Fork and Knife

If It's Only For Tonight

I woke up to loud laughing coming from the lounge room. I tried blocking it out but my body had now woken up and there was no way of getting back to sleep. I reluctantly got up throwing on anything I could find, which happened to be my boxers and Brendon's grey hoodie. My hair was sticking up in every direction and my eyeliner was smudged from the other night. Oh boy, was I a sight for sore eyes. As soon as I stepped out and into the lounge room I was surprised to find Billy, Gemma, Hayley and Peyton who I knew was staying with The Cab. "Well hello handsome." Billy smirked "fuck off, its you little bitches fault I cannot sleep." I complained making my way over to sit next to Gemma in the booth.

"Oh my god Ab, tell him who we saw last night." Hayley giggled. I was super thirsty as I took Peyton's glass of water and started downing it. Abbey looked excited and then studied me quizzically "oh yeah, who the fuck is Britney and Claudia?" As soon as the words left her mouth I started choking on the water and was saved by Gemma hitting my back. Abbey looked at me suspiciously "Oh uhm, people we.. know" I replied starring at the water I was holding, knowing that if I looked at her, she would be able to tell that I was lying. "Oh really?" She asked slumping back in her seat with a sneaky smile on her face like she knew something I didn't. Which she did.

"Hey uhm what time is it?" I asked changing subject "four" Peyton replied "Four?!" I exclaimed "Oh my god, how the time flies. Uhm Gemma and I have to go now, we have soundcheck, because were a playing a show.. now.. soon." I exclaimed standing up and tugging on Gemma's arm "what, no I don't" Gemma said taking back her arm "Yes. You do, Brendon just texted me." She looked me up and down "Ryan you're in your boxers you don't even your phone on you." she said "what is this twenty questions, let's go or you'll be late!" I said with more urgency in my voice. Either she believed she really did have sound check, or she was catching onto my hint.

"Okay, so what is really going on?" She asked after I had changed and we were walking towards the venue. "I need your help" She smirked "I knew it. Okay, spill." I took in a long sigh "I need you to pretend your my girlfriend." She stopped dead in her tracks with a shocked expression, but I could see a playful smile deep down, if you looked really, really close. "Look Claudia and Britney are old ex girlfriends of Brendon and I, and there coming tonight and won't leave us the fuck alone and so if Brendon has Billy, and I have you my 'girlfriend' maybe they will finally catch on and go away. What do you say, pumpkin? She laughed and pushed me as we both laughed.

"Well helllllooo ladies" Brendon said as he entered into our 'party' room with Billy and Jon. The Academy Is... were performing right as we speak, and so it was the remaining DecayDance bands on the tour who had set up one of the big backstage rooms. They had brought in large d.j. turn tables, speakers, there was a small bar and booths. Always with the booths. I was sitting at the far one against the wall talking with Spencer, Gretta and Ryland. "So Ryan, I hear your pretty good friends with Gemma from the new band" Gretta asked me downing her drink "yeah man, it's like every time I see you, your both together" I looked at them a bit confused, did everyone think this?

"Really?" I asked they all nodded and laughed at my cluelessness, if thats even a word. "Yeah, we all thought you guys were dating, or something" I looked at Spencer to see if he thought this too, he didn't have to say anything I could pretty much get anything out of him just by looking at his face. He just looked at me and shrugged and went back to his drink. Okay that was a tricky one. "Oh well, I mean she's really cool and all but were not dating, we only met like a couple of days ago." Gretta had a sly smile on her face as though she didn't believe me and before she could say anything else Brendon came bouncing over to our table.

"Gretta! I haven't seen you in fo evs girlfriendddd, how you been?" He asked her with his girlish voice "Brendon, don't ever speak to me again like that." Gretta instructed laughing as they left to go somewhere. "Well bro, I think I just saw Hayley come in, so if you'll excuse me" Ryland said winking at us, he was so in love with her, even though I'm pretty sure Hayley was dating someone from her hometown. I laughed and turned back to Spencer only to realize he had left me to chat to Hayley on his phone. Great so its sober little lonely Ryan again.

"Ryan" Shit. I take that back. I slowly turned to see a smiling Claudia "h-hey Claudia" She smiled seductively running her hand up my leg, I suddenly jumped back scared under her touch "Ryan, I feel that we have had no time together, I only came her to see you, I have to go back soon" She pouted. Just then the doors banged open, like one of those famous entrances you see in movies Gemma came in looking incredibly stunning that I just couldn't take my eyes off her, even when Claudia's annoying voice kept asking 'who's she?' to anyone around her.

She was looking around she noticed me and smiled coming over. Claudia watched her the whole time, glaring daggers at her. "Hey Ry" Gemma said giving me a 'code' look we had practiced asking with hey eyes 'Is this Claudia?' I gave her a small nod and got up putting my arm around her shoulder "uhm Claudia, this is my girlfriend I said trying to hide my smile which just wanted to jump out and go HA IN YOU FACE SLURRY but I held it back. Girlfriend?" Claudia spat "Hey, it's nice to meet you, are you a friend of Ryan's?" Gemma said. I nearly pissed myself laughing right then and there Gemma was good, she knew exactly how to get under skin. Claudia's face was absolutely priceless as she stormed out the party. As soon as the doors had slammed shut Gemma and I burst out laughing nearly falling over "oh my GOD what a bitch, Ryan you sure know how to pick them don't you" she winked.

I laughed as we made our way to the bar. I was about some drinks when I saw a very, very distraught Billy running out of the back room. Suddenly Brendon came out running after her, his hair was messy and his shirt was untucked and pulled around. Oh dear, this can only mean one thing. "Brendon!" I turned to see a screeching Britney running after him also coming out of the back room. I excused myself from Gemma and decided to go and comfort my friends and find out how badly Britney and fucked up.