Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

What Goes Up, Must Come Down

Tre's POV

I raced round to Billie's and I flew through the door. Will hadn't seen her and I fucking scared about her, and about my baby.

Why the fuck had I said those stupid things?!

Billie was sat on the sofa with Adrienne, Mike reading to Jakey in the chair quietly and all in all it was domestic bliss. Billie jumped up as he heard the door go.

“What are you doing here?” He growled at me, and I pounced on him. I fucking pounced on Billie Joe Armstrong, over the top of the sofa, ignoring Addie's screams and I took him down. We hit the floor, with Billie firmly underneath me and I started punching every place on his scrawny body that I could reach.
Mike grabbed the collar of my top and wrenched me off him, holding me back around my chest and arms so I couldn't launch myself at Billie again.

“You fucking dick!” I screamed at Billie. “She's fucking gone! And I can't find her anywhere!” My chest heaved as Billie wiped the blood away from his nose and mouth. I noticed I had managed to bust his lip. “It's all your fucking fault!”

“Tre, calm down!” Mike shouted at me, as Adrienne wrapped her arms protectively around Jakey who was physically shaking in fear.

“If you had kept it in your pants in the first place, we wouldn't be in this mess.” Billie said quietly, staring at me. I fought desperately against Mike's strength so I could go and kick his ass some more.

“Armstrong! Not needed! Didn't you hear him? She's missing!” Mike shouted at Billie, not letting go of me.

“She's gone. She's gone. She's took her stuff.” My chest heaved with the overwhelming emotion that was filling my body, my soul and my heart. “My god, she's gone.” I said quietly, breaking down into tears. Mike relaxed his arms and patted my shoulders, sympathetically.

“What do you mean she's gone?” Adrienne asked me, looking straight in my face.

“We argued. I said some fucking nasty shit to her, and she's walked out. I've searched every bar, every place in this whole fucking town. Where could she be? I even desperately asked Will if he had seen her, thinking she'd go to him. And he hasn't.” Tears were falling down my face, my chest was still heaving, and Billie's face had softened to me.

“What did you say to her?” Adrienne asked, sounding stern.

“Does that even matter right now Addie?” Mike asked. Billie rubbed the back of his neck.

“Right okay, Adrienne you stay here with the boys and us three will go and circulate the area and drop into the station and tell them she's missing.” Billie grabbed my car keys and I was so grateful he was coming through for me. I knew he would.

“Thanks man.” I said following him.

“Whatever. I guess I can't change the fact you've got her pregnant now. No point being upset over it.” He shrugged as we leave the house.
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Short and to the point.
Title credit - Alicia Keys ; Karma.
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