Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance


Me and my mam have never seen eye to eye. It's always just been me and her, yet she never told me anything about her past. Sure I've asked HUNDREDS of time but she never wanted to tell me. I've always felt I've never lived up to her expectations. I was never a good girl, perfect daughter with little dresses and bunched hair. I've always been... different, I guess. I've never wanted to be perfect, or to fit in. I enjoy a drink, who doesnt my age? But my mother tends to think I drink excessively... I could be worse. She doesn't know half the things I get up to though, let's be honest, there are just some things a mother doesn't need to know about her precious baby girl, hey?

After one night when I got brought home by the police for passing out in the street, I guess my mam had really had enough. I had really over stepped the line this time.

"Bo wake up." She shook me awake, my head immediately started pouding with the hangover and i groaned at her. "I need to tell you something."

This woke me up. I knew it was serious. I sat up, still holding my throbbing head.

"What about?" I asked.

"I cant cope with you anymore Bodaceia. I really can't! Thats why I've decided you can go and live with your uncle in California. Away from the people that get you into trouble." She said putting her head in her hands.

"You've never mentioned any uncles to me!" I snapped. "God why dont you tell me the fucking truth for once about yourself!" I spat.

"OK fine!" She spat back. "I came to england right after my father died. I was 18, and i was lonely as hell, but I was stupid. I figured I could run away and just go back whenever i felt like it. I kept in contact with my siblings, I was the middle of 6. There was me, David, Allen, Marcy, Billie Joe, and Anna. I found mom had remarried 2years after I left and I didnt like it, so I didnt go back, I stayed here. I had you when I was 21, a year later. I kept in touch with Anna and David for a while, even started talking to my mom a bit. But looking after you made me too busy to write back after a while. I started writing again when you started drinking. I cant do this with you anymore, I cant fight the same battles Bodaceia, I'm not strong enough. On friday you're flying to my moms where you'll be sent to Billie Joe's house. He's the youngest and most able to put you right. No arguments." She got up and left me alone.

I got up walking through our flat to her.

"Thats two days!! You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I shouted.

"Bo, go pack." She sighed finally looking at me. The tears were shining in her eyes.

"Don't do this mam... how could you?" I pleaded. It scared the shit out of me thinking I was going half way around the world to stay with someone i'd never met.

"I have to." She looked up at me. "Don't you see Bodaceia? I'm not strong enough for all this..." Tears fell down her face silently.

I walked away from her, my heart breaking itself.

I packed quickly and quietly on the friday, showering and texting all my friends. I didnt want to see anyone, I felt too worthless.

"You ready?" My mam asked. I just ignored her, checking my appearence once more in my bedroom mirror.

I put my bags in our dirty banged up old car and sit there silently. I can't believe shes packing my off to people i hadnt even heard of until two days ago nevermind never even met.

I am so fucking scared.