Fork and Knife

She's Always Fallin Down

I woke up with a smile on my face remembering last nights events before I opened my eyes and rolled over to an empty bed. My smiled faded and my heart dropped. Well, the bed wasn't completely empty there was a note. A small little white note I glared at it half of me wanting to read it, and the other half wanting it to go away. I reluctantly leaned over grasping the note reading it, preparing for the worst.

Ryan, I had to get back home. Don't think I don't want to see you again.

Her number was messily scribbled at the bottom

For the first time since I was 12 I jumped out of bed and jumped up and down on my bed feeling as though I was king of the world on cloud 9. I accidentally woke up Jon as he rolled over and threw his pillow at me "stop fucking Ross, someone of us are trying to sleep" I laughed as the springs from my bed would have sounded like I was having sex.
For the rest of the day there was nothing that anyone could do to get me down. Eric followed my everywhere and tried to hold my hand, but I easily ignored him and kept smiling the whole day.

Abbey Spence Brendon and I had decided to go out for lunch before the show tonight, while Jon stayed home on the phone to his girlfriend Cassie. We felt bad for leaving him to babysit Eric while we all escaped, but hey its not our fault he sucks at rock paper scissors. We pulled up at a Taco Bell as we all shuffled out. It was pretty low key with not many people so we didn't really need to 'disguise' ourselves. We went into the restaurant laughing at the joke Spencer made about the old lady who kept eye flirting with Brendon. "Ew Spence, she was like 60" Brendon said discusted

"Hey watch it, I wouldn't mind a threesome with that milf" Billy pitched in making Brendon glare at her as we all laughed. "What can I get you kids?" Some lady named 'Judy' asked us holding her notepad and pen we all ordered the daily special and drinks before I got a text. I excused myself from my friends as I went to check my phone.

Come over tonight

My heart started racing, how did she even get my number?

I have a show. Will you come?
I quickly text back

I have work until 11. Be at my place after?

I didn't even need to think


81 Dalan Lane, Treasury

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and made my way back into Tarco Bell. Our food had come and Billy was telling some story that had everyone laughing. Now if only the show would come and go so I could see Danhiel again.

I left taco bell early antsy to get back to the arena and get ready for the show. I jumped onto our bus, it was empty so I figured Jon must be out. I went to the bunk area when I stopped dead in my tracks "uhm, Eric what are you doing?" Please tell me I was just seeing things? Amd Eric wasn't really just going through my underwear draw. "Ryan! You're back, I uhm was filming the bunk area for the show" he exclaimed. This was getting way wierd. I nodded slowly and backed back out of the bunk area. I was officialy creeped out and din't want to be anywhere near someone sniffing my underwear.

I uh think I'll go hang with the Academy Is... "Hey Ryan" Chislett called to me as I made my way over to their bus. They were all standing aroung talking outside to other band members. "Hey Michael" I greeted him as he put out his cigarette and greeted me he introduced me to some members of the opening act band who they were sharing a band with "Ry, this is Charlie, Gemma, Luke and Jesse from Letters to Lovers, there going to be our opening band." He said pointing to each one of them "guys, this is Ryan from Panic at the Disco" he said pointing to me. We all exchanged our 'his' and 'hellos' "So Ryan, where are the rest of your band members?" Gemma asked.

She was a short blonde haired girl "uhm, there all out at Taco Bell, I just came back early to get ready for the show" She smiled at me and I smiled back. She was very pretty. "Heeeyyyy guys come inside there's an intense strip poker game going on" William called as he came out of the bus and then dissapeared straight back in. "Oh man, I'm in" Jesse said followed by Charlie, or was it Luke? "We'll, just as well I can kick all your asses in poker. Growing up in Vegas, what can I say?" Gemma said to me as we made our way onto the bus "you grew up in Vegas?" I asked she looked at me and smiled as we stepped onto to the stairs to the bus "yeah, Summerlin" She said before going inside.

So far I was still appropriatly dressed, with only my shoes being taken off. There were two other girls playing, who were friends with The Academy who were both in bra's and jeans? Michael Chislett who was in all his clothes, Will who was sulking only being boxers and his t-shirt, Mike Carden was still fully dressed, Jesse and Luke were out and Charlie was in his top and jeans.

"Well ladies, I believe that's another win." Gemma said flashing her cards for us all too see. We all rolled our eyes and went to remove another piece of clothing before William stopped her with a cocky grin on his face "not so fast Gemmmmyyyy, that's a full house." She looked at him shocked before reaching over and pulled out the extra cards he was hidding in the hem of his boxers throwing them at his face "cheater." Charlie gasped "William!? How could you!!" He screeched before taking a laughing William off guard and tackled him to the ground "DOG PILE" Jesse called as everyone but Gemma lunged onto William "Oh my god, and here I was thinking we were all adults." It was all silent until Mike called "doggy pile on Gemma!" She gave a shocked expression before yelling No until we all jumped on her tackling her to the ground.

It was about 7 as we all sat around The Academy's is's bus having some drinks and getting to know the new band. Gemma was only 16 when the band got together, she was now 19 same age as me. Jesse was 18, Charlie was 20 and Luke was 19. I was having a conversation with Gemma. We were talking about favourite bands "Okay, Brand New?" I asked "you like Brand New??" She asked "yeah, is that a bad thing?" I asked worridly she laughed "No way! I can't believe you like Brand New! I think I just fell in love with you." She said as we laughed. "Okay, the white stripes?" I asked "Ugh, I can't stand them. I mean get a bass player already." I laughed "I know right" I said. We just kind of smiled at each other before someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I broke my gaze to see Jon. "Oh hey man, where you been?" I asked as I stood up to give him a man hug "I had to deal with freakazoid, he had like no clue where you went, he was like 'where's Ryan!? I need to get footage of Ryan! I swear man he has enough footage of you to make 473829 porn tapes." I laughed at Jon before Gemma pipped in "uhm who's freakazoid?" She asked "Oh 'freakazoid' is just what we nicknamed this wierd kid who is filming our band, and won't leave me the fuck alone.

"Oh, Gemma this is Jon our bassist, Jon this is Gemma lead singer from the new band Letters to Lovers" I introduced one another as they both smiled and sai hey "Well it was nice to meet you, Gemma but we have a show to do." Jon said to Gemma "well I guess I'll see you around?" I said to Gemma she smiled and hugged me "have a good show, don't break too many teen hearts" I laughed saying goodbye to the others on the bus before leaving to get ready for the show.