Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

"Old enough to be your father..."

I sat downstairs listening to Billie and Adrienne try and talk to Joey while he screamed back. I guess the rebellious streak does run in the family. He screamed and slammed the door and they stormed downstairs. I sighed and lay on the sofa, Jakey sat on the floor watching tv in front of me.

Tre came in and sat on the arm of the sofa.

“Still feel sick?” He asked, feeling my forehead for a temperature.

“Mmmm.” I sighed, I was actually starting to get worried for myself.

It was weird for me to get so much attention when I was ill. Don't get me wrong, my mother was never negligent to me, but I guess in the end she just got so fed up with me coming in sick to my stomach from alcohol that any illness I happened to get, she naturally assumed it was from alcohol.
He glanced at his watch.

“Hey Jakey., bed soon little guy. Go get washed up and ready and persuade Boo-da here to come tuck you in, how that sound?” Tre smiled at me as Jakey ran up the stairs.

“Thanks.” I said sarcasticly, feeling sick once again. I ran to the bathroom and threw up a little more of my stomach. Tre came and held me dreads back.

“You're worrying me.” He said.

“I'm worrying me, never mind you lot.” I shot back washing my face and brushing my teeth again. I sighed, pushing my hair back. “I don't have a temperature.” I washed my hands and he washed his before we left the bathroom together. He put his arms around me from behind and hugged me.

“Get better please!” I laughed and felt a little flutter in my stomach.

“Thanks.” I twisted my head and caught his lips on me, kissing him tenderly and gently.

He hesitated before returning the kiss. I smiled and turned back around, walking away.

“What was that?” He asked, leaning on the door frame.

“There's something between us Tre Cool. You know, I know it.” I smiled looking at him. I wanted him there and then and realised that I was growing in feelings for him. I wish I hadn't met Will and slept with him stupidly.

“What about Will?” He asked, walking towards me.

“He was a mistake. You never made mistakes?” I asked cheekily. He reached me and stared down at me, he was taller than me when I was in barefoot and I loved that from guys.

“I better go see Jakey.” I walked away, knowing his eyes were watching me as I walked slowly and teasingly up the stairs to Jakey's room.

Thankfully, Joey and Billie and Adrienne had calmed down and they were coming out of Joey's room, arms around each other, Adrienne's face stained with tears. At that moment I saw my mothers own face, after many of our arguments and many nights I had spent away from home and I knew my behaviour was disgraceful and I was so damn ashamed of my behaviour. I avoided making eye contact with them and I felt very annoyed with myself, I felt guilty that I had influenced Joey to act that way.

“All ready for bed, hon?” I asked Jakey walking in, finding him all ready in his bed.

“Yeah. Ready to be tucked in, Boo-da.” He smiled, cuddling down in his bed. I started tucking his covers round him.

“Are you tired tonight? It's been a horrible night hasn't it? Joey was just so mean to everyone. Don't grow up like that.” I tucked him in and kissed his forehead.

“Your parents are so special and you gotta remember that right?” I smiled.
“Night.” I said turning off his light. He closed his eyes.

“Bodaceia. Come here.” Tre motioned to me, whispering to me as Adrienne was asleep in Billie's arms on the sofa as they watched a movie.
I nodded upstairs to Tre and we both tiptoed up to my room.
I sat on the bed, looking up as Tre softly shut the door and leaned against it, looking me up and down.

“This is wrong. I am old enough to be your father.”

“But your not.” I shot back smartly. “Look Tre, I thought there was something between us and you know what, people don't think rationally when they get feelings, they just get them.”

“Of course there is something between us!” He sighed and sat next to me.

“Billie would KILL me though, he would actually kill me. He has already warned me off you once!”

“Then we don't tell him.” I smirked, grabbing his face and pulling his soft lips onto mine. He responsed immediately, leaning me backwards onto the bed and kissing me with more force.

“I don't...” He whispered kissing my neck. “If I could keep it secret that I got you.” I kissed him back.

“You'll have to.” I pulled off his tee shirt as he pulled off mine. I felt his toned stomach and chest and kissed down it hungrily. It was unbelievable how horny I was for him, but to be honest I wanted him to be mine as well. I tugged at his skinny jeans and he slipped them and his boxers off before taking a while to remove my own sweat pants.

I won't go into details, but the sex we had was the most amazing sex I had ever had, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. It was over in around 15minutes, as we knew we had to be quick when Billie and Adrienne were downstairs, and there was no hanging around. Tre got dressed quickly and checked his appearance. I too got dressed, but into my pajama's instead and lay on my bed, watching him.

“Stop watching me.” He laughed softly, coming back over to the bed, grabbing me up in his arms and kissing me. “You were... amazing.” He murmured.

“What does this mean now Tre? We sleep together occassionally?” I said, a little upset.

“Of course not, this can be a real grown up relationship if you really want? But a secret one?” He smiled kissing my lips softly.

“Tre Cool, my boyfriend, there's something I never thought would happen.” I smirked at him.

“Come on, we better go downstairs before they get suspicious.”

“This is going to be fun.” I laughed getting up from the bed and opening the door and we rejoined Billie and a recently woken up Adrienne.

“Hey, where you guys been?” Billie asked, looking up at us.

“I was just showing Tre some good music.” I smirked at him.

“And it was rubbish.” He laughed, grabbing his car keys off the table in the living room. “Right guys I'll leave you guys to it, and I'll see you tomorrow?” He looked deeply at me.

“Can't wait.” I smiled broadly.

“What you two doing tomorrow then?” Billie asked, my heart stopped.

“Tre promised to take me shopping, he told me he wants to buy me some new clothes and stuff.”

“And new school stuff, because if she's staying here, she should get an education.” He said quickly.

“Yeah true true. Okay see you tomorrow Tre.” Adrienne turned back to the TV with a slight wave to Tre and he left with a soft smile at me.

“Right I'm off to bed.” I smiled going back up the stairs to my lovely room, falling onto my bed, happier than anything.

Until I realised, I was the slut that Joey screamed about.
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College again tomorrow so if the updates are a little slower, I am blaming the work load. (: