Fork and Knife

S.O.S To My Mother

“Ohhh my god.” Billy complained holding her head as she stumbled out of the bunk area “does anyone feel as shit as I do?” She asked as Spencer and Brendon ate their cereal with their aspirins close by and I just laid on the couch drinking my homemade hang over remedy, which I used to make for my dad. “Guys, where did Jon go last night?” Spencer asked. We all looked at each other trying to remember last night when we got back. “Oh my god” Billy said as her face went pale “what?” We all asked curious to know what was wrong “oh shit” she said slowly sitting down to Brendon as though she had just heard that her aunt had just died. “What?!” We all inquired “Cassie told Jon! Obviously it went wrong, has anyone seen Cassie? Jon was crying last night! Put two and two together!” She exclaimed. We all realized and suddenly the room went silent. Pretty much everyone now knew and Jon was the last to find out, but now he knows.

I was the first to find Jon after the incident. He was playing his bass backstage the sound check stage sitting cross legged by himself on top of one of the amps. “Jon?” I asked cautiously not wanting him to blow at me. But instead he just ignored me. “Jon?” I asked again “what??” He snapped throwing his head up at me “uhm, do you want to talk about what happened last night?” I asked sitting down next to him. He sighed putting his bass down and running a hand through his hair “she left me” He replied “what did she say?” I asked “she told me, that she was pregnant and that she doesn’t have enough to raise the child, and I told her that she was crazy because we would raise it together and she told me that she didn’t love me anymore and if I didn’t want the child then she was get rid of it and I didn’t know what to do. I’m not ready for a fucking child Ryan.” He said tears in his eyes. I looked down not knowing what to say, there was nothing to say.

“Well, are what are you going to do? I mean did you at least say you would think about it?” I asked he shook his head and looked down “I told her that I would keep the kid, as long as she didn’t… kill it. She was so upset that she just left so I don’t know if she’s going to keep it or not, because she won’t return any of my calls.” He said sighed as we both stood up and I engulfed in a hug. This was going to be a tough one.

We had a show at six tonight, and then there would be a huge Fueled by Ramen party tonight instead of tomorrow night, because most people would already be on a plane ride home to see their loved ones. Jon was doing better. When something bad happen, he was the type of person to deal it with it in his own way and make sure no one else would get involved with it.

We performed another amazing show and the crowd was again, insane. We all marched off stage on a pleasant high as tour was almost over an we would soon be home once again. Of course we would miss the touring world like fuck but it would be so good to be home again it would be so good to have Danhiel in my arms again “No way!” Billy yelled as the five of us entered the party “Brendon!! Do you know who that is??” She exclaimed pointing at a man talking to some people near the bar “uhm, Adam Lazzara?” He asked. She scoffed and hit his chest “not just ‘Adam lazzara, but THE Adam Lazzara!” She said as though she were a fifteen year old teeny bopper again giggly and bouncing over to him.

Brendon rolled his eyes and followed her “and then there were three” Spencer said. Suddenly someone tapped Spencer and we all turned around as our mouths nearly fell to the floor “Hayley?!” Spencer yelled in shock. She grinned and shook her head vigorously before he crushed her in a huge hug “Oh my god! What are you going here?” He asked after she had hugged the rest of us. “Pete told me this was you’re second last show, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” She said as they went over to the bar to get a drink and make out “and then there were two.” Jon said smirking we made our way over to the bar to get our drinks when Gemma came up beside me “Ryan! There you are, let’s dance!” She exclaimed and I could tell she was already tipsy.

I laughed and let her take my hand before turning around to smile apologetically at Jon. "And then there was one."