Fork and Knife

It Doesn't Hurt To Win Me Over

For the last 24 hours I had had zero sleep. The girls had kept me up all names deciding what to do. Cassie was only 19 and too young to have a child. She said that if Jon didn't want the child, she would get an abortion. Billy tried to convince her otherwise, but she had made up her mind. We decided she would tell Jon after the show tomorow night.

It was about 9:00 in the morning in Kansas and I was lounging in my boxers on the couch watching some cartoon show that I wasn't even paying attention too. I was falling asleep only just not really. I couldn't sleep in my bunk because it was being occupied by lovers and I couldn't sleep in the front of the bus because Spence was on the phone and cooking something. I decided seeing as we were in Kansas for two nights that I would have time to go and see Danhiel.

I chugged down my instant coffee as I threw my hoodie over the top of my 'Brand New' T-shirt as I waited for the taxi. I gave the adress I had memorized and bounced my knee as I stared out the window, not being able to contain my anticipation until I would see Danhiel again. We arrived at the apartment and I tipped the cabbie for getting me here at record timing. I was glad I was as awake this morning to realize that this was a perfect time to come as Michael would be at work.

The elevator was too slow so I sprinted up the steps and raced down the hallway stopping outside number 8. I pulled out my key, yes, my key. "Danhiel?" I called out she wasn't in the lounge room and the house was deadly silent "Danhiel?" I called going to into the bedroom "Dan-" I stopped turning to the bathroom where I screamed and ran to her lifeless body lying sprawled out over the cold tiles. There was blood over the floor and pills scattered across the basin. The perfect murder for such a perfect person.

"Danhiel! Wake up!" I cried tears pouring into my arms as I shook her awake. She stirred and her face was so pale it looked as though she were almost dead. almost I scooped up her body taking her to the bed where I laid her down fumbling for my phone and calling an ambulance.

Danhiel was rushed to hospital labeled under 'attempted suicide' from slitting her own wrists while overdosing on Ativan. I hated myself for all of this. By right now, the person I hated more was Michael. I left an unconscious Danhiel in the hospital wing and set out for the club where I knew to find the man I was ready to kill.

I practically leaped out of the taxi which pulled up the club Michael owned and had Danhiel working at. Just my luck, I saw the bastard exiting the back door for a smoke. He lit up his cigarette leaning against the wall and breathing in and breathing out when he noticed me stalking over to him. I had daggers shooting out of my eyes as I clenched my fists and my jaw power walking over to him. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked and before I gave him another chance to speak I punched him right in the jaw. He spun around dropping his cigarette and stumbling back. I jumped right on top of him "you fucking son of a bitch! How could you!" I screamed as I punched him as hard as I could in the face and then wrapping my hands around his throat.

Our faces where going read as I continued to yell and choke at him. I soon heard voices behind me as I was being ripped off Michael as I kicked and screamed yelling for them to let me go so I could finish the job "What the fuck are you doing?!" A middle aged man yelled at me backing me up against the wall "Boss, are you alright?" The other man asked Michael kneeling down next to him. Michael slowly sat up holding his throat and waving a finger at me. The man standing in front lunged to grab but before he could I stepped him running as fast away from him as I could.

I ran as fast as I could never looking back. I ran through streets and through alley ways until I collapsed in a small alley way behind a dumpster outside a second hand clothing shop.
With my head in my hands I sat and cried.