Fork and Knife

Lights Will Guide You Home

We were on the highway when Danhiel started having a coughing fit. She kept coughing and couching putting her hand to her mouth when I glanced in her direction to see blood. "I think I'm going to be sick" she said loosing all strength falling back in the passengers seat letting her head roll back.

I quickly pulled over and helped her out of the car. She was sick from bile and blood. She vomited a few times before it was just gagging and her body went limb and she fainted in my arms. I quickly carried her over to the car laying her down in the backseat "Danhiel!" I called to her shaking her realizing she wasn't going to be waking up. I quickly and carefully moved her whole body into the back and shut the door racing around to the drivers seat jumping in and turning around until I came across a large sign that read Summerlin Public Hospital

Danhiel was immediately admitted into the intensive care unit and I wasn't even allowed in the same room as her. I had to stand behind the cold glass window and watch her be hooked to a breathing machine. A machine was living for her. I was the one that loved her, I took care of her, she was a part of me and we weren't even allowed in the same room. I stood there just watching them busy about in her hospital room. Docters had strong looks on thier faces, like it was a game show and they were running out of time for the right answer. The room was a tiny one with thin white walls, a white bed with a TV hanging from the wall infront and a crappy old chair against the wall.

"I'm sorry Sir, were going to have to ask you to leave." Danhiel's docter instructed me after a couple of hours as I sat in the waiting room outside her room. If anything was going to happen to her, if she was going to die tonight or tomorrow or next week, I would be here for it and they would have to arrest me if they wanted me to leave. "No, I'm sorry I can't leave her if anything happens, I don't have a phone how am I going to know?" I said as he looked at me for a while thinking of something to say. "Doctor, please. You have to let me stay... she's all I have left and were all each other has." I said. He looked frustrated but felt pitty for me at the same time. "Well we can't have you living in the waiting room because it's for use of the rest of the public also, so go speak to that nurse over there and she may be able to get you to stay in a spare room." He said.

I didn't have time to thank him before racing off to find the nurse he was talking about. She was sitting at the reception desk taking a call when I ran up to her and eagerly waited for her to end her call. "Can I help you sir?" She said looking up at me with a plastered smile on her face. "Uh, the doctor said you might have a room I can stay in, I'm waiting on someone and I can't leave them incase something happens so-" she smiled and stood up "yes, right this way sir."

I would visit Danhiel every day. It had been four days and they had told me I might as well go home because there was no hope for her. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do, listening to them tell me Danhiel was going to die and I would lose everything and anything I had ever loved, and for me to just stand here and take it. But still I wouldn't leave her.

Late at night I would leave my room and sneak into hers just to lay by her side and hold her. She was never awake and her body was pale and limb. I didn't know which would kill her first, the aids or a broken heart. The only thing keeping us together now was love. I loved her so much and never wanted her to leave me, and that was when I realized that I had never actually told her I loved her. After about three years we would share homes, bodies, loved, but never actually told one another we loved each other. I knew that from tonight, I wouldn't let her die without knowing that I loved her.

seven six five four and i'm all over you

Tomorrow will be a sad day