When I Watch You

What's the Dillio?

There she was again, sitting under that tree. She was there everyday, listening to her music. I watched her dance, and read, and listen, and cry, and sometimes even sing. Nobody else knew about her. Not the guys, not Jill, my girlfriend, not anybody. She was my secret, and if she knew, she’d thank me for it. She was so beautiful. I’m amazed that no one else noticed her. Her long black hair doesn’t blend in well at all, and well, she’s just so different. And, beautiful. But no one sees her. Almost no one, at least. There was that one girl, with the red hair. Sometimes she walks to school with her. They seemed to get along. I don’t really know. I don’t really know anything about her. But I want to.

I wonder what she’s listening to today. She seems really into it. Oh damn, that’d be my alarm. I’d better hurry up if I don’t want Jill to ask where I was. I just can’t lie to her, but I can’t tell anyone either. Oh well, I’ll just run.
“Where were you?” Jill asked as I ran up, panting madly.
“I … um… overslept,” I stuttered.
“Well, hurry up, sleepyhead, or we’ll be late.” God, this just isn’t right. I can’t be lying to my girlfriend.
*** FF TO LUNCH ***
“Ray. Ray. EARTH TO RAY!” I started to jump up as Gee poked me.
“What?” Whoops. I really should stop watching her during conversations, but I just can’t help myself.
“You’re zoning out again. I swear, every time I see you, you’re staring off into space.” This could be a problem. Even Frank’s noticing my spacey-ness, and HE’s spacey.
“I guess I just have a lot on my mind.” I hope they buy it. It’s not like I’m lying or anything. I DO have a lot on my mind.
“Okay. You know you can tell me anything, right?” Oh Jill, if only you knew.

“WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP ALREADY?” I think I’m losing it. I can’t even have normal conversations anymore.
“WHY THE HELL SHOULD I?” Oh no, now she’s really mad. Jill never yells and she never curses. That’s why I liked her so much.
“Please, Jill, don’t yell at me. I don’t want to fight with you.”
“Oh, I know where this is going. You still want to be friends right?” She resorted to sarcasm to hide her pain.
“I-I… I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Don’t worry, you haven’t. So who’s the girl?” she said, in a fake, happy voice.
“See you later.” She ran away, looking like she was going to cry.

Oh shit, why did I do that? I am such a fucking idiot. Did I seriously just dump the one girl who is ever gonna care about me? O my god, I did. Seeing as I was lost in my own thoughts, I didn’t notice when SHE sat down next to me. I didn’t know she was there until she spoke.
“Ummm…hi. I’m Misery. I guess you’re my new lab partner.” She sounded so shy, so unsure of herself.
“Hey. I’m Ray.” I smiled at her, and she seemed less afraid. I wonder what she had to be afraid of.
“Earth to Misery. Earth to Misery.” That red-haired girl walked up. “Would you like to introduce me to your new friend?” She seemed more confident and outgoing than Misery.
“Yeah. Umm… Ray, this is Lacey. Lacey, this is Ray.” I shook the girl’s hand. Lacey seemed to be giving Misery a weird look. Misery obviously noticed, as she mumbled, “See you tomorrow,” and almost ran away. Lacey looked at me almost apologetically, and followed.

“What the hell was that? Why do you have to ruin everything?” She’s doing it again. She’s keeping everyone away from me.
“What the hell was what? What the hell am I ruining?” Yeah, sure, play the innocent card, I’m totally buying it.
“Everything! You ruin everything! Just when I find someone willing to talk to me, to get to know me, you wreck it!”
“No, you wreck it! You’re just a paranoid freak who can’t hold on to anything! It’s not my fault you scare people, Misery!” Oh, no she didn’t. She did NOT just bring up paranoia.
“Paranoid? Paranoid, am I? Look at this and tell me I’m paranoid!!” I screamed, pulling down the neck of my shirt. She gasped as she looked at the nail marks and bruises covering my neck.
“I-I-I…I didn’t know…I’m sorry.” Lacey seemed genuinely surprised at least.
“A bit too fucking late, don’t you think?” And with that, I stormed off, leaving Lacey shocked and alone.

