Fork and Knife

A Shyness That Is Criminally Vulgar

Ahhh, it's good to be home. Constant traveling on a cramped bus with three smelly boys, 3 hours of sleep every two nights, sleeping in a one and a half meter bunk every night, what's there not to miss? I got out of the taxi lugging my bags behind me and making my way up to the bus seeing some of the roadies running around. It was pretty empty so I guessed most bands must be performing, getting ready for a show, or relaxing after a show. I don't think anyone really knew I was back yet, but even if I did I don't think anyone would have been here anyway.

Brendon's doctor said he would at least have to have months of therapy but Brendon pretty much refused, and with Abbey by his side, well I think he's going to be okay from now on.
I opened the door to the bus and was surprised to be greeted by so many friendly faces. I was immediately tackled into a hug by Jon who wailed into my hoodie. "My baby! I missed you so much, don't you ever leave me again!" I laughed and pushed him aside to greet all the other band members from other bands and Spence and Brendon. I had just finished hugging Gretta from The Hush Sound when I noticed Cassie, Jon's girlfriend sitting on the couch. She was talking to Gemma, when she noticed me and smiled, excusing herself and coming over to me.

"Hey Ry" She said as we hugged "Hey Cas, what are you going here?" I asked. She sighed and smiled weakly "oh you know, the whole 'college' thing wasn't really working out, so I decided to come see how things were on the road. I smiled at her and went back to the bunk area where I was horrified to turn the lights on and see Brendon and Billy going at it like rabbits in MY bunk "WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yelled "Shit!" Brendon screamed as I scared them, obviously they weren't expecting company. I threw my bags down and ran back outside covering my eyes from the horror.

I still couldn't believe that Cassie had flown all the way from Canada to the states just for a couple of weeks. I mean the tour would be over soon, I was a bit confused. "Hey hey hey, a celebration to the panic dudes, the coolest fucking kids I know." Pete said raising his beer. Everyone cheered and clapped and then it was decided we would all go out to a club. I was talking to Gemma about how her show went and was a bit too wrapped up in the conversation to realize we were going anywhere and so I was a bit confused when I was being pushed out of a taxi 20 minutes later to some loud pumping club called "Grinder" It was so packed you pretty much had to jump if you were going to move anywhere.

We bounced around and eventually Gemma, Jon, Spencer, Cassie, William, Pete, Gabe and Jesse were all sitting at a booth when Pete got up to get us drinks. "A round for everyone?" He asked we all nodded except Cassie who shook her head "no thanks, just a coke" Pete shrugged and went over to the bar. "So how's Brendon doing?" Gemma asked me as the rest talked about the latest Britney Spears goss "he's doing really well. Him and Billy are back together, thank God. Sometimes I think we need her more than Brendon does so that she can look after him and take him off our hands" I said she chuckled and took her drink from Pete as he arrived back from the bar.

"That's so good, I can't even begin to tell you how scared everyone was. Well it's great that your all back, I can't believe we only have seven more states to do! This is just insane!" She yelled over the music. I laughed taking a sip of my drink "yeah" I said back trailing off a bit. I hadn't really thought about what I would do after the tour. Where would things go with Danhiel? "Hey, you alright Ry?" Gemma said nudging me a bit. I shook my thoughts and smiled at her "yeah, just thinking about how close tour is coming to an end" She smiled and put her drink down taking my hand "come on, lets dance"

A worried expression came over my face as I shook my head "Gemma, I don't dance" She rolled her eyes pulling me out "oh my god, it's the same excuse with you men everytime! You're dancing and your going to have fun! Now come on!" I laughed and followed her out to the dancefloor.

And I hated to admit it, but she was right. It was a lot of fun.
But what I hated more was the way she moved.

I couldn't take my eyes off her