You're Smiling When You're Asleep - It's So Cute!


“Hey! That`s me!” yelled Mikey and pointed at the TV.
“Yeah, they show the interview of last week.” Explained Ray and sat down next to Mikey.
The guys of My Chemical Romance were sitting in the tourbus and watched the interview at MTV.

„The first kiss … when and with who?“ asks the young women of MTV.
“Oh ...” Frank explains: “It has something to do with ... ehrm ... how I met Bob.”
Bob begin to laugh loudly.
“Oh really?” she tries to be normal and tries to concentrate at the interview.
“Yeah ... ehrm it was a dark room, so I can`t really ... I didn`t really see with who ...” Frank stops and laugh his head off.
“It was weird!” he says and looks at Bob who can`t say a word because of laughing that much.
“The question is ... is he a good kisser?” The young woman wants to know.
“He`s in the band ... so ...” Frank giggles.

“Jesus fucking Christ! Why did you say that?!” Bob shook his head and smiled.
“You mean, Frank fucking Iero?” asked Gerard and Bob nodded.
“Dunno – I mean it`s the truth!” Frank giggled.
“A Fine excuse!” Bob slapped Frank at the shoulder.
“Hey, I`m sorry, okay?” Frank took a new piece of pizza and ate it in silent.
“Hey let`s play somethin`!” Ray shouted and everybody looked at him.
“Yeah?” asked Mikey.
“Yeah. What about `Anywhere but here`?”
“Okay!” Gerard said.
“It´s your turn!” Bob pointed at Ray.
“Hmm, let me see ... ehrm I`m at home and sleep the whole day.”
“Please, how lame is that?” asked Frank and sighed.
“And I´m riding a unicorn. It´s pink and ... dunno, it makes me happy.” Everybody laughed.
“I`m in Los Angeles and buy what ever I want ... shoes for example.”
“Yeah, you have no shoes ...!” Frank said ironically.
“Just a few ...” Gerard cackled.
“How much shoes do you really have, Bob? 40?” Ray asked Bob who just shrugged his shoulders.
“Gerard where are you?” asked Bob him.
“I´m living in a big dark castle faaaaar away from you and I´m a vampire – who wants to live with me in my castle?!” Gerard asked and blowed Frank a kiss.
“I´m in a whirlpool full of chocolate with ... a sexy person!” told Frank.
“Come on Frank, you have to say a name!” Bob slapped him again.
“You can choose one of us. Who is in that delicious whirlpool with you?” Ray smiled.
“Ehrm ... Bob would eat all the chocolate and then the whirlpool is empty .. no, Bob I won`t take you with me ... Mikey reeks of that fucking unicorn! And ... Ray sleeps, so I have to take Gerard with me.”
“Okay!” Gerard jumped and sat down on Frank`s lap.
“Wanna be with me in the whirlpool tonight?” whispered Gerard into Frank`s ear and he smiled.
“What did you say?” asked Bob and slapped Gerard.
“Hey Bob, why are you slapping and hitting everything and everyone today?”
“Dunno...” Bob laughed.
“Alright, I wanna go to bed ... I´m fucking tired.” Frank yawned.
“Me too.” Mikey followed Frank to the area of the tourbus with the bunks.
Frank took his pants and his favourite Shirt off and lay down. He sighed, flipped over, so he could face the narrow hall between the bunks. Gerard`s bunk was above his and Mikey`s was next to Frank.
“Sleep tight!” said Mikey from the opposite site of the hall.
“Yeah, nice dreams.”
Frank closed his eyes and a few minutes later he slept fitfully.

Gerard sat in front of Frank`s bunk. The young boy slept with his mouth open. He just looked that cute and Gerard began to smile and giggled.
Frank snarled a bit and turned over so he lay on his back. Gerard laughed gently.
Suddenly Frank shows a charming smile.
“Frank? Are you awake?” Gerard looked at his friend. No answer.No reaction.
He just lay there and smiled all over his face.
Gerard laughed at the prettiness of Frank.
Frank opened his eyes slowly.
“Gerard – what the bloody hell are you doin`?” he murmured and sat up.
“You`re smiling when you`re asleep. Hope you know that?”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah ... you look damn pretty when you do that.”
“Do I?” Frank rubbed his eyes.
Gerard leaned forward and kissed him. Frank warpped his arms around Gerard and deepened the kiss. Gerard pulled away and a smile flashed over his face.
“Yes, you do.”
“Shut up and kiss me.” Whispered Frank and the lips of the two guys were meeting again.
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