Fork and Knife

A Million Different Contradictions Rolled Into One

I ran outside of the party just to see Brendon run after Abbey who retreated back to the bus, slamming the door right in Brendons face. Yeah he fucked up bad. Brendon yelled angrily before kicking the door really hard and storming off. I decided that Billy would need some time to cool off so I chose to follow Brendon. The Academy Is was still playing, you could hear them all the way from our buses. I followed his down some alley next to the venue before he just started hitting the wall and then turning to rest his back against it sinking down it and pulling his knees up resting his elbows on his knees, and crying into his hands. I lowly jogged over to him and sat down next to him. No one said anything I just let him cry.

"I fucked up Ryan." Brendon said after a good 7 minutes of just crying "yeah I know." I said he rested his head against the wall and just looked up into the night sky "I had too much too drink, Britney was there and she took control of me, it meant nothing. Abbey was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." I sighed. Typical Brendon, he was still so young. Abbey wanted a serious relationship and he still wanted to fuck around and have fun while he was young. "Brendon, if you really loved Abbey, you would make sure you wouldnt let yourself go so you wouldnt end up in that position. How is Bil supposed to know you really love her, when you dont even have enough self control of yourself to know when enough is enough?"

He sighed in defeat. He knew I was right. "What am I going to do?" He said turning to me. His tear stained face glowing from the light of the streetlight "I dont know man. This is your mess that you have to fix" I said patting him on the back "I really love her Ryan." He said "Yeah I know you do, but if you really love her, like I know you do then you'll show that to her rather than just sitting her in some dead end alley telling me that." I said. He let go of his legs and let them fall straight out in front of him resting his hands in his lap looking down. I stood up offering my hand "well Im pretty sure, you sitting her in an alley way isnt showing the girl of your dreams that you love her." I said chuckling as he took my hand.

We made our way back to the bus, Brendon looking down the whole time obviously thinking of what he was going to do or say to make Billy take him back. He better think pretty damn hard. When we got back the light was on and there was the silhouette of Billy moving about the bus. Brendon knocked on the door as I just stood to the side the door was slowly opened by Billy who had changed her clothes into jeans and a plain top. She didnt even look upset anymore, she looked normal. Brendon made his way onto the bus and I knew I should stay outside, but it was killing me to know what they were going to say so I ran to the other side and sat under the window hopefully being able to hear their conversation.

"Abbey, Im so sorry you know I love you. But I lost control and I know theres probably no point in explaining anything because the situation is pretty self explanatory. But I'm so sorry, I didnt mean any of it, it didnt mean a thing!" He pleaded "I know" she said softly "You do?" There was hope in Brendon's voice. Was it really this easy, was Billy forgiving him? "But I love you too much Brendon, to have my heart broken. I don't think... I can't do this anymore. I love you so much, but you have a lot of growing up to do." There was sincerity and regret in her voice as she tried to hold back tears. I could practically hear both their hearts breaking. "I'm sorry Brendon." She said before I heard her coming out of the bus and dragging her bags along behind her into a big yellow taxi. And then she was gone.