Oh wow. Did I just see that? Yeah, I totally saw her… her…Oh my god, her neck. Who did that to her? I’ll kill the bastard! Just let me get my hands on the guy! I started to get up, hands clenched, when I realized what I was doing. This is stupid. I can’t just go charging after a girl I barely know and demand to know who hurt her, when I’m not even supposed to know she’s hurt. Real smooth, Toro, real smooth. Oh, god what should I do? Should I find her? Or should I just go home, and pretend I didn’t see anything?
I am such an idiot.
This is what happens when you stalk people.
I wasn’t stalking her. I just….
You just watched her all the time and followed her when she went places. How could mix that up with stalking?
Oh, shut up. You’re supposed to be on my side. You’re MY brain, for god’s sakes. Okay. I’m just gonna go home and sleep off my insanity.

1.Stop fighting with my mind. It makes me seem psycho.
2.Do homework. This is starting to get depressing.
3.Find Bob. Get him to help me out.
4.Talk to Lacey. Find out about Misery.

1.Make up with Lacey.
2.Get to at least one class a day.
3.Talk to Lacey. Find out about this Ray guy.
4.Figure out who’s been following me.

1.Find Misery. Make up with her.
2.Find out why the hell Ray’s been following Misery.
3.Find out who Ray’s hot blonde friend is.

“Umm…Hey Bob!”
“Yeah, Ray?”
“I have a problem.”
“And you need help with it right? Step into my office.” I led him behind the bushes. “So what would be your problem?” He told me the whole story. About how he followed her, her fight with her friend, her neck. He told it all. “Wow. I mean…. just wow. Is this why you’ve been so spaced out recently?”
“Yeah. It’s been going on for a while though.”
“And this is why you broke up with Jill?”
“Yeah…about that, how is she?”
“Well, aside from the constant crying most of the time, and the total silence the rest of the time, the whole anal bitch thing, she’s great. Oh, and she told Dana Carbonetti to fuck off.”
“WHAT? JILL cursed? Out loud? In public?”
“Uh huh.”

“Ummm…. Ray?” It was Lacey.
“Ummm…I...uhh…was wondering...uhhh…” She couldn’t quite get the words out.
“What, Lacey?”
“CouldyouintroducemetoyourfriendBob?” It all came out in one breath.
“Umm… could you say that again?”
“Could you introduce me to your friend Bob?” She seemed…how can I say it? ..Nervous as hell.
“Yeah, sure, why?” Okay, looking back I realize that was probably one of the stupidest things I could’ve said at that point, but alas, I am a guy.
“Uhh…cause, umm…uh…. ilikehim” she said in a tiny voice.
“YOU WHAT?” okay, then. Note to self: try to stop freaking girls out.
“I like him?” Shit. She looked like she was gonna cry.
“Oh, umm…okay then. Sure, I’ll introduce you two. Uhh…I was sorta having this party sorta thing tomorrow night. Do you wanna come? I’ll introduce you there.”
“Oh, umm…okay.”
“Umm…do you think you could bring Misery?” breath, ray, breathe.
“Oh, sure. She’d LOVE to come.” Oh shit. Is she being sarcastic? What does that tone mean? AHHH GIRLS ARE SO CONFUSING!
“Oh, that’s great. See you tomorrow then.”

“Hurry up, bitchface, we’re gonna be late!”
“We already ARE late, slutbag!”
“Well, we’re here, so SHUT UP!”I said as I rang the doorbell.
“Hello?” Standing at the door was a pale girl with long, long, long, straight black hair, not Ray, or Mikey, or Gerard, or Frank, or Haley as we expected. “Are you Rose and Julia? Ray said you were coming.” She seemed afraid of us.
“Yeah, that’s us. Can we come in?”
“Yeah, sure. Everybody’s downstairs. They’ve been mixing up this gross drink for hours and hours.” There was a disgusted look on her face.
“Hahaha! Julia, we’re just in time. They’re about to play ‘I Never’!!”
“So they were going to start without us, were they?” Julia and her anger management problems.
“Why yes, my darling sister, we were.”
“FRANKEH!!!! I missed you!” I yelled as I glomped him.
“Are they going out or something?” the girl asked from behind me. Julia and I jumped.
“Why yes they are. And you know what the best part is?” At the girl’s nod, Julia went on. “She saw him about an hour ago.” The girl doubled over laughing at that.
“Are they always like this?”
“Pretty much.” She had the prettiest smile. “I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.”
“It’s Misery.” Misery looked down, like she was ashamed.
“I’m Julia. You have a very cool name.”
“You’re welcome. Come one, let’s leave the lovebirds and go downstairs.”
“HEY, I HEARD THAT! I refused to be called a bird!” What can I say? I am not a bird.
“Okay, then. We’ll leave the loveMUFFINS and go downstairs.”
“No need, we’ll come.”

