Fork and Knife

I Saw God Cry In The Reflection Of My Enemies

I made my way down ‘York street’ with my hands glued inside my hoodie keeping me warm until I felt a tap on my shoulder, and preparing myself to scream like a girl at the could be murder behind me, I came face to face with those emerald eyes covered over by red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and pink colours of hair. “So what are you doing here? If you obviously don’t know your way around.” She said as though she knew everything. That I was some tourist, didn’t know my way around, and was dumber than her.

And she was right.

“Yeah well… I’m trying to get back to my bus.” I said looking at my shoes, not wanting to look into her eyes afraid that she could look straight through me, and somehow be able to read everything about me. “Your bus? What are you, like some roadie?” She said bitterly covering a small chuckle. I threw my head up to meet her eyes once, feeling insulted
“No! I’m in the BAND not the fucking roadie!” Since when did I care so much what some dead hair stranger thought of me?

Oh yeah, I always cared about what people thought of me.

She threw her hands up in defence “Fine, fine. But if your going to call a cab, don’t have them drive you down ‘Felicity street’, because then there just taking there time to waste your money. You’ll know it if you pass ‘the beat’”. She said putting her hands back in her own hoodie as she backed away walking backwards before finally turning around and walking the opposite way with a smug look on her face.

I took her advice, and walked an extra 500 meters where there was a cab phone booth and called one to come and collect me from wherever the hell I was. Why the fuck did I have to ‘hide’ my phone from me tonight?
Not more than 10 minutes later and 5 ‘seductive’ looks from the passing hookers on the street, there was a yellow cab pulling up in front of me. I dashed to it retreating in the back and huddling up against the side and gave the directions to the venue we were all parked at.

I was leaning against the window just lazily watching all the flashing lights for cheap sleazy motels, all the street signs passing me, until one caught my eye
‘Holands AVE’ ‘Rigby ST’ ‘Felicity ST’
I shot my head up and looked around my surroundings, it was packed with clubs, and then I notied people hanging around outside ‘the beat’ some going in, some leaving, some spewing outside, or just lighting up a joint.

“Hey listen buddy I just want to get home as soon as-” I started lecturing the driver, I was really not in the mood to be fucked around with, and I would have finished my sentence, until he jerked the car to the left dodging whatever animal was on the road, throwing me to the right, where out my window for a split second, seeing those emerald green eyes filled with fear as the cab smashed into her and those around her.
He had missed the speeding car coming our way, but instead hit her.

I pulled myself up, my head spinning as I was now the only one in the vehicle, I climbed out, too dizzy to comprehend what was going on, I saw a group of people surrounding those along the ground, I picked up myself and made my way over to her lying body, I fell down beside her, as she managed to look up at me with those eyes
“Hello stranger.” She said weakly , horse voice, and willing her eyes not to close.
“Ar-are you hurt?” I managed out, everything was moving to fast, she had just been hit, and was still alive, I had been thrown to the side of the car and was still managing all my efforts to get a hold of what was going on.

“Im fine.” She replied as her eyes slowly closed, along with my memory.