Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance


Tre took me back to his and phoned Billie when we got there to tell him that he had brought me to his because I was smashed.

And I was. It wasn't a lie. I was a giggling, happy mess who stumbled around Tre's beautiful place and made a complete tit out of herself.

Tre was happy though, he danced with me, laughed with me, make jokes with me, and let me lie in his arms for the night while I slept. It was actually a really perfect night. The euphoria I felt being back with Tre, after our major fight and break, was unbelievable.

I woke up the next morning, on Tre's bed, his arms wrapped tightly around me and the biggest urge to be violently sick ever. I pushed him off me, waking him up and ran to the bathroom and threw up. I feel I've been doing that a lot recently. I had put it down to not being used to the water and food over here.

Now I'm a little worried.

“Baby? You okay?” Tre knocked on the bathroom door. I flushed the loo and rinsed my mouth out, pushing my dreads back off my face. Honestly, I wanted to take them out at the moment. I sat on the cold floor of the bathroom and rested my head on the floor. He opened the door.

“God, don't even look at me.” I moaned, burying my face into my arms. He came over and pulled me into him.

“Hey what I said last night - I mean it. I hope you did too.”

'Shit, shit, SHIT! What did we say?!' I thought desperately trying to claw back the memory but failing. Tre read the look on my face and laughed.

“I love you Bodaceia. It's mad, but this week away from you, knowing what I had and that I lost it, it was one of the hardest weeks I have ever lived. Truthfully.” I smiled at him and leant my face up to his and kissed him.

“I love you too Mr Tre Cool.” I smiled as he hugged me tightly.

“Anyway, hangover of the century huh? Are you usually this sick?” I got up and quickly wiped my face, undoing my dreads in a matter of minutes and letting my normal hair fall freely out of the bun.

“You look so different without dreads.” Tre was staring at me.

“Different as in good, or different as in bad?” I glanced at him quickly, worried.

“Different as in different.” He laughed. “Your always beautiful.” He walked out and I followed, before he got me some aspirins to take with a glass of water. I stood in his kitchen and took them religiously.

“So, uhm, how much of a twat did I make of myself last night?” I asked, tentively.

“Well, we argued, then you got very drunk, I brought you home, you kissed me and told me you loved me and we stayed up for 3 hours and joked around and were fools really. And you know what, it was damn fun and I would do it again, all night next time. Maybe not with you being drunk, I can't handle the worry of you being sick.” Tre teased. I groaned.

“I should not drink. Although, I'm never sick.” I began to laugh at Tre's shocked face. I walked through to the living room with my glass of water and lay down on the sofa. Tre lifted my feet up and sat under them, so they were rested on his lap.

He flicked on the TV and we flicked to some trashy channel with shows like The Hills and Desperate Housewives on.

“Hangover TV” Tre smiled at me, rubbing my feet. I started to laugh and pulled me feet out of the way. “Something wrong?” He asked me.

“It tickles.” I laughed, holding my legs to my chest. He began to laugh at me.

“Your cute.” He said between laughing.

“Glad you think so.” I smiled, relaxing my legs, letting Tre pull them back onto his legs. I continued to relax and watch the TV as Tre kept his grubby paws off my feet.

I fell back asleep on the sofa and was woke up by Billie Joe Armstrong calling my name.

“Bodaceiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” I tired to ignore it, believe me. I really did.

“What?” I grunted trying to lift my sleep heavy head up.

“Get up, come on. Worst thing about the hangover, it makes you stay in bed and waste a perfectly good day.” Billie smiled over the sofa at me.

“I don't want to get up.” I whined before he gently tried to push me off the sofa.

“Please? I'll buy you new clothes?” I sat up quickly and felt the pain of a whizzing head.

“Billie Joe, why did you make me sit up?”

“It was fun.” He smirked at me. “Anyway missy, time for you to get home.” Billie thanked Tre for looking after me and told him he was happy we sorted out our differences.

“Yeah alcohol makes it all better.” I teased, enjoying watching Tre squirm under the weight of the secret of us.

“Okay, seriously, its time to come home now.” Billie thanked Tre again for looking after me as I followed him out of the door.

I sat in Billie's car on the way home feeling quite sick and I couldn't help it, and there was no way of holding it inside when I threw up my guts in the middle of Billie's car in a tiny plastic bag he had on the floor.

“Oh my,” Billie exclaimed pulling over the car.

“I don't think I'm very well Billie,” I groaned tears in my eyes.

“I think your hungover.” Billie smiled sympathetically at me. I slumped back in my seat as he set back off to home.

We reached the house in record time and I walked into the house, before realization hit me like a gun shot.

I ran from Billie and Adrienne's questions up the stairs and slammed the door shut. Grabbing my personal planner out of my suitcase I tracked the date in my diary, 4th July. I flicked back the pages frantically and my stomach dropped.

It's been 2 months since my last period.

It had been five weeks since I had slept with Will and it had been 3 weeks and 2 days since I first slept with Tre.
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Oh Okay, don't say it, I know it is amazingly predictable and I love it. I hope you do too!