Fork and Knife

I Know She Knows

After the show we all came off dripping of sweat. Before we had a chance to do anything Pete came running to us dressed up "Kids grab your shit were having a Ramen party" We all cheered and hurried off to shower and 'gussy' ourselves up. Fueled by Ramen parties where the best, its where you got to mingle with every band member from the family and reminisce with those who you haven't seen in a while.

I came out of the small cramped bathroom with eyeliner, freshly straightened hair, skinnys, my grey Marc Jacobs jacket- my best friend. Which everyone always fucking steals. And the new snake skins Joe bought me because he knows how much I love them. I entered into the back bunk area and dumped my dirty sweaty clothes on the floor near my bed and came out to a crowded lounge room of people from every band. They were all dressed up talking and laughing until they all spotted me "Hey Ryan, about time bro let's go" Joe called. We all squeezed out of the small bus and into one of the 5 maxi taxis. In our taxi there was my band, Billy, Gemma, Jesse, Patrick, The butcher and Hayley Williams.

Hayley was cracking some joke about how Patrick always rubs his nose when he lied as we all laughed as he would deny it and then rub his nose. I wasn't really paying attention the conversation as I starred at my phone hoping Danhiel would call me. I knew she wouldn't because she was at work and it was only stupid wishing she would because it was only 10 o'clock "Hey, you alright?" Gemma nudged me as she was sitting to my left. I quickly looked at her snapping out of my trance. She had one of those scene bands on, as did Hayley not because they would actually wore them, but they were going to the party dressed as 'teeny boppers' so they had both straight hair with the stupid bands high waisted skinny jeans and black tops with 'OMG PLZ HAVE MY BABIES' On the back was LmaoLolRofl it was actually pretty funny.

Her eyes were really bright tonight, she had amazing long eyelashes and sharp green eyes, just like Danhiel. "Oh yeah, just thinking." I said she smiled "Well when we get to the club, you owe me a drink." She stated looking straight ahead I chuckled and turned to her "and whys that?" She turned to me with a confused expression on her face "whys what?" She asked "Why am I going to buy you a drink?" I asked "Aw, you're going to by me a drink? That's so sweet. Thank you Ryan." She said smiling and turning her attention back to the conversation with the rest of the crew. I laughed at her clever mind tricking skills and too adverted my attention to the conversation.

We all climbed out of the taxi thanking the driver as we went. I had a buzz of excitement running through me, as though I was on some sort of high. Gemma and I both raced to the door flashing our passes and making our way into the club 'Kaboom Kaboom' was blasting through the speakers and the room temperature immediately shot up "Hey, where's my drink?" Gemma said I rolled my eyes and took her hand guiding us over to the bar. "So are you likening the family so far?" I asked her as we sat at a booth drinking our Smirnoff's. She scoffed and looked at me "Are you kiddddinngg me Ryan, I'm in love with it. I'm going to marry the music Industry." I laughed noticing a tipsy Pete coming running over to us "hhheeyyy gemma, come dance with your boss." She laughed and left with him as he tugged her hand before she could say anything. She turned back to me and winked as I smiled back at her. Was I flirting with Gemma? No

I was shaken from my thoughts as my phone started vibrating in my lap I suddenly jumped at the weird feeling noticing 'Danhiel' was flashing across the screen. I didn't realize I was grinning like a fool before my cheeks started to hurt and I couldn't have answer the phone fast enough. "Hello?" I answered, still with that annoying grin on my face. "I need you Ryan, how quickly can you be here?" I didn't need anytime to answer that "Now." I said before hanging up and slipping into the backseat of the taxi.

The Taxi ride was absolute torture. It had started to storm and there was some sort of traffic jam. At 11:00 at night? I know. I kept checking my phone, it had been 23 minutes in this fucking cab and we had gotten nowhere. I consider how far Danhiel's house was from here. We were on the corner of fifth street. The lights suddenly went green and I perked up, only to see that three cars got through until they went back to red. I was fucking sick of this, I couldn't take it any longer! I grabbed whatever change I had in my pocket before throwing it at the driver and jumping out of the car, ignoring the calls I was getting from people. I was getting soaked and her place was nearly miles from here.

I had dodged stray cats and dogs, literally jumped over pushed over trash cans and stolen a poor old guy's coffee that he was about to sit down and drink, all while running. The only thing that was keeping me going, was just seeing Danhiel. It was about twenty minutes later when I reached her apartment. There was an extremely welcoming couch in the lobby, but I knew if I sat down I wouldn't be able to get up. I ran straight to the lift when I realized she was nearly on the top level. The lift was nearly worse than the taxi ride and so I just gave it a 'fuck it' attitude and headed straight for the stairs, ignoring all the strange looks I was getting from the few people in the lobby as I left a puddle of water everywhere I went. I raced up all 14 level of stairs. Okay I lied, I rested about 5 times.

I could not have been happier when I reached her level and ran down the hallway landing on 'Number 8' I lifted my fist to knock on the door but before I had a chance to knock the door was ripped open by a confused Danhiel in her pajamas. "Ryan wh-" before she had a chance to say anything I marched straight over to her taking her face in my hands and crashing my lips down to hers. She pulled away and looked at me with a smile on her face "I didn't think you were coming" She said stroking my face.

I kissed her hard again, just to make sure this was real "I had to." This time she lunged her lips to meet mine as we started moving towards the stairs backing up against the wall as I lifted up her arms above her head as I took off her pajama top throwing it to the ground barely leaving her lips. She ran her hands through my hair as I hoisted up her hips and carried her slowly up the stairs as we tripped and crashed into the wall numerous times laughing like kids. We finally reached the top and she pulled off my top pulling me by the belt loops of my jeans. We both fell back against her bed laughing as we kissed between fits of laughter.

Her hands went to my jeans as she pushed them down as I kissed down her neck. She moaned as she ran her hands up my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck. Suddenly I stopped. I was lying on top of her and I propped myself up on elbows to look at her, to really look at her. She was smiling back at me "what?" She said tracing circles on my chest. I smiled back at her tucking a piece of hair behind her face. Her face had a glow around it and right then, she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I slowly bent down and kissed her softly. She rolled us over to straddle me and took off my boxers. "Okay, no more talking." She said smiling. I smiled back at her and let her take me into pure bliss.