Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

"I still love you Boo-da!"

The next week pasted without anything exciting happening at all except my decreasing need for alcohol – in fact even thinking of alcohol made me feel sick.
I lay on the sofa watching mindless Disney channel shows as Mike and Billie walked in discussing songs.

“My god, have you been lying on this sofa all day again?” I glanced at the clock and nodded grimly at them. I let my blue and blonde dreads fall around my shoulders loose and once again I hadn't bothered putting make up or even dressing myself properly. I lay in my new moon pants and a baggy tee shirt.

“What's wrong? Are you sick?” Billie asked me. I shrugged.

“Maybe. I got no energy at all.” I complained, Billie sat down on the other side of the sofa.

“But you sleep from 8pm to 10am?” I shrugged and went back to watching the TV.

“I'm going shopping! Does anyone want anything?” I sat up looking at Addie in the doorway.

“Oh my god, I am craving KFC and I am craving a McDonalds hamburger and god I want salted popcorn and bourbon biscuits!” I groaned my mind suddenly taken over by loads of random food, stuff I hadn't eaten for years.

“What?” Addie looked confused. “Are you kidding?”

“I wish.” I lay back down on the sofa. Addie came round and felt my head.

“Well you don't have a fever, what's wrong with you honey?” She asked concerned.

“Life probably.” I smirked at her. “Leave me, I'm fine, just hungry and tired. Probably because I got fuck all to do here that I'm just wasting away.”

“Come with me then to the supermarket.” She asked.

“I'm not that desperate.” I laughed at her. She smiled.

“Okay well I'll get you that popcorn and maybe the biscuits. I might stop at KFC on the way home – it'll be a treat eh?” She stroked my dreads then kissed Billie goodbye. Jakob ran into the room and sat down on my legs.

“Come outside and play Boo-da!” He pleaded with me. He was cute. Couldn't pronounce my name so called me Boo-da instead. Like I said – cute kid.

“I'm too tired Jakey. Maybe later.” I said sweetly.

“No, it'll be dark later, pleaseeeeee now?” He asked hugging me.

“Jakob, please we'll play inside later when I have some more energy.” He started to tickle my sides and I squirmed a little, giggling. “Stop it.” I said sternly as I could.

“Daddyy help me!” He giggled. I felt Billie grab my bare feet and begin to tickle them.

“NO DON'T!” I started to laugh and try and kick Billie away but he just sat on my legs with Jakob.

“Ooh this looks like a fun game!” Tre laughed coming into the living room. “Here Mike, do you want to help as well?” He said helping Jakob on my sides.

I couldn't help but scream in laughter and beg for them to stop. After one torturous minute they stopped and let me go.

“Okay, okay, I'll play with you.” I sighed, getting up after Jakob much to his delight. I shook my head at a smiling Billie as Jakob ran in the garden and onto the green grass.

“Your not funny.” I said simply walking out.

“Why were you laughing then?” He shot back after me.


After about two hours of playing on the swings and playing catch and hide and seek, Adrienne finally arrived home with the shopping and with a lovely KFC. My heart jumped in happiness as I carried Jakob inside the house on my back to greet her.

“Hi mommy!” He giggled as she lifted him off my back and hugged him.

“Well aren't you two best friends now?” She smiled at me as Jakey nodded happily, I just smiled back.

“Thank you for the KFC Addie!” I said happily sitting down and tucking into my crispy strips and fries. My god I was hungry.

I must have finished my food in around 2minutes just as Billie and everyone was sitting down digging into theirs.

“Yeah any scraps would not go a miss round here.” I said hopefully.

“Here.” Tre chucked me half of his own crispy strips.

“Where the fuck is this appetite coming from?” Billie coughed.

“Billie! Language!” Addie scolded looking at the kids then back to Billie. He shrugged and pouted at her.

“I love you Tre Cool.” I said eating down his food before he could take it back. I yawned grabbing a glass of water.

“Hey how'd you like to come to a bar with us tonight?” Billie asked me.

“She gets to go to a bar with you?!” Joey shouted at his dad, obviously angry with Bilie.

“She is 17. You are 8, son.” Billie said simply. The thought of alcohol made my head spin and I suddenly needed to be very sick. I felt the sick in my throat and couldn't do anything but run from the room into the little toilet room next to the kitchen. I emptied my gut and felt incredibly upset that I had just been sick.

“She's also an alcoholic!” Joey argued back to his father.

“Joseph! What's wrong with you?” I heard Adrienne scold him as I rinsed my mouth out over the sink and washed my face, breathing deeply. I flushed away my sick and washed my hands.

What the fuck was wrong with me, never mind Joey?

I re-entered the kitchen and sat back down at the table.

“She comes here, acts like a total drunk bitch and gets treated like a princess!” Joey spat looking at me with disgust.

“Shut up!” Jakob spoke up, tears in his eyes. “There's nothing wrong with Boo-da.”

“For fucks sake, it's fucking Bodaceia!” Joey shouted at Jakob. He picked up his empty plate and threw it on the floor. It smashed and if I was in my normal mood I would have celebrated his rebellious streak. “Maybe if I act like her, I'll get treated well!” We all watched him shocked. As long as I had been here, Joey had been silent.

“Get upstairs right now young man! You want to be like Bodaceia then we'll treat you like her.” Billie said quietly, anger written in his eyes. Joey ran from the room and stormed upstairs and slammed his door.

I, on the other hand, let my emotions run high and burst into tears.

“I've ruined his life!” I sobbed as everyone stared at me.

“Don't be silly.” Billie burst into laughter. “God what a night!” Everyone else started to laugh as Jakey came and climbed onto my knee.

“I still love you Boo-da, your my big sister forever and ever!” He said hugging me tightly.

I smiled at him feeling instantly calmed by this little munchkin.