We walked down the stairs into Ray’s basement. I have to say, Ray has the coolest basement. We all helped redecorate it. All seven walls were different colors, red, purple, black, orange, green, blue, and pink. All neony-bright, except for the black of course. On top of that, we splattered all the other colors. Then we put down black carpet, and random bright furniture. All in all, it was very cool. And there was a fridge. Sitting on the random bright furniture was everyone else, meaning Ray, Bob, Mikey, Gerard, Haley, and some other girl I didn’t know. I ran over to Haley, screaming, “AHLEY!!!” Biiiiggg hug! (Group aww everybody.) She kind of stood there awkwardly. “Oh, come on Haley, don’t be weird just because we’re in public now.”
“EW! Rose, you KNOW I don’t think of you like that!”
“But, Haley, you said nothing would ever keep us apart!” I pretended to sob and ran over to Julia, who pretended to comfort me.
“Umm, excuse me but who are you?” The girl we didn’t know piped up.
“Lacey, they’re Rose and Julia, duh.” Misery told her.
“And Rose and Julia are?” This Lacey girl was starting to piss me off. Luckily Frank came to the rescue.
“My sister and my girlfriend.” He walked over and put his arms around us.
“And which one of you is which?” Wow, thanks for making me feel like a hamster.
“I’m Rose, the girlfriend,” I said, and went over to Gerard who was making the drink.
“And I am the fantabulous Julia, who is unfortunately related to this shrimp.”
“Hey! I happen to like shrimp!” Well, I do.
“Don’t we all know it.”
“Why hello, Bobby-boy. I didn’t see you over there. Ahh! And now I’m glad I didn’t. What on the ass of the earth are you wearing?”
“Umm, clothing?” Eek, if that’s what he wanted to call it.
“I’m sorry, but I just can’t classify that as clothing. Lime green hoodies with neon orange flowers on them do NOT count as clothes.”
“That’s odd, considering I took it from your room.”
“One, now that I think about it, it does look somewhat familiar. Two, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM???????????” Damn that anger of mine.
“Rose, please don’t kill Bob, we like him. And secondly, Bob, what were you doing in Rose’s room?” Frank is slightly overprotective. Not that I mind.
“I…uhhh… She brought me in there!” Now Frank was looking at me.
“Umm…I did, so what?”
“So, why were you bringing some guy in your room?” Everyone else had backed away from us.
“One, Bob’s not SOME guy. Two, he happened to be my boyfriend at that point in time!”
“Oh really now? And when were you going to tell me?”
“I wasn’t planning on it, because you’d get all overprotective and high on testosterone and beat him up, and he happens to still be one of my friends, and I don’t like it when my friends get beat up!” I was screaming now.
“How do you know I would have beaten him up, huh? Maybe I would’ve been fine with it! Maybe I wouldn’t’ve cared! Did you think about that?” Now he was yelling too. I started to cry, I couldn’t help it. “Aww, baby, don’t cry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. C’mere.” He opened his arms and I fell into them.
“I’m such an idiot. I can’t believe I just went and ruined Ray’s party by crying. I’m so stupid,” I sputtered as Frank rubbed my back.
“Don’t worry about it. You wanna cry at my party, you go right ahead,” Ray said, as he patted my head.
“Hey! I’m not a little kid! You’re not allowed to pat me on the head!”
“That’s our Rose.”

