You Brought Me Your Love

Surprises Can Be Good

Leaving the city streets of London and trading them for the rough cities of New Jersey, I'm a 22 year old woman singing in her own rock band that she has dreamt of doing her whole life. But something was missing in her heart, that perfect someone a person to hold and love her something she has long for a long time.

This story is about Roxxy a red hair punk from London and her band “Revenge”. Roxxy's band consists of 5 elements
1.Roxxy being the singer, Grew up in south east England loves singing and drawing.
2.Jak the lead guitarist, An amazing one and he's the tallest one of the group with long black hair with a fringe covering one eye and wears a lot guy liner, Jak is Roxxy's twin brother.
3.Danny the rhythm guitarist Jak's best friend short spikey hair also a lover of guy liner.
4.Kat the bass player Roxxy's best friend from the age of 5 years old, she a girly girl that loves pink and has pink hair and pink everything in fact.
5.Jimmy J the drummer He is the mad one of the group he has green hair and smokes a lot of weed but he is one hell of a drummer.

No one's POV

Roxxy sat down on the cold wooden deck chair of the hotel balcony, she sat there staring at the dark starly night sky. Her and her band were currently in New Jersey touing.

Roxxy felt a slight tap on her shoulder, she slowly turned around to see Jak smiling and handing her a can of ice cold beer he walked around to Roxxy's right side and sat on the other deck chair. They both sat there for a few moments in silence until Jak said

“Oh by the way, Brian said we are going to be supporting a band for the next few months, he said he call us tomorrow to lets us know when we meeting them and all that.”

Roxxy turned her head to Jak's direction looking contently with her green eyes

“oh do you know who it is?” she replied with out breaking eye contact.

Jak pondered for a moment to see if he remember Brian mentioning who the band was.

“Erm......No he didnt mention who it was, all he said it was a famous band and it was surprize” Roxxy turned her head back and said
“Damn I hate surprizes”
Jak stood up from his chair and said
“you never like anything”
Then he walked back though the balcony doors of the hotel room leaving Roxxy sitting there wondering of what the new band is they are joining on tour with.

Roxxy's POV

I was just laying there in the dark all the other guys were asleep. Having a big double bed to yourself makes you realise that your alone in the world, I need someone to fill that loneliness and complete my heart. Without knowing it that will happen very soon because I am unaware that the band we will be meeting contains someone that I have been longing for, the guy that would change everything with just one look with his amazing hazel eyes. My body cant fight the tiredness any longer so my eyes draw to a close sending me into a dreamless sleep as tomorrow will be so much different then any other.
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this has been taking a while to plan out in my head but hopefully u like it please please i beg plz read and comment i need people to give me advice or if u want co write that would be great thanks