Fork and Knife

When You Say Best Friends Means Friends Forever

Danhiel?!" I yelled running over to her. She was on the ground picking up items from her bag and putting them back. Her makeup was running as she had been crying and my heart just broke right then and there. She didn't look too good, she was dressed in strippers clothing and her skirt was torn and her heels were high and run down. "Ryan?" She sniffed standing up. I ran to her like my life depended it and just crushed her in a hug.

I immediately started kissing her over and over again holding her so close to me. She tried to speak in between kisses which came out muffled and barely audible "what" kiss "are" kiss "you" kiss "doing" kiss "here?" she asked. She pushed me away laughing and took my face in her hands "what are YOU doing here?" I asked her "I work here" she replied I took my eyes from hers and studied this place where she 'worked' I looked back down at her as she gave me an apologetic smile. "let's go." I said dropping the subject.

We were staying in a hotel tonight because we had a couple of shows tonight before moving onto to Rhode Island. We arrived back at the hotel in the cab, I was sharing a room with Jon and seeing as everyone was out I guess that they were all out clubbing or a meet and greet or something. I brought Danhiel in ordered her to have a bath as I took some of my clothes for her. "Ryan" she called from the bathroom "Yeah?" I called back "I don't have a towel" Shit. "Uhm okay, just a second" I called back running around trying to find where the fuck they kept the bloody towels. I knocked on the door and slowly opened it covering my eyes as I carefully made my way over to the bath she laughed and flicked water at me. I laughed and opened my eyes when the suds from the bubble bath covered my face letting me know she was at least covered by bubbles.

"Come in?" She asked. All the color left my face and I started to stutter before she gave me that look. I had never seen that 'look' before and I didn't know what had come over me before I ripped off my shirt and jeans and hopped in with her. She smiled and crawled over to me in between my legs and I was completely stiff, nearly terrified as I was so vulnerable around her. She gave me a look of pure lust as she leaned right up to my mouth breathing on my lips as I closed my eyes and felt her kiss me holding her lips before I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to me as the kiss deepened and we started sinking under the water. We kissed passionately until we both stood up still kissing and tried to step out of the bath while holding the kiss until i tripped hitting my foot against the edge as she grabbed my shoulders to stop me from falling as we both tripped and fell into the wall both laughing.

I pressed her up against the wall as she ran her hands through my hair. My hands went down from her waist to the small of the small of her back before I hoisted her up into my arms and carried her back out to my bed before we both landed on it smiling.
We continued to kiss, as I just fell more in lust with her. I was in pure bliss and as long as her body was with mine I felt as though I could do anything. We were soaking sheets and her wet hair tickled my neck. My hands ran down the sides of her until her hands went to them hem of my boxers and I immediately stopped pulling away from her and looking down into her eyes. "Wait." I said She smiled and ran her finger along my jawline which just made it harder to say no. I took her hand that was caressing my face and kissed it lowing my self down next to her so we were both laying on our sides facing each other.

"I really like you, Danhiel, and I know that everyday you have sex with some stranger who doesn't feel anything for you at all, and I'm not like that. I don't want to have sex with you like I'm some meaningless stranger" I said wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her closer to me. She just smiled at me and kissed me before rolling over as I moved to press up against her back pulling the sheets over our bodies and falling asleep.