and joy was immediately replaced with fear and terror. Talk about 'blast from the past.'

I was met by Claudia with a straight slap to the face as she clutched her martini in her other hand. "Ryan Ross where the FUCK have you been?! Did you like die or something?? I rang your phone like a million times because you were supposed to take me out after your show and then when I showed up you weren't there!" I starred at her blankly and a bit shocked, not being able to say a thing. "Uh, I'm sorry Claudia I was uhm doing interviews and just got carried up. She glared at me for a while before downing the rest of her drink and putting it on the table besides us.

"Thats okay Ryan. I suppose, seeing as you're a big rock star now that you just have other priorities." She purred in my ear. It still amazes me how much this woman can have serious mood swings. 50 seconds ago she wanted to rip my head off and now she wants to rip my pants off. "But, you can make it up to me now." She was so close I looked to my left to see a frightened Brendon being pulled to the dance floor by Britney. I stiffened and tried to back away but Claudia grabbed my hand and smiled at me seductively "come on Ry, lets get a drink" She winked before turning with my hand in hers and leading us to a booth and ordering some drinks.

I looked around eagerly trying to find Brendon. I felt bad leaving him alone with Britney. Claudia had had a couple of drinks and was starting to get a bit tipsy. I had had one beer diluted with coke because I'm a baby. Claudia brought up her left leg to brush over mine as she crossed her legs. She was trying so hard to get my attention and I knew that if I let my guard down I would be drugged and waking up in her bed the next morning, and that was one thing I DID NOT want. The music was pumping louder and Claudia was dancing in her seat until she grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the dance floor ignoring my protest.
Claudia would grind up against my body and just turn and hold up her hands in the air.

I think by now she would be too wasted to notice if I just slipped away, but every time I attempted to make a move she would grab my hand and pull me back closer to her. "I'm just going to get a drink" I shouted to her "What?" She yelled back "I'm going, to get, a drink!" I called. She looked at me blankly and confused trying to understand what I said before she just nodded and kept dancing. I headed in the direction of the bar before suddenly turning and making a quick escape to the exit. I ripped out my sidekick quickly texting a sloppy text to Brendon telling him I already left, and was sorry for leaving him with the monster. I shoved my phone back in my pockets as I pushed open the big EXIT doors finally meeting the cool quite air of outside. The music and the sweaty bodies all disappeared as I made my way down the street to find some taxi service.

I ripped out my phone again as soon as I found a street sign when it suddenly died on me. What the fuck I could have SWORN it was full battery like 10 seconds ago. I sighed frustrated and saw a strip club with flashing lights and notice coming from inside, indicating it was still open. I crossed the street and made my way to the entrance when I was nearly run over by a silver Mercedes speeding out of the drive way. "Yeah fuck you too!" A voice yelled at the speeding car as it drove off down the street. I looked to my right to see where the voice was coming from when I nearly past out.