Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

Stupid Girl

The next morning I got up slowly and showered and got myself all pretty. I wore a my new white moon pants and blue platform boots under them and a tight blue tee shirt. I wore my black and blue dreads and blue eyeshadow and black lashes. I felt casual, but I wanted to impress Tre.

It felt weird to have a boyfriend, I actually have never had a boyfriend before.

“Bo! Tre is here!” Adrienne shouted up the stairs as I heard her open the door.
I almost ran down the stairs but I knew I needed to act cool and casual with Tre around Adrienne and Billie.

“Hey.” I nodded at him, grabbing a quick drink of water.

“Have you eaten today?” Adrienne asked. I shook my head.

“I'm not hungry.” I shrugged.

“Tre, make sure she eats.” Adrienne said, as me and Tre left.

“Of course, I'll look after her.” He smiled.

We got into his car silently and drove into town and straight past it.

“Hey, where are we going? I was looking forward to spending my boyfriends money.” I laughed. He placed his hand on my thigh and laughed as well.

“As tempting as that is for me, I want to treat you. So we'll go to mine, have a meal, have some fun, enjoy each other.” He smiled, pushing his pedal down and zooming to his house.

“Ah, I get it, fun eh.” I laughed raising my eyebrows at him. He shook his head and pulled into a cute little house, around 10 minutes away from Billie's.

“Welcome to Casa De Cool.” He smiled as we got out of the car, and he locked it behind me. He unlocked the door and stepped inside. Inside it was very modern and a perfect bachelor pad. I looked around the open living room and dining room with its cool chic laminate flooring and its pale blue walls. On the walls were many framed poster and tour pictures of Green Day, in case anyone didn't know he was Tre Cool of the Green Day fame. There was a spiral staircase on the right hand side of the room and dining table was in front of window on the right hand side. It was a glass table with cool blue padded dining seats. There was a glass coffee table which had the stereo remote and the TV remote and the DVD remote laid on it, as well as a few video games and game controllers. I smiled at the massive plasma TV hung on the wall and the massive squishy blue sofas surrounded it and the coffee table.

“So? What do you think?” He asked.

“It's very bachelor pad-esqe.” I smirked at him. “I wonder why you lot are round at Billie's all the time and not here!” Tre smiled and walked through to the kitchen and I followed him.

“So madam, what would you like to order from Chef Tre?” He smiled at me, opening the fridge.

“What can you make Chef Tre?”

“I can make... pasta?” He asked hopefully. I sat down on a counter and nodded as he set about boiling the water for the pasta. He set the pasta on simmer and stood in front of me, put his hands on my thighs and leaning to kiss me. I returned the kiss happily.

It was amazing how quickly we got into a comfortable relationship, it felt so right.

He put his arms around my waist and pulled me off the counter, holding me up around him and I wrapped my legs around his waist as we began to kiss more deeply, making out there and then.

“Save it.” I murmured into his lips. “Until after dinner.” He set me down and got the pasta ready and plated up and he went to sit at the table as I went to sit on the sofa.

“Hey, hey! We eat at the table.”

“No, we eat on the sofa. This is a bachelor pad Mr Cool.”

“I'm not a bachelor, I got you, and you obey my rules.” He smirked as I sat down on the sofa.

I started on my food, turning on the TV whilst eating. Tre finished his food and came around the sofa and started kissing my neck.

“Your a bad girl.” He murmured onto my neck making me giggle. “Put down the plate miss and get yourself round here!” I put the plate down and kneeled up meeting his lips over the sofa. He grabbed me and picked me up where I assumed the position of wrapping my legs around his waist.

“Time to go upstairs.” He whispered into my ear and carried me upstairs to the bedroom.


We lay in bed together dozing, Tre's arm wrapped protectively around my back.

“This is nice.” I kissed his chest where my head was resting.

“Yeah, we better go to the mall though now so that we can get your school stuff.” I groaned.

“Why did you have to bring up school? I don't want to go. I got pretty good GCSE's, like all C's and a few D's, and I got into Sixth Form, I just didn't go.” I shrugged. “I'm not being made to go to college here.” I snuggled into the bed sheets.

“What are GCSE's?” Tre asked.

“Exams at the end of school.” I said sleepily.

“Hey don't fall asleep” He warned me smirking down at me.

“I'm not...” I giggled at him closing my eyes. He picked me up and carried me off the bed.

“Come on, if we don't get some shopping the don't you think Adrienne and Billie will be suspicious?” I snuggled into his arms and he kissed the top of my head.

“I'll get dressed.” I huffed as he put me down and I took my clothes and underwear into the bathroom and freshened myself up and made myself feel clean.

When I came out of the bathroom 15minutes later, Tre was already and waiting by the door jangling his car keys.

“Sorry did I keep you waiting?” I smirked at him as we made our way to the car.

Shopping was... fun. I got totally and utterly spoilt, I managed to spend around $300 of Tre's cash on new clothes and boots. Although honestly I felt so jealous when girl fans rushed over to Tre and screamed and giggled and flirted their asses off.

What hurt me most though if I am brutally honest, was when the girls would ask if I was Tre's girlfriend, he would laugh as if it was the stupidest idea ever and protest that I was his girlfriend in every way he could. He couldn't wait to tell all the girls that I was Billie's niece, and even towards the end he wasn't even waiting for them to ask, he was telling them as quickly as he could. I felt sick that I trusted him. Most of all I felt ashamed that I was falling for him. Worst of all, he didn't even realise I was upset.

“Hey that was fun wasn't it?” Tre smiled at me over the top of his car as I set my shopping bags down on the back seat.

“Yeah, I guess.” I shrugged sitting on the back seat with my bags.

“Aren't you sitting next to me?” He asked, looking confused and hurt. How dare he be hurt!

“No thanks.” I shook my head and glanced out the window as two more fan girls came screaming over to Tre. They were stunning and I mean really totally unbelievably stunning. One had ice blonde hair which was perfectly straight and down to her waist and an orange tan, the other one had shoulder length perfectly straight chocolate brown hair. They were both wearing mini skirts, some sort of strappy top and stilletto shoes. I felt sick to my stomach as Tre beamed at both of them.

“Oh my god, Tre Cool!” The blonde one squeaked happily going up to Tre and wrapping her arms around his neck and he hugged her back.

“Hi Sandi, haven't seen you in a while.” He smiled at her, looking her up and down. “Your looking good!” He was positively glowing now at her and my stomach was turning and I was feeling very sick.

“Thank you gorgeous! God your looking sexy these days as well.” Tre turned to me and gave me a smile. “Ooh sorry babes you have company? She a bit young ain't she?” Sandi looked at me, her smile looking incredibly false.

“Hey that's okay, it's just Billie's niece.” Tre smiled. “So what are you doing back in town?” He leaned on the car smiling at them.

“Oh you know, sweetheart, shopping.” She giggled holding up her bags. Her friends cellphone rang and she squealed down the reciever at whoever it was.

“Oh my god, who's that Loz?” Sandi giggled at her friend's behaviour.

“Oh my god, it is like, Andi and she says we have to meet her right now!” Her friend replied before beginning to slowly walk off talking on the phone to whoever the hell 'Andi' was!

“Aw I'm sorry Tre baby. I'm going to have to run!” She leant over, giving everyone in the world the biggest view of her cleavage ever, and kissed Tre on the cheek. I tutted loudly, rolling my eyes.”Ooh she is Billie's niece isn't she?” She giggled and gave me a false smile again.

“What you smiling at?” I shot at her. “What the fuck is that stupid bimbo smile doing plastered on your plastic face when you look at me?” I got out of the car.

“Oh how cute, she's English.” She smiled at me. “Bye baby!” She kissed Tre again on the cheek and left us.

“What was that about?” He asked me shocked as I got back in the car.

“Just take me home.” I grunted at him, ignoring him for the rest of the journey.

“What's wrong babe?” Tre asked,jumping into the car and setting off. As we drove past Sandi and 'Loz' he beeped his horn and waved, as they giggled and waved back.

I just looked out the opposite side as we zoomed back to Billie's.


Pulling up in Billie's drive, I grabbed my bags and ignored Tre. I stormed straight up to house, leaving Tre to lock up the car as I stormed straight up to my room, throwing my stuff on the floor in an angry mood.

“Bo?!” I heard Billie shouting up the stairs. “Are you okay?”

“Leave me alone!” I shouted back, turning on the stereo in my room with my Atreyu CD in and drowning out the sound of Billie shouting at me.

I felt so betrayed by Tre, which was stupid because in actual fact we had only been going out a day, but still it was my longest relationship yet. Call me an idiot but I had really started to fall for him. I was sat on my floor under the window just trying to relax and forget about Tre and forget we even had sex and we even had a relationship. In my head, we were over, we were dead to me now.
My door was pushed open and Billie walked in. He crossed the room to the stereo and turned my music down.

“What do you think your doing?” I fumed at him. He sat down next to me.

“Tre mentioned that he thinks he's upset you. What's happened?” Billie asked.

“Nothing. Mind your own.” I turned from him, hiding my tears and heartache from him.

“Tre said his ex girlfriend might have upset you? Bo I don't need to explain this to you, but please don't go falling for Tre. One he's old enough to be your father and two commitment and Tre does not mix.” Tears began to fall.

“I just feel so stupid.” I leaned onto Billie and he hugged me tightly as I just let my tears drown us both.
♠ ♠ ♠
College started three days ago; I've already managed to sleep in once. Not a good start.
Comments make me update quicker (: