Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

Doctor Doctor Give Me The News!

I felt absolutely sick to my stomach, and my heart was threatening to pound right out of my chest. I checked my planner about ten times and counted up the weeks before tears spilled down my cheeks. I screamed throwing my planner at the wall and hating myself more than ever.

“Bo?” Adrienne knocked on my door, opening it slightly.

“No, no, no.” I sobbed, sitting on the floor, back against the wall. She came into the room and sat down next to me.

“What's happened?”

“I'm-” I could hardly tell her. “I need to see the doctor please. I'm not well at all.”

“Sweetie, it's a hangover.” She put her arm around my shoulders and held me close.

“Please.” I asked again. She must have sensed my pain because she nodded getting up.

“I'll make the appointment, you go shower yeah?” She walked out, pulling her cell phone out of her pocket and dialling.

I stepped into the shower and thanked the hot water for calming me down a bit. I also thanked the shower for allowing me to cry and it to wash away my tears.
I refused to believe it, blaming my lateness on the jet lag or whatever, although I've been here for just over a month now. I dried myself off, after getting out of the shower and dressed very casually, drying my hair and pulling it into a scruffy bun. I wore a loose pair of flared jeans and a tee shirt, I didn't bother with make up, I just didn't feel like it.

“Bo? We gotta set off in a minute for the appointment? I managed to get you in.” Adrienne knocked on the door and looked at me. “You really feel bad don't you?” She said sympathetically, handing me a glass of water. I gulped it down, trying not to cry again. I nodded at her and wiped my wet mouth on the back of my hand. “Come on then, we might as well set off now.” She put her arm around my shoulders and we walked out the house together.


“So what seems to be the problem, Bodaceia?” The woman doctor, Doctor Hartman, smiled at me. I had asked Adrienne to stay outside, telling her I'd be happier going in alone.

“I think-” I took a deep breathe and tried to control my nerves. “I think I may be pregnant.” I looked down ashamed.

“Okay, well your 17 right? How long since your last period?” She asked, very nicely.

“Eight weeks, I worked it out before. I've been ill and listless for the past week.” She nodded and stood up, crossed the room to the a drawer and got out a little clear pot.

“I need you to go and pee in this okay? The bathroom is next door.” She handed the pot to me and I took a deep breathe leaving and going to pee.


I returned with my pee in a pot and she took it off me and stuck a wooden stick inside the pot. I was mortified that my pee was sat on the side, but she seemed totally unaware that it had just left my body. She took the stick out of the pot and it was turned a different colour. She held it against a little piece of card with different colours on.

“Okay, well I can tell you that your suspicion's was right.” She looked at me and tears came instantly to my eyes again. “You are pregnant Bodaceia and I can say your about, 3 weeks?” She managed to work it out from looking at the colours on the card. “So your not very far gone, I know your not from California, or even from the USA but I will have to ask you not to go back to England for a long time now, until the baby is born at least.” She looked at me sympathetically, people seemed to be doing that a lot recently.

“What do I do?” I started to cry.

“You have a few options, abortion, adoption and of course keeping the baby.”

“There's no doubt in my mind that I am keeping the baby, but what do I tell my family?”

“Tell them the truth. I'm guessing you know who the father is?” I nodded.

“But my family will hate me for who he is.” I stood up and thanked the doctor, wiping the tears from my eyes.

“I'd like to make you an appointment for in about a month, to get a scan and an idea of when this baby will be brought into the world ok?” She started clicking around on her computer and booked me a scan and an appointment to come back to see her.

“Thanks.” I said, opening the door after she handed me an appointment card. Adrienne stood up as she saw me coming out of the door.

“Everything okay?” She asked, smiling at me and the doctor.

“Yeah, every things fine.” I smiled weakly back at her and we walked quietly to the car. We got into the car quietly and I sat looking at the card in my hands.

“So what did the doctor say?” Adrienne asked me, I felt her judgement eyes on me.

“I'm-” Tears fell once again. “I'm pregnant okay?” She didn't say anything to me and she started the car.

“Say something.” I looked at her. She had tears in her own eyes.

“Whatever you want to do, I'll support you Bodaceia, okay?” She said quietly.

“Who's the father?”

“I'd rather tell him first than tell you who he is.”

“How far along are you?” She asked, as we set off down the road.

“3 weeks.” I sighed.

“That means the fathers here then doesn't it?” She worked out. We reached the house and we walked silently into the house together. Billie, Tre and Mike were watching a Green Day DVD and analysing their performances and Jakey and Joey were sat on the floor, helpfully and making cheeky comments. Basically they were all having fun.

“You okay?” Billie asked me looking at my tear stained face. I shrugged and walked silently into the living room and sat down on a chair.

“Tre I need to speak with you. Right this moment.” I said, crying slightly and walking out of the room. Adrienne's eyes were straight on me. I knew she was going to work it out.

“What's up?” Tre followed me into the kitchen and shut the door.

“I'm pregnant, I'm three weeks gone, and it's yours ok?” I garbled quickly and avoided his eyes. He gasped and fell onto one of the kitchen chairs as Adrienne walked into the kitchen, closing the door behind her.

“You two better start explaining. Your in so much trouble.” She folded her arms tightly across her chest and stared us both down. I sat down next to Tre as he put his arms around my shoulders. We were in so much trouble.