'My Hero; He's Ordinary'

Part one of one

Something was plaguing her mind. She lay in bed, brown hair fanning out on the pillow underneath her graceful head. She wondered if what they said was true.

'He doesn't care about his fans'

'He's neglecting the band and trying to change the band to fit in'

'He's changed; he's selfish'

Buzzing around her mind, these words stabbed at her heart. The luminescent red numbers of her digital clock flickered as they changed; 2.30AM.

As she stared at her beautiful poster of him on her ceiling, she let her thoughts run wild.

He's perfect. Beautiful, amazing and talented. Would he really be what they say? Is he?

He's flawless to me. The guys are my heroes, my saviors, and him in particular. Is he really the dick they say he is?

He couldn't be. He's freakin' perfect.

She couldn't take it anymore. She wanted to see him moving on her computer screen. She wanted to see him move, walk, laugh and smile. She wanted to be able to hear him.

Launching herself to her desk, she managed not to fall over, nor make a sound as she opened her laptop. She then proceeded to press the button to open the DVD compartment. Grabbing her brand - new, freshly bought copy of LOTMS, she shoved it in and pressed 'play', and sighed as 'Desert Song' started playing through her headphones. It was as if this band was her drug, and watching this DVD gave her a high.

Time passed as she watched. She sat in the dark and silence, for fear of waking her family. She watched the screen as the five men she loved so much yet were clueless of her existence move on the screen.

Finally, the DVD ended. She got up, and walked back to her bed, her mind in a calm, dreamlike state. Watching her hero on that screen, watching him struggle and fall over, watching his alcoholism take over and consume him slowly; indeed, watching him recover, had done so much to her. She lay down and thought, once again.

Her clock flickered, and it was 3.40AM as her mind finally quietened as she lay on the brink of sleep, before finally focusing on one thought. Her mind blank save that sentence, she whispered it to herself and finally tumbled into the murky darkness of blissful unconsciousness.

'My hero; he's ordinary.'