Fork and Knife

Take The Hinges Off The Door

Today was the day. We had known it was coming for a long time, but now it was finally here. The party last night was insane, I think even My Chemical Romance was there, even though there not part of Fueled by Ramen it was still awesome to meet them.

Our final show had come and gone and everything was moving so fast. I don’t even think words could describe how amazing our last and final show was. Everyone was running around everywhere packing up everything and I was nearly wetting myself of the thought of being able to see Danhiel again in just a matter of hours.

I stood at the front of the terminal with Billy, Brendon, Spencer, Hayley and Jon. I wouldn’t be seeing them again for a while until we came together again for small shows and then again in a couple of years to write out second album. I had already said goodbye to the other band members, Letters to Lovers had left last night and some of the bands were still to perform “I’m going to miss you so much Ry, forget to call me and I swear I will never speak to you again.” Billy said as she released me from her embrace “I’ll see you in a while man, thanks for everything.” Brendon said crushing me in one of his famous bear hugs, where those tears in his eyes? “We’ll come and visit you man, take care” Spencer said as he and Hayley both hugged me. “We’ll miss you, Ryan” Jon said as he too hugged me. I turned to board my plane turning around as I walked down the corridor to the plane.

As soon as I arrived in Michigan I went straight to collect my bags and then outside to where all the Taxi services where. My leg bounced the whole time in the car. As soon as we arrived at Danhiel’s house I was so eager to see her that I nearly sprinted out the car forgetting to pay the driver. I left my bags in the lobby; I would have them bring them up later. I sprinted up all the stairs, only having to stop once by lack of energy and air until I finally reached her floor and sprinted down the corridor to number 8. I took out my key and opened out the door to be greeted by a horrible smell, which definitely was nothing like dirty laundry, was that ecstacy?

There were strange people everywhere and loud music blasting through. People were making out anywhere and everywhere unless they were passed out on the floor. I made my way through the people desperately trying to find Danhiel, what the fuck was this? People were falling onto me and laughing trying to touch me as I just pushed them off and looked deeper into the apartment to find Danhiel. Suddenly I saw her. She was on the kitchen floor with some people I had never seen before in my life lining up cocaine with a butcher knife and then sniffing. I ran to her pulling her back.

She was a mess. Her hair was ratty and greasy and she had no makeup on and her eyes were bloodshot and she had bags under her eyes. She was extremely thin and weak and washed out. “Danhiel!?” I asked she didn’t say anything but just went limb and fainted in my arms. I panicked and quickly picked her up Bridal style and carried her to the bathroom. I pushed through all the high and wasted people laying her down on the kitchen floor. “Danhiel!” I yelled shaking her slightly, trying anything to get her to open her eyes. She slowly stirred and rolled around. I sat her up against the bath tub as she groaned “Ryan?” She asked weakly “yeah it’s my Danhiel, it’s me. It’s okay. I’m here now, everything’s going to be fine.”