“Okay, now that I’ve gone and killed the mood by crying, anybody wanna play I never?”
“Just hold on a minute there, I’m not done yet.” Gerard was fussing over his bowl of liquid crap.
“Oh wait, I forgot, I brought something to put in!” Oh they are gonna love this.
“Yeah, well hurry up, put it in, that’s all that’s left.” I looked at him mischievously, walked over to the bowl, and spit into the bowl. A huge spit, I might add.
“Aww, now that’s just gross!”
“Shut up, Julia, I’ve done it before. Besides, who knows what Gerard put in there?”
“Shut it guys. It’s all done,” Gerard said, as he carried the bowl over to the table.
“Umm…I hate to say this, but how do you play?” Oh right, Lacey hasn’t ever come to a party of ours, she wouldn’t know how to play.
“Okay, these are the rules. You start with one person, and they say something they’ve never done. For example, Ray could say, I never straightened my hair. Then, anyone who has done it, takes a drink. So Julia here would have to take a drink. And it must be the drink we have prepared. Got it?” I feel so smart.
“Ummm…sure. So who’s going first?” Ahh, Ray speaks at last.
“I will,” I volunteered, and dipped my cup into the bowl.

“I never did anything incest-related.” Haha, look at Misery and Lacey. They obviously don’t know us very well. Frank, Julia, Gerard, and Mikey all took a drink. “So, how is it? Is my spit to your liking?” Julia nodded enthusiastically.
“Okay, it’s my turn now,” Frank said, as he was sitting next to me. “I never took a shower.” We all turned to stare at him. “Well, I haven’t! I always take baths.” We all took a drink, thank god. “Okay, Julia, your turn.”
“God, don’t get your knickers in a twist, I’m thinking. I’ve got it! I never went commando.” She looked around expectantly. Frank had a guilty expression on his face as he took a drink. “EWWW! I really did NOT need to know that about my brother! That is gross, Frank, gross!”
“Okay Frank, now that we all know that slightly disturbing fact about you, it’s Gerard’s turn.”
“And now, I never did your mom.” He looked very pleased with himself.
“And just whose mother would you be talking about?” Ray piped up.
“Yours, duh.”
“Hey kids, I just came down to get a drink.” And without further ado, Ray’s dad dipped a cup into the bowl, took a drink, and went upstairs.
“Did he just?”
“I think he did.”
“That was just weird. Wait, does he know we play this, because there’s an entire refrigerator full of drinks upstairs.” Ray looked positively terrified by that.
“Yeah, I think he does. But if he minded, he’d have stopped us a long time ago.”
“I guess. So, who’s next?”

“Me, me! It’s my turn! I never drank my own piss.” Mikey looked pointedly at Gerard.
I took a drink. Everyone turned toward me. “What? I was high! Besides, it’s actually pretty good. A little salty. Will you all stop staring at me!?” I hate it when people stare at me.
“Since when do you get high without me?” Julia demanded.
“Anne gave it to me. It’s not like I planned it!”
“Dude, I was joking. Anyway, it’s Haley’s turn.”
“Fine! I never made out with someone of the same sex. Happy?” Haley sounded rather exasperated. (Me: BIG WORD!)
Gerard, Frank, Julia, Mikey, and I all took a drink. Wait a minute, MIKEY? Michael James Way made out with a guy? Judging from her face, Haley had the same reaction.
“You made out with a guy? When?” She blurted out.
“Umm…Do I have to say this in public?” Mikey is only a little afraid of Haley.
“No. You are allowed to whisper. Now, out with it!” He leaned over and murmured something in her ear. “No way!” Then she started laughing hysterically.
“I’ll go then. I never ran naked down the street,” Ray said.
“Thank God,” I said as I took a drink. “And you know it was a dare.”
“I never ran through a carwash,” Misery said quietly, so quietly we almost didn’t hear her.
“And I never licked a stop sign,” Lacey added, when no one took a drink.
“And I never had a huge, ginormous crush on Misery.” Ray blushed, gulped, and took a drink. “Got something you wanna tell us, Ray?”
Ray turned to Misery and whispered,” I like you. I like you a lot.