Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

Cheeky smirks and flirting

The next week and a half was tense. I managed to avoid Tre at every cost whenever he came round and I knew he didn't want to come and try and talk to me incase Billie or Adrienne got suspicious. Billie thankfully didn't tell Tre or Adrienne about my crying over Tre. I was getting slowly over Tre I believed, and I kept the hope of a nice relationship with him out of my mind.

“Billie?” I asked one evening, going into the study where Green Day were slaving over some new lyrics.

“What's up?” I avoided Tre's stare at me although Billie didn't even look up from the piece of paper they were scribbing ideas on.

“Do you think it'll be possible if I go down to see Will?” A flicker of hurt flashed across Tre's face and he looked quickly back down to the paper.

“Sure, you want some money?” Billie fumbled getting out his wallet. I held out my hand and smiled sweetly at him as he handed me $20.

“Thank you! I won't be late.” I was wearing a new dress that Tre bought me and I knew he knew it. The thing is, I looked damn good. I had made an effort and I knew it had paid off. My new dress was a pale pink and white pinstripe strap camisole dress that was quite short, and beneath it I was wearing a hot pink bra which you could see the straps on. I was wearing pink and white stripey socks that reached my thighs and bright pink platform shoes. My dreads were ice blonde and my make up was minimal.

“Wait! Billie you can not let her go to a bar dressed like that? She will be eaten alive!” Tre said quickly as I turned for the door.

“What?” Billie glanced up and caught sight of me. “Bodaceia, go put a pair of pants on please. That dress is like a top.”

“If Tre knew I wouldn't be aloud to wear it, why did he buy me it?” I shot back, hands on hips, staring at Tre Cool, who began to turn red.

“Tre bought you that?” Billie turned and looked at Tre who avoided the look.

“Look I am going out in this, do not tell me what to wear.” Billie sighed as I began to walk out the door.

“Since wearing that is your fault, Cool, go with her.” Tre pushed his chair back.
I sighed deeply. How could Billie do this to me? Tre jangled his keys at me and we left the house silently.

We had the most awkward car journey ever and I did a brilliant job of not even looking at Tre. I was depressed to be sitting in the same car as him, and now he was coming with me to see the guy who I slept with before him.

Tre pulled up at his house and he got out and unlocked his front door.

“Come in?” He asked hopefully. I ignored him and stayed sat in the car.
“Bodaceia, do not ignore me any more!” Tre flew open my car door and stood looking at me, I huffed and got out of the car and walked into the house. He shut the door behind himself and stared at me. I sat down on the sofa and didn't even look at him.

“What have I done that is so disgusting that you can not even look at me? You were meant to be my girlfriend and then you announce your going to see him? At a bar?” Tre said, standing straight in front of me. I rolled my eyes at him. “No! Do not roll your eyes at me, Bodaceia. You will give me a straight answer.”

“I am not your girlfriend, it was stupid to even think I was.” I spat at him. “If you care as much as you are claiming you do, then why the hell were you flirting with every little fan girl who came running over to you and throwing themselves at you?!” I fumed and looked straight in his eyes. On his face, realisation fluttered across and he struggled to keep from smiling.

“Aw babe.” Tre sat down next to me. “Come on, your the one who said we have to act normal. If I didn't act flirty with them, do you know how many fans we'd lose? It's just something you have to deal with.”

“I did deal with it! Until Sandi came over and started being a total slut to you and I can't deal with that. I can not deal with that sort of relationship, I don't want a hidden one that means that you can flirt with every girl who comes your way.” Tre tried to put his arm around me and I shrugged him away and turned from him.

“Bo, babe, seriously I was just being friendly, there is absolutely nothing left between me and Sandi. She's just that sort of girl that likes to be all touchy-feely.”

“Yeah you should know.” I scoffed. Tre sighed next to me and got up.

“There's obviously no talking to you. So we might as well forget about us eh?” When it was put into words I felt my heart tear a little, not break. I felt disheartened, I wanted Tre to fight for me, to make me take him back. I wanted him to take me into his arms and hold me and never let me go and forget every other stupid little slut in the world.

It wasn't going to happen was it?

Tre grabbed his keys off the table (what is it with him and keys?!).
“Come on then, we might as well take you to Will.” I got up and marched to the car, with his following me and quickly zooming off to Will's bar.

Stepping out of his car as we pulled up, I walked in front of him, making it seem he wasn't even with me. I walked confidently into the bar and sat down. Will appeared straight in front of me.

“Hey you. I didn't think I was going to see you again.” That smirk appeared again with that cheeky tone in his sexy gruff voice.

“Well here I am, and I want to drink classy tonight. Can you make cocktails?” He smirked at me.

“Anything for you beautiful. I've been hoping you would come back in soon, and let me just say, you are looking incredibly sexy.” I beamed at him happily. He was boosting my ego amazingly and I loved every second of it. Tre sat down next to me.

“Hi, Mr Cool, your usual?” Will said amazingly suddenly none-cheeky, and none-smirky.

“And I'll have a tequila sunrise if you can do that please.” I smiled broadly at Will as Tre nodded next to me. Will went off to get our drinks and left me and Tre in an awkward silence until he decided to break it.

“So you going to sleep with him tonight?” I was shocked and hurt at that being his view of me.

“You weren't complaining when you had me in bed.” I spat at him. Will brought our drinks back and Tre paid for both of them.

“So what you been up to?” Will asked me, making conversation with me. Tre just sat there, sipping on his bottle of beer.

“Nothing much.” I shrugged smiling. “How about you?”

“Workin. This is my life, as pathetic as that sounds.” He laughed, going off to serve someone else.

I sipped on my drink, drinking about half of it, in around three big sips.

“You going to get drunk?” Tre asked me, I think he was trying to make an effort of a conversation with me.

“I was planning on being sensible but, don't feel like it now.” I shrugged, finishing my drink. Will came back over and poured me another one from the jug he made for me for the first one before.

“Thank you sweetie.” I giggled, taking a big gulp of my lovely tequila sunrise. Will smirked at me.

“I get off at 12.” He winked at me, going back to serve more customers. As it was Friday night, the bar was getting quite busy.

“So you are going to sleep with him tonight.” Tre motioned to him to get another drink and Tre paid for both of them.

“Screw you, leave me alone. There is some plastic bitch over there for you to fuck.” I spat at him, going over to the opposite end of the bar and getting away from Tre.

Drinking alone was nesecary at this time, and I really decided to get as drunk as possible. I ordered cocktail after cocktail and drank and drank until I was barely able to stand up. I was a giggling, drunk mess at the end of the bar whilst Tre was sat at the opposite end watching me.

“Bodaceia, come on lets go back to my place and sober you right up missy.” Tre said, picking me up in a 'wedding' carry. I giggled in his arms and snuggled into him.

“Bodaceia, where you going?” Will called after me.

“Have you seen how drunk you got her?” Tre spun on him, making my head swirl unbelievably quickly. Tre turned back around and placed me in the front seat. I giggled and grabbed the back of his head, pulling him down on top of me, kissing him roughly and feeling him respond.

“Bo, come on.” He kissed me back and kissed down my cheeks and neck.

“Tre, please, I love you.” I slurred out quickly and felt him hug me tightly.

“I love you too Bo.” He whispered into my ear.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have completely messed up this story - hence all the quick updates. Sob.