Fork and Knife

If The Silence Takes You, I Hope It Takes Me Too

I kind of got lost in my own little world starring outside the night sky of Los Angeles when I was tapped on the shoulder and came face to face with the one who has experimented too much with different hair colours.

“Uhm, your sitting in my seat.” She said causually as though she owned the place. Excuse me? “Excuse me?” I said voicing my thoughts. “You, are sitting, in my seat.” She replied again, seeming to ‘dump it down for me.’ “Uhm, there are plenty of other seats, and I got here first. I just saw you a minute ago, sitting over at that table” I replied softly, not making eye contact with her intimidating emerald eyes, as I pointed to the now vacant booth where she once was.

“Yeah, but that is where I sit and do my drawings because it’s the one furtherest away from everyone. And THIS table is where I sit and stare out at the night sky when I need to think.” She said all in one breathe like she owned the damn place. Did she just say ‘furtherest?’ “Look, can’t we just share it, I mean I like it here too.” I tried reasoning with her, it’s a damn table. “Ugh, fine.” She grumbled, flicking her rainbow fringe out of her face and moving in to the seat opposite me, plugging in her mp3 headphones. Curiosity got the best of me and I glanced over to see what she was listening to ‘New Noise’ by refused flashed across the small screen. She noticed this and looked up at me “What?” She snarled I looked taken back, and innocently defended myself “Nothing, I was just wondering what you were listening too.”

She rolled her eyes and took out one ear plug and leaned over the table to put in my ear. I was a little startled at how forward she was. She really intrigued me, but too an extent where her bitchiness annoyed me. But I still felt the need to figure her out like she was some puzzle.


The screaming at first made me jump a tad seeing as how late it was at night.
She took the ear piece back, but left it out so she only had one in
“So I’d take it your more into all the emo crap?” She said monarchally not even looking at me, but studying her nails which were a chipping blue and red colour, each finger was in a pattern, one blue, the next red, then blue etc.

“What? Why would you think that?” I asked confused, seriously who asks that? And what the fuck does ‘emo music’ mean anyway? “Well, I mean just with the whole emo hair you have going, the black hoodie, and black skinnys.” Was she sizing me up? “I don’t have emo hair!” I defended myself. Self consciously putting my hand to my hair to feel around checking to make sure it wasn’t ‘emo hair’ how ever the fuck you do that. “Whatever.” She said as though I were boring her. “Hey, what is your problem, I’m ‘sorry’ I took your seat, even though you seemed quite happy at that other booth, and that I’m boring you or something.” I said getting pretty annoyed, but she just plastered a smug smirk on her face.

“You’re not boring me.” She replied going back to her music, putting both earplugs in as ‘set fire to the face on fire’ by the blood brothers flashed across. Oh sure, if I wasn’t boring her, then why would she go back to drowning me out. I finished my coffee, trying to ignore her but stealing glances at her every 5 seconds. I think there’s something wrong with that.

I seemed to spend extra long finishing my coffee, because once I did I would leave and never see her again. I don’t even know her name? What do I care? She was so... captivating. The way she could just waltz in, through insults at me, and still get her way.
But I did finish my coffee, and without saying anything I got up, disposed of it and made my way out, without turning around or glancing back. I would think some cliché line like ‘As she walked out of my life, never to see her ever again.’ But I deep, down I wanted to see her again.