Sequel: Daddy Cool
Status: Completed

Uncle Good Riddance

"Don't Kill Me!"

I woke up the next morning, head pounding from crying myself to sleep after Will had left me, and my eyes sore from all the tears they had squeezed out of them. I got up, desperate for some human contact, and honestly desperate for a hug from Will. I needed to feel wanted in this darkest moment. I never thought it would so much leaving Tre behind.

“Will.” I mumbled, seeing his back to me in the kitchen pouring cereal into a bowl and he turned to look at me.

“Yeah?” I just walked straight over to him and enveloped him one of the biggest hugs ever and he held me while I cried some more. he cooed to me as I cried into his strong chest, feeling absolutely no romantic feelings towards him at all but just so grateful at him being there.

He held me tighter than Tre had ever held me, and I willed my mind to stop drawing comparisons between them. I knew deep down in my mind, Will was the kind of guy I should be with, I could spend every waking moment in his prescence and I wished he wasn't leaving to the bar soon. But at the same time, my heart was yearning for Tre to come and make it all better, and I knew it was my fault he wasn't coming.

“You should ring Billie or Tre today. They'll be going sick with worry.” Will murmured into my mess of hair. I shook my head, clinging to his shirt.

“I can't. I just can't. And I won't.” I wiped my eyes on the back of my hand and ran my wet fingers through my hair, regretting it as soon as I did it.

“What are you doing today then? Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself?” He asked me, looking deep into my face.

“What else can I do? And I believe I have a right to feel sorry for myself.” I huffed, hurt.

“You gotta get out there and make your life right? Here.” He handed me a ten dollar bill after searching in his wallet. “Go out, buy yourself some lunch, and don't return home till you have a job that'll bring you some money for the baby yeah?” He said before taking sight of my shocked face and laughed. “This is for your own good.” He took my shoulders and turned me around, pushing me towards the bathroom. “Go shower.”


Once I had showered I saw that on the kitchen counter, Will had left out straighteners and a hair dryer with a note saying;
“These are for you. Good luck xx”
I smiled down at the note. I got ready and decided that since I was job hunting, I should look presentable. Instead of my usual clothes, I left my hair natural and straightened it. I put on a little eye liner and a little mascara and wore a pair of jeans, simple white dolly shoes and a plain white tee shirt. I smiled at myself. I looked nothing like me, and I was happy of that fact because if Tre was out looking for me, I knew he wouldn't recognise me like this. Will had also put my money on the counter and I grabbed it, along with a spare key he had given me the night before.


I asked in every shop I could find for a job and no one wanted to employ me. It was getting tiring, my feet were hurting and blistering and I was absolutely boiling in the summer California heat.

I sat down just inside the window of a cute café on the main street and ordered myself a lemonade, and enjoyed people watching whilst balancing my fingers on the ice on the top of my lemonade.

Watching people going past, I amused myself by thinking up little stories for them. Like the one large woman who was running down the street in a rush, I decided she was running to stop an ex boyfriend getting married to a woman who's even large than she was and called Max. It amused me okay?!

The scariest moment was when I was getting to the bottom of my lemonade and who walked past the window quickly, but one certain Mr. Cool. I choked on the mouthful I had just taken and got some very funny looks from the two old women on the table next to me. I jumped up from my seat and walked very quickly out of the doorway in the opposite direction that Tre was going in, but walked straight into Mike who was holding a missing person's poster. I jumped backwards, face like a rabbit caught in the headlights and felt a sudden urge to run.

“Bodaceia?” Mike asked, looking at me. I looked at him, run or stay, run or stay.

FUCKING RUN BODACEIA! My mind screamed at me, as I set off running down the street in the direction of Will's apartment.

“BODACEIA! STOP!” I heard Mike shout after me and people were looking at me. I barged straight through a couple, looking like a thief who had just stolen someone's wallet. I heard foot steps quicken behind me, and stupidly turned around to see Mike and Tre tearing after me. I ran wildly and blindly down a dark alley way that was boarded up at the end.

They managed to follow me down there, panting and huffing themselves and struggling to get their breath. Me, however, had adrenaline pumping through my veins and scared knowing I was trapped.

“Right, now, we just want to talk.” Tre panted, walking very slowly towards me. It reminded me of those old gangster films where they trap the helpless victim down an alley, and my first instinct was to scream 'Don't Kill Me!'

I really hope they don't kill me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Four updates in two days!
Ain't you a lucky bunch recently